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Folks Of Interest The Shifters - Part 2

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Ryan, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. vonpahrkur
    Joined: Apr 21, 2005
    Posts: 978


    Anthony I met at Squeak’s too. He was there after a March meet one time fixing something on his then Model A coupe (he eventually turned the coupe into the bubble-topped “Brown-neck Bandito”). When I first met Anthony, somehow I got the impression that he was a jerk, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. I found this out after hanging out while he was working on his coupe that day and by getting to know him better after numerous trips down south to hang out with the guys. Anthony has chopped hundreds of cars and has had his own hotrod, custom and motorcycle shop for as long as I have known him. When I moved to Orange to finish School, I couldn’t have asked for a better friend or group of friends. I lived right up the street from Anthony and it was like I’d known the guy all my life, anytime I needed help, this guy was there. A real stand-up guy and also a talented, intelligent and ingenious car and motorcycle builder!

    Rob or “the Fat Bastard” I also met at Squeak’s, he was driving his ‘55 Chevy and it was there at pub-night on a Thursday before the March meet. The Fat Bastard knows his motors and can make em run and wind! He’s got a stable of cars and he’s got the know-how and skills to build em. I think we got along well because he’s more on the Country side and being that I come from Bakersfield it just seemed to work! Besides being a great guy that would do anything for ya at the drop of a hat, he’s also got a heart of gold! If that’s not enough, he’s got a model A coupe that boils the tires off and he’s a force to be reckoned with… punk
    The night I met the Fat Bastard, I also met Jeff and Vic.
    Vic and I instantly hit it off because we were both Cadillac guys and we both had had VW’s in our younger days, and we both appreciated a good Lucky Strike non-filter Cigarette. I have spent many a late night with Vic talking Cadillacs! Besides being a talented metal man, he can also build a mean hotrod and in addition to that he’s one of the best Carne Asada bbq-ers this side of the border and that’s right…bud!

    Jeff or “Phlimm”consistently finds hotrod bodies; this guy is like a model A magnet! They just seem to fall in his lap. When I first met him, he had a model A coupe and then he got turned onto a ‘32 3-window which he built into the now-yellow car that you see in some of the previous photos. Jeff and I share the same love for all things flathead and good fifties doowop! The other guys also share the same interests, but Jeff is REALLY passionate about these two things! J Which is super cool! Many late nights have been spent in his garage talking flatheads and drinking beers with doo-wop playing in the background, the louder the better…my friend! He knows traditional hotrods, has built several of them, he knows engines, especially flatheads and he loves Stromberg 97’s! He seriously loves them! I really mean it, like they’re his kids or something!
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2009
  2. vonpahrkur
    Joined: Apr 21, 2005
    Posts: 978


    The first Memory I have of Alex is seeing him do his impression of the “the crocodile hunter” at Paso and it was just hilarious! I think he was using a belt or chain or something as a pretend snake and he had all of us just rolling! He goes the extra mile when he makes a funny! Alex and Celeste’s place in Orange was right up the street from my granny’s house in Tustin so I’d always go by his pad when I was down that way. He was almost always messing around in his garage with something hotrod related! One time he had this go-cart and we loaded it up in the back of his ‘59 ranchero and took it to a nearby park and spent hours driving that thing around (where it was obviously not supposed to be driven)-talk about fun! Alex got the thing stuck one time and I had to run over and help! We decided to leave after we had our fill of terrorizing park-goers, I mean wholesome, lawful go-cart goodness! He’s had many hotrods over the years and has recently put together the blue ‘36 3-window coupe that is in the photos in this post. Besides being a successful Hotrod and music show promoter, Alex is a good businessman, a riot to be around and I’ve seen him put together more than his share of cool cars! When I first met these guys there was a black Carson-topped Plymouth that was always rolling around with them. I always thought this car was super cool. Eventually I met the owner. His name was Billy. Billy was an exchange student from Japan and talk about one of the coolest people you could ever meet! Billy always wanted a hotrod and it was cool to see his dream become a reality when he first got his T on the road and it has been awesome to watch his T turn into one of the coolest hotrods around as well as one of the fastest as far as flathead powered hotrods go! It was also a privilege to be there when he was initiated into the Shifters! I’ll never forget the look on his face as they gave him his jacket, he was so honored! Besides having the drive to get things done and being just an all-around first class person, Billy is also a great photographer and he has an excellent sense of style, oh and he has some super strong but good eye-drops! Byyyyye

    I first met Squeak at a show my friend was promoting. He had drove his 60 Mercury that was pink and black with pink and silver Zodiac tuck and roll upholstery. Talk about a cool looking car! The license plate read MERKIWI. After talking cars all evening this crazy Kiwi invited me to come check out his shop on a Thursday night for “pub night” You see in New Zealand, everyone gets paid on Thursday so they go to the pub that night and the joke is that everyone in the country is broke on Friday because they spent all their pay at the pub the night before! Squeak’s shop can only be described as super cool! This guy has been living the Hotrod dream ever since he came over to the USA in the 1980’s.

