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Thieves Strike in Tenn.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Fossil, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
    Posts: 13,404

    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    we need to get one of these stolen cars back..too many in such a short period of time..these thiefs have to slip up sooner or later.
  2. Fossil
    Joined: Jan 9, 2006
    Posts: 357


    Close...It belongs to Paul Balash and his Wife Pam. Paul is a retired Marine Col., and I believe he saw action in VietNam. Traveled extensively overseas for Uncle Sam after that. He's retired from the US military but still at it...he works in the Pentagon for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  3. It was probably pros and the car will never be recovered. A big dollar car - Brown Thunder - was stolen here last year or so and has never been recovered. But it has been rumored to have been seen in south america.

    I hope they catch the bastards and they get whats coming to them.
  4. wetatt4u
    Joined: Nov 4, 2006
    Posts: 2,146


    What about cameras from the motel/hotel security?
    Man I hate a thief just like most everyone else on this board!If he/they get catch ,we need to cut their hands off ,in public
    I live at the junction of interstate 40 and 95 in North Carolina,I 'll keep an eye out for going NORTH ,SOUTH , EAST or WEST
  5. streetfreakmustang
    Joined: Nov 30, 2006
    Posts: 307

    from Ohio

  6. fanspete
    Joined: Oct 22, 2006
    Posts: 686


    If I were lucky enough to to find them, the rig would be returned and they would never find the bodies.
  7. FuelFC
    Joined: Feb 12, 2003
    Posts: 764


    Bump in hopes they get it back as I am still looking for my shit 20+ years later.
  8. Deuce Roadster
    Joined: Sep 8, 2002
    Posts: 9,519

    Deuce Roadster
    Member Emeritus

    I would NEVER letter up a trailer or put racing logos or decals on a trailer. It just makes it easy for the crooks to figure out where the good stuff is. ( exception is a pro team semi trailer ) ... I do not understand every Harley Davidson trailer you see running down to Daytona or Myrtle Beach having the HD stuff plastered all over them either. It's like saying " I have a Harley in here ... STEAL IT IF YOU WANT TO " :(

    I have a friend who bought a 24 foot enclosed with barn doors ... to haul his car. His reasoning was that crooks would not think there was a car inside because all car trailers have ramp doors. On my last enclosed car trailer I lettered it in small print at the door ...

    " In case of ememgency ... please call

    Smith's Produce Company
    Columbia SC
    803- xxx - xxxx

    And the number was my cell number.


    I used the enclosed trailer in my Fireworks business. :D
  9. weemark
    Joined: Sep 1, 2002
    Posts: 830

    from scotland

    sorry to hear its gone missing - not sure why everyone assumes these cars are going overseas though, I for one dont think there is a big enough market over here for these cars and given the cost of fuel (gas was $20 a gallon at one station today, thats right twenty dollars a GALLON - no you read those figures right), the hassle of getting these cars registered etc. etc. there is very little even selling here for less than half what the willys would be worth.

    we are getting quoted three months before they can get a container to get a car out of the states the shipping folks are so busy and then its got to have paperwork to the hilt to support it or they dont move it.

    if folks think they are going overseas why not contact the shipping agents and ports around the area? there arent that many different shipping agents and im sure they all work together to move freight about.
  10. SaltCityCustoms
    Joined: Jun 27, 2007
    Posts: 1,212


    It's already been proven that cars have left the states through illegal means, therefore they don't worry about paperwork. These aren't average Joe's taking the cars, There is a lot of arabian royalty building all out drag cars and the such and with them owning all of the oil they don't worry about gas prices, and the same goes for a lot of wealthy people in South America.
  11. ratster
    Joined: Sep 23, 2001
    Posts: 3,596


    im east of knoxville and will put the word out
  12. weemark
    Joined: Sep 1, 2002
    Posts: 830

    from scotland

    yep its possible they will get out without paperwork, still dont believe they are going out though.

    what members of the arabian royal family do you know then that are building all out drag cars?
  13. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
    Posts: 13,404

