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Projects The Wade Model A Coupe: Build Thread & Photo Journal

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Bass, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. Oh man... I had to go back and see what Bass was up too. So cool. Can't wait for some updates... this should be sick.

    Not sure why or how this all came about, but I'm guessing its gonna be good. Love this idea!
  2. Oh, I came in on this page and thought you cut the roof off your 29. I have to look closer before I speak.

    This Wade car is going to be sick, cant wait to see the 34 roof on it.
  3. Francisco Plumbero
    Joined: May 6, 2010
    Posts: 2,533

    Francisco Plumbero
    from il.

    Thanks for taking the time to put this up here. If a naked super model walked in front of me I would not lift my head from this thread, most likely would swat her away if she started licking my ear, that's how totally entrancing this is.
  4. Youa are definetly the master.....awesome detail and workmanship....
  5. daddio211
    Joined: Aug 26, 2008
    Posts: 6,012


    You're on your own here dude. You could always find this thread in the archives, but a supermodel licking my ear would probably never happen again!
  6. <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:punctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> <w:DontGrowAutofit/> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" LatentStyleCount="156"> </w:LatentStyles> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 10]> <style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} </style> <![endif]-->
    Its like being hypnotized as the pix scroll up – that’s good…ge.. really good …really really good…. from there on no words do the work justice… just keeps getting better and better.:D
  7. ZZ-IRON
    Joined: Feb 28, 2007
    Posts: 1,964

    from Minnesota

    mighty fine work
  8. oldman2
    Joined: Sep 9, 2010
    Posts: 2,373


    First time catching this thread, new to the site. Had to catch up on all of your stuff, couple of hours here tonight, but well worth it, SHIT THIS IS GOOD STUFF, keep us posted.
  9. reaper71
    Joined: Nov 14, 2010
    Posts: 141


    Well my first post! sick fab work and welding can't wait to see the top chop.
  10. Patdoody
    Joined: Feb 9, 2007
    Posts: 244


    Posting so I dont miss the updates! keep up the good work.
  11. lucky13
    Joined: Feb 7, 2003
    Posts: 121


    subscribing for the updates!
  12. BrerHair
    Joined: Jan 30, 2007
    Posts: 5,050


    Good God Almighty, Bass. Words cannot do your handicraft justice. Just phenomenal.
  13. The Mandrill
    Joined: Nov 11, 2009
    Posts: 191

    The Mandrill
    from Tulsa

    That pretty much kicks ass as much as this build, and really didnt think that was possible.
  14. reaper71
    Joined: Nov 14, 2010
    Posts: 141


    More pics More pics!!!!!!
  15. MORodder
    Joined: Jul 5, 2005
    Posts: 254


    damn your good. patiently waiting for more!
  16. spike38
    Joined: Jan 5, 2011
    Posts: 53


    Wade, Your an artist man!!!:cool:

  17. scootermcrad
    Joined: Sep 20, 2005
    Posts: 12,383


    Okay... So where are we at with this Brian? What's the latest?
  18. I've been pondering that for a long time too.
  19. Bass
    Joined: Jul 9, 2001
    Posts: 3,359

    from Dallas, TX

    I'm actually working on mounting the steering box right now. This summer here in Dallas was the hottest ever on record, and really kicked my ass. I've been playing catch-up for the past few weeks, and will finally have some progress to show here shortly.

    In the meantime, here's a fairly recent photo. If you look closely you can see that the firewall is nearly finished (it was a ton of work!).


    This has been a long, challenging project...and I'm finally starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel.

  20. Bass
    Joined: Jul 9, 2001
    Posts: 3,359

    from Dallas, TX

    Tim likes this.
  21. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    I don't blame you.. Especially with everyone getting rain but us Texans.

    Good to see some progress though. I had been creeping your blog and web site anxiously looking for any hints of progress. Keep them coming!

    iPhone - TJJ App
  22. Inland empire hot rods
    Joined: Aug 5, 2010
    Posts: 1,019

    Inland empire hot rods
    from so cal

    im blown away, ive heard of raising the bar.....i think the bar is in another galaxy....
  23. Wow Brian that car kicks ass!! Your builds are inspirational.
  24. scootermcrad
    Joined: Sep 20, 2005
    Posts: 12,383


    Fantastic! Looks great! What box did you use? Also, are the lower cowl patch panels '32 or is it just the angle of the picture? Been wondering how 32 panels would look on a Model A with a 32 Frame.
  25. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    Didn't you hear DRuss, Brian is leaving it as is as a tribute to the Lynn Yakel coupe....:D:D:D Looking good Brian.

  26. Great to see you back Brian. You haven't posted much here in the past couple of months. It seems to have been a hot summer all over the country.
    That car (like all your cars) is perfection. Keep the videos coming!!
  27. pbr40
    Joined: Aug 10, 2008
    Posts: 909

    from NW Indiana

    that is a masterpeice!!!!! the details are top notch!!!!
  28. Bass
    Joined: Jul 9, 2001
    Posts: 3,359

    from Dallas, TX

    JJ, that is actually true! I also wanted to do the cowl this way for the same reason Yakel's was we could run a smooth 3pc. hood.

    I think it just plain looks cool, too.

    Steering box is Schroeder. Cowl patches are modified '32 patches from Brookville.
  29. JeffreyJames
    Joined: Jun 13, 2007
    Posts: 16,628

    from SUGAR CITY

    Lucky guess! I've always loved that coupe. Some people get it some people won't but it'll definitely be a nice touch of tribute and a means to running that smooth hood.

    Keep it up!

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