    We instantly hit it off and eventually I began working at his shop where I worked for 3 ½ years and then for another 6 months to help in the transition of ownership after he sold the shop. Needless to say I learned a lot there cock!
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2009
  3. vonpahrkur
    Joined: Apr 21, 2005
    Posts: 978


    When the Shifter’s told me they we were going to initiate Squeak into the club and that it was going to happen at Viva Las Vegas, I was stoked for him. Squeak had to deliver some frames to Nevada or Arizona so he would be driving his pickup with a trailer so I drove his Hotrod out to Vegas for the show so it would be there when he got inducted into the club! Squeak is a well of knowledge when it comes to hotrods, and most cars for that matter! He is one of my best friends and he is generous, super helpful, a skilled craftsman and a blast to be around!
    When I first met Hudson Joe, I could tell right away he was a good guy! As I have gotten to know him better I have realized that I was wrong, he’s a great guy. Besides having the coolest restyled Hudson I’ve ever seen, this guy has also recently built a super sweet aeronautical-themed Hotrod 29 roadster with a flathead Lincolnpowerplant that is in some of the photos in this post. It was no surprise that at the suede palace at the Grand National Roadster show this year that the Shifters announced he was the newest member of the their club. Well deserved I must say! Joe is a first class guy and he knows his way around a shop for sure. Innovative, creative, positive, encouraging and a motivator are all words that come to mind when I think of this guy!! A true asset to the club for sure! lelelele

    Road Trips to Viva Las Vegas, Hanging out in the carshow area late at night at VLV, Miraculous Roadside Repairs, Late nights at the Dollhut, The Antiblessings, numerous Turlock swap meets, Hotrod Reunions, La Roadster shows, Pasos, Shriner’s club party’s then Elks lodge then bowling alley, now Santa Maria, March meets, Primer Nats, El Mirage camping trips, Ratfink Reunions then Mooneyes Christmas parties, Antique Nationals and beers at the Cactus afterward, Whitey’s, accident benefit shows, Party’s and BBQ’s at the smaller shop/clubhouse in Fullerton and then at the larger one in the same shop complex, late nights of Putting last minute touches on cars to drive them to shows, lawn skiing in Marky’s backyard, BBQed Bear meat at Alex’s house, Kevan almost knocking himself out breaking a beer bottle on his head in Alex’s garage, me falling in the gutter while pushing Kevan’s Buick after it ran outta gas on New years eve, throwing firecrackers in the bathroom when Javier was taking a dump, Vic snoring like a bear keeping everyone up in the room at Vegas and anywhere else he sleeps for that matter, Skating Anthony’s ramp, Alex’s shows, Los Vecitos, The Foothill, Swimming in Anthony’s pool-once we finally got it filled on the third try after a couple tidal-waves, “acquiring” Anthony’s pool, Parties at Tony-C’s house and shop, Driving back from Hollywood in Kevan’s sedan with no headlights, singing about Chicken’ wings and watermelon in Anthony’s backyard, Sunday brunch at El Torito or Pancho’s(and yes we'll make it a double, my friend!), Sneaking into Long Beach swap meet with a tumble and a roll under the plastic fence, Waterfalls at Amestoys, snowboarding at big bear, hat parties, putting the last minute touches on the Sledge Merc then taking it to the Merc reunion at Sacramento Autorama, Seeing the PPE go down the track at Dragfest at Fomosa, Seeing these guys get married and start families and build businesses all while building cool hotrods and customs and motorcycles… I could go on and on, there have been 13 or 14 years that I’ve known these guys and so many good times and adventures!
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2009
  4. vonpahrkur
    Joined: Apr 21, 2005
    Posts: 978


    When I first met the Shifters I thought how cool... A group of guys that build their own cars and who really help each other get their cars on the road and keep them on the road and who actually do things together as a club, it doesn’t get much better than that! I was correct in my assessment back then, but besides being a talented group of guys and a cool car club, they are also a great group of people and some of the best friends I’ve ever had! You guys have inspired me in many ways, from building hotrod chassis professionally to being an Associate Editor/Copyeditor/Photographer for TRK. Thanks and I’m excited at the renewed energy that I see in your club!