    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    I dont think he was implying that any arabian royal, or other wise were "Building" cars..I think he was making mention that this might be where these already built cars may be going..although he did say "building"...hummm things that make you go..hummm
  14. Judd
    Joined: Feb 26, 2003
    Posts: 1,894


    Covered trailer? What does the rig look like?
  15. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
    Posts: 13,404

    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    maybe us HAMBers need to start lobbying to get shipping anything like these cars out of the country a bit more difficult?
  16. Fossil
    Joined: Jan 9, 2006
    Posts: 357


    Here is the rest of the details from the owner himself. I lifted this post from the Gas/FX board.


    Byron and all our other friends in the Gasser Community,

    Appreciate the assistance and thank you. Attached are three photos, one of
    the coupe, one of the truck and trailer, and one of the golf cart. The
    truck is a burgundy Ford 2005 F-250 diesel supercab with a matching ARE
    truck cap, license JRD-9121 VA; the trailer is a 2005 26ft Haulmark Edge,
    white with no lettering, license 804534TR VA. Here are the facts: The
    truck and trailer were taken from the Springhill Suites parking lot,
    Knoxville, TN sometime between 1130-1145 PM, Sunday, 15 June. Dave Hales
    and I were parked in parallel adjacent to the right side of the front of the
    Springhill Suites, I was in front, Dave was parked behind me. When I went
    out at 0600 AM the following morning, the truck and trailer were gone. The
    Willys coupe is a 1942 steel coupe painted PPG lemon chrome yellow with a
    stock frame, stock plated Willys front axle and a Currie rear end. The
    license plate of the coupe is LOW ET VA (Antique plate), the interior is
    black, chrome window trim, yellow dash with original speedometer. Also
    inside the trailer was our EZ-GO golf cart which is painted the same color
    as the coupe and has white upholstery. A police report is filed, the number
    of the Knoxville police auto theft division is 865-215-7324. My home phone
    is 703-690-9706, Request all gasser family member's be
    on the alert. I just installed a new 572/720R Chevy crate motor and a new
    M-22 Muncie 4-speed and Lakewood bell housing. Stay on the alert for any
    Willlys parts or 572/720R Chevy crate motor for sale. PB

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Gasser Madness" <BYRON@GASSERMADNESS.COM>

    ; "Paul Balash III"
    </P>Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 11:39 AM
    Subject: Stolen Property

    > Paul,
    > Barb told me what happened. Really sorry to hear about it!
    > I have pix of the car that I'll send out and put up on
    > Do you have any photos of the tow rig...truck & trailer?
    > --
    > Byron

    <STYLE type=text/css> .tnail { height: 240px; width: 320px; position: relative; } .tnail img { height:240px; width: 960px; position: absolute; } </STYLE>[​IMG]

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    Joined: Sep 18, 2007
    Posts: 3,627


    We got the call from pork zartman on our way home from B.G. that paul and pam's beautiful willys had been stolen. We are friends of theirs and part of the extended family of the S&S team as they are. This has made us sick. This car means the world to them. Paul made the first run in the car since the new motor was put in it and he was so happy with the way that it ran. Please help them and keep your eyes and ears open for anything. Our hearts go out to them as we know how we would feel if it was ours, as it well could have been.
    Gasser Girl
  18. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    you need a good security system on a trailer that alerts you if it even moves. these can be done easy with a paging alarm system. you need to think outside of the box, thieves think an alarm system will be a certain way,throwing things at them they don't expect will stop even a pro. i always wondered why someone couldn't make a sytem with large locking pins for a towing trailer,to lock the axles. this would stop trailer theft in it's tracks. how do you tow something where the wheels don't turn? at least without drawing lots of attention. trailer also needs it's own alarm system with it's own concealed battery.
  19. Fossil
    Joined: Jan 9, 2006
    Posts: 357


    Wanda, I spoke to Paul today as Dave Hales was driving them home. Not happy to say the least, and yes the whole deal meant a lot to them...the car, meeting others who shared the enthusiasm, the shows, etc. I tried to get him to line up against me at Thompson but he had an oil leak and the car stayed parked. No more grudge racing for a while. Instead I spent most of today trying to post his info and get the word out, as were others. I think it's out there but now we'll have to see if anything comes about from it. I hope that if it does turn up...someone in our extended family can spend some quality time with the ones that took it...

