F@CK man, to see that 'shoebox' like that is sickening...i know you prob feel like you lost everything and maybe you did...The most important is your OK...but think about the support behind you homie--got to make you feel like the million dollor man & you are son. We love you dawg and stay up!
Thats awful sorry to hear that Tuck, it will be a hard journey but you'll get back up and running before you know it. Keep your head up bro!!
Good grief! That sux. Met Jeff at my very first pileup! Stellar dude to say the least! I don't have much, but pay pal on the way bro!
I know we will make thing's right. I have so manny memories from that building, and have met so manny good friends there too. I will do everything that I can.
Damn. For the past month or two, I have been working on the house and garages, repairs, roof, paint, remodeling, and no end in sight for some time. Busy as hell, then last night the f ing gfi shut off killing the sub pump = flooded basement...This morning I am standing on the front porch getting the kids off to school and notice water dripping from the ceiling = leaky roof....not good. So after lunch before I start cleaning the basement again, I want to get on the Hamb and feel good about some car build or one of my friends accomplishing some cool shit, and I read this......Tuck, I can't imagine what you are feeling right now. Just know that you have a ton of friends and we are here for you! Take the help....you deserve it all right now. Don
I can't even imagine losing all my stuff.. Hang in there Tuck and it will get better. Please let me know if there's anything can do!
This is awful news. I'm just speechless. Haven't gotten to hang with Tuck in a few years. Thinking about ya Tuck.
I feel so sorry for my buddy TUCK he's been such a good friend And was always down to cause some trouble.. Well this is devistating And I'm willing to help in any way... He's part of my family..
For some reason, my PayPal always comes from a defunct website of mine. In memory of blastnotes.com, donation sent.
Haven't met tuck......yet. Love his work. I will put together an auction for him after work. Look for it tomorrow morning. C
Oh hell no!Tuck, not very good news. Dont know a person with more hotrod passion. Money wont replace the treasures lost (but surely help). I can say I truely look foreward to the phone calls to tell about the latest score or build plan, Tuck always has something going. I am sending some pain relieving money, will help any way I can. Jeff
oh fuck man, if thats the hex im seriously going to puke. i dont even know what to make of this... damn, pretty lost for words on this one.
Tuck, I am very sorry to hear of this. For those of you that have not met Tuck, he is one of those guys that leaves a lasting impression on you. He is just one hell of a geniune nice guy and a blast to hang out with. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Donation on the way. Hang in there!
thats unreal, i shared the story with a few other forums to spread the word. Hopefully he will be able to rebuild soon.
new here but just by reading all the post sounds like Tuck is one hell of a guy. Sorry to hear about this.
Hey Tuck, let me know if you need anything or help with cleaning up things, I am sure a bunch of us that are local would be willing to help, please ask!
Just reading everyone resposes just shows how good the HAMB is to fellow brothers.. I heard about a few days ago and my heart has been hurting since.. I'm so glad that TUCK and Family are OK... things can be replaced... I love my Brother TUCK.. so sorry for this..
wow this sucks... damn it sucks... But it's good to see the HAMB stepping up to help out. I'm kind of stretched thin right now, but I'll come up with something...