    Keep it up guys, the tank’s full and there’s plenty of road ahead!
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2009
  5. OLLIN
    Joined: Aug 25, 2006
    Posts: 3,150


    found it. From Continental Restyling #21 September 96




    Last edited: Jun 25, 2009
  6. Great article !!! Really dig a lot of the things that are said in the second part of this. Man I can remember orange county in those days,with boyd owning a whole block,that is all you would see around the area.What a change you guys made. Hey Axle..... when do we get to see a encore of you spinning on your head? You do have some sweet moves. One more thing " Who is your Daddy" ? CLASSIC!!!!!!
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2009
  7. Noname38
    Joined: Nov 24, 2001
    Posts: 369


    Calm down and have a few shots of whiskey or something.
  8. Flying Tiger
    Joined: May 2, 2009
    Posts: 478

    Flying Tiger
    from Japan

    Wow, that was great. Thank you.
  9. whats up with anthony?

    when the shifter line up would pulled up to there own party at paso robles. they knew how to make a entrance all the open headers roaring was a sight to see and hear.
  10. Biggy
    Joined: Sep 23, 2005
    Posts: 75

    from Texas

    The Shifters got class...
  11. Broman
    Joined: Jan 31, 2002
    Posts: 1,487

    from an Island

    This is / was an impressive article man. I was about three years off the mark but when I found the Jalopy Journal (somewhere around '96 or '97) I knew this was the right place for me.

    A lot of that had to do with the Shifters and I have always looked at them for inspiration. Especially when the second wave of kids came in and ran away with the rat rod stuff. It was easy to see that some folks get it and some don't. The Shifters not only get it - they DO IT (as opposed to trying and somehow getting lost in the process).

    I attended the second, third and sixth Pile Up. It was the closest event that I could attend with like minded individuals. The mood and nuance of the first ones was ELECTRIC. Almost everyone there had it right. I can only imagine that it must have been like that everywhere the Shifters went to hang out. Must have been quite the thing to be a part of. The early Pile Ups happened before this shit popped off like it did and you could tell. The Last one I went to there were a TON of sweet ass cars.....but there were also a ton of junk ass rat rods. Some people still don't get it, and some who do - are trying to cash in on it. Makes me want to puke. Why can't people just build something to enjoy it? Why does it always have to come back to making a buck? Well, let' not open that can of worms (hate me without fucking up a good thread please).

    And I always thought I was just an asshole for not putting up with the SBCs going in everything. I never really picked up on the fact that the Shifters felt the same way. One of the biggest shit slingings I ever had on here was when I disrespected the SBC....boy, did I learn to bite my tongue. Hell - even Ryan jumped my ass - (and maybe even challenged me to a race, HAHAHAH....I'm dumb, but not that dumb). I just like to see all aspects of hot rodding to be perpetuated. I know the guys back in the day were putting all kinds of motors in all kinds of bodies....and I dig that....

    This was a great article.

  12. Broman
    Joined: Jan 31, 2002
    Posts: 1,487

    from an Island

    ....and to Ryan, I haven't needed a Hot Rod magazine in about 5 years. Thank YOU sir for keeping this place up.

    It has always been the greatest tool in my shop and that includes the gunslinging flame thread filled early days and today.

    The past few blog updates have been home runs dude. Keep it up - you always do!

  13. M.Edell
    Joined: Jun 5, 2009
    Posts: 4,183


    Alex "Axle" is a great guy.Helped me out alot when i was going through some rough times.I remember seeing the Shifters Car Club at Paso in the 90's.They were most definitely a huge inspiration.
  14. OLLIN
    Joined: Aug 25, 2006
    Posts: 3,150


    found this oldie from the anti-blessing
    thats Axle talking to the guy in the 55, and anthony's bubble top in the background.
  15. cuznbrucie
    Joined: May 1, 2005
    Posts: 2,567


    Very insightful interview......good questions and straight ahead answers, which is what I'd expect from the members of the Shifters........these guys really know what it's all about.......

    I especially liked and respected Axle's comment at the end about there being no *positions* in the club........soon as you have elected *officers* it always gets political I think.......nice that they keep it this way.......

    One day I would enjoy meeting Axle, Marky, and all of the Shifters out in California......seems we are never in the same place at the same time.....