  20. Lucky77
    Joined: Mar 27, 2006
    Posts: 2,495


    Jesus, this is way past getting out of hand. I have a hotel room for Hot Rod Cinematic but I think I'm going to sleep in the car. Good luck to the owner, hope they get their car back.
  21. time_xx
    Joined: Sep 16, 2007
    Posts: 161


    I do not have the means, but, if someone could make up a poster for, oh say, 20,000 people to see at BTTF that would help....
    Joined: Sep 18, 2007
    Posts: 3,627


    I talked with pam as they were riding with dave and shared some tears. I also agree that we should spend some time with these theives.
  23. Larry T
    Joined: Nov 24, 2004
    Posts: 7,900

    Larry T

    This is the truck and trailer.

  24. Fossil
    Joined: Jan 9, 2006
    Posts: 357


    You know I thought about doing just that the next time I am on an overnighter with my rig. Just my luck I'd wake up in the trailer and it would be moving. Then again, it would be neat to greet them with the .45 as the rear door went down. I could probably leave the bodys and be back on my way.
  25. Indocil Art
    Joined: Apr 29, 2005
    Posts: 224

    Indocil Art

    I think it is random. Every form of racing is hit at an alarming rate. We keep getting request for helmet invoices for helmets and paint that get taken with the trailer. All the same, overnight or hotel parking. Go kart trailers road racing you name it it is being stolen. Look at it this way the crook is stealing a truck why not get the trailer too. They bring big bucks and they all look the same! It is pot luck what they find inside. The fact that it is so rare of a car may mean better chances of recovery.
  26. BinderRod
    Joined: Jul 9, 2006
    Posts: 1,737


    I can't be sure, but I think I saw the truck and trailer going through Jefferson City, Missouri this morning. It was headed toward Kansas City. Like I said I couldn't swear by it. When I see a good looking rig I always check it out. It was to clean to be a dirt track hauler and trailer. Sorry I'm not much help. Keith
  27. I was pretty happy to get to see them make their first pass in the car at HHRR but did not get to talk to them. Very sad to hear this news....they really cared for their ride and rig....Don
  28. I hope he finds it.

    Shipping cars out of the country has become difficult without proper papers, but not impossible.

    I know guys that ship out cars and although they do not deal in stolen merchandise, the customs paperwork is "ignored" to a degree, on their end due to having customs agents on the payroll.

    They do it to get a bunch of parts through without paying duty on each item.

    So it is possible for it to leave in pieces.
    I hope they were not pros, and just a few jackoffs looking for a few bucks.
    But I doubt it.
  29. Fossil
    Joined: Jan 9, 2006
    Posts: 357


    There are two posts going regardig this incident, so I'll copy this here as well-update:

    Ok folks a little good news:

    Two possible sightings (posted on the HAMB) have been passed on to law enforcement. One was of the rig, one of the car-separate sightings and locations

    Paul just called me and said he got a call from Knoxville P.D. They have recovered the truck. It was found...running...right in Knoxville on Rt. 40 East near Midway road. Lock appeared to have been popped out. No trailer or Willys, but it's something.

    Please pass this on to any other groups you were updating. Also Paul wanted me to relay to everyone his gratitude for all the help and extra sets of eyes out there.

  30. SaltCityCustoms
    Joined: Jun 27, 2007
    Posts: 1,212


    Well they must have been after the Willy's if they ditched the truck, I hate to say it but the Willy's is probably lost they most likely hooked up to another truck and switched the plate on the trailer making it unidentifiable to anyone looking for it.

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