  16. MUNCIE
    Joined: Jan 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,380

    from Houston

    Nice read and I really enjoyed both parts.Also dug the one about the Bean Bandits.I think it's very cool to hear about these clubs by thier own members.For me they set a good example of how clubs organize and function as a whole.Thanks for posting it up Ryan!
  17. hellbound gasser
    Joined: Dec 13, 2005
    Posts: 435

    hellbound gasser

    Been offline for quite some time, but Axle shot me a note and asked me to check out the article and maybe give my thoughts on the club.... I had no real intention of posting, but reading the stuff brought me back and made me realize that the Shifters really were the reason I even found out about traditional hot rods. My parents weren't car people, and I was more street race/muscle car in high school. I got the usual magazines, but when I was 17 (i think, it was around 98 or so) I saw the article about the PPE. It blew my mind. I had to find out everything about it and why it existed. That led me to Rolls and Pleats, which I immediately subscribed to, and then to an entirely new world. It wasn't just race cars or billet, there was somewhere in between that fit me like a glove. The first car I ever put together was the Nasty Rat 60 chevy gasser and a couple friends and I revived that car specifically for VLV the year I turned 21.

    Many of the Shifters are now friends and I look forward to every event they sponsor. I could say a bunch of other great things about them, but the article takes care of that quite nicely....
  18. Pinstriper40
    Joined: Sep 24, 2007
    Posts: 3,627


    Thanks for the inside look to another club's mentality. I believe strongly that a club should give and recieve opinions on each other's cars, projects, and so on. The interview questions were succinct and answered honestly and succinctly. I really like the points regarding improvement of member's rides and fit & finish. I think everyone should have a goal of actually finishing thier car, whether it be in suede or gloss.

    Thanks Ryan and thanks Shifters for sharing what you think makes a club tick.
  19. Sledge
    Joined: Feb 5, 2008
    Posts: 1,731

    from Nor Cal

    Hey guys,

    On behalf of all the Shifters, I just wanted to to say a quick thanks to Ryan and everyone on the HAMB for all the positive comments about our club. It's been a long time since we've heard anything besides negative comments about us for some reason. This story/interview has been very motivating for the whole club and we can't thank you enough!

    Long live the HAMB!

    Shifters So. Cal.
  20. slammed
    Joined: Jun 10, 2004
    Posts: 8,150


    Ironic, the second coming of real Hot Roddding came from it's original birth place: Southern California. Thank you fella' too Ryan.
  21. Evel
    Joined: Jun 25, 2002
    Posts: 9,044

    1. 60s Show Rods

    If any one is interested I have a some copies of Desperate Generation now available,,

    Pm me if interested...

    22.95 + 4.50 shipping

  22. 53chevy
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 1,570


    I'm Desperate, but NOT that Desperate (Hahahahaha!!!!!!). Great video, Thanks Evel for reviving this special video/movie.

  23. Jondefender
    Joined: Oct 7, 2009
    Posts: 3


    Very cool comments from the Shifters, especially regarding "rat rods". I agree totally. Makes me wanna stay up all night and work on my projects and drink beer.Good Times.
  24. The Shifters are cool cats! Axle is a good friend and i have been getting to know the rest of the guys recently. I bet most of you guys didn't know,my Merc used to belong to Axle! He traded it for his '36 3w,then slddnmatt got it for me from the guy who traded him!

    Here's a few pic's from the Antique Nats...
    In the staging lanes...
    Marky waiting to make a pass in the "PPE"...
    "Purple People Eater"...
  25. slick39
    Joined: Jan 20, 2008
    Posts: 695

    from dallas ,ga

    Thanks for sharing
  26. Damn BADBOB did not know that the Merc has a past!Thats cool.
  27. mal-capone
    Joined: Aug 28, 2008
    Posts: 27

    from Australia

    I'd like to thank the Shifters for showing me a good time wile I visited from Australia through out the 90's, and that it is possible to build a custom or a hot rod on a budget. Mal
  28. outstanding read
  29. magoozi
    Joined: May 20, 2009
    Posts: 1,800

    from san diego

    I am prowd to have these guys as my close friends, I remember when these guys first started buying parts from me, if one of their club members needed a part from me , they would all chip in and purchase it for him, I remember I had an old Jeraulds 27 T roaster body that marky wanted, they all chipped in quaters and lose change and bought the body for him, thats what a car club is aboat, helping each other out. This attitude inspired other clubs to get formed and thus created a rebirth of traditional hotrodding.
  30. I have some photos from about 92-93 at LA Roadster show of you guys in the swap meet the sunday morning after one of your hell rasing parties you used to have in the swap meet. I can remember you guys getting alot of heat from the LA Roadster club for the parties and your cars. I was coming over from AZ and hanging out with the Lucky Devils who have done the same thing with being underground from being burned out with the crap rods that have sprung up.

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