I have been thinking of doing another Tiki out of metal. I am thining of doing another standing one like before. Thoughts are always welcome. Thanks
not too shabby. if you dig it, keep it up. you'll figure out tons of different things to do to add to the quality with every piece you do as you develop more craftsmanship.
didn't mean to bash it at all, just referring to technique. i sculpt, my dad does a lot of blacksmith/welding artwork. i'd say it's more than several steps above beginner "heater beater" work for sure, i guess what i mean is, traditional tikis are carved, so with metal work, effort and experience go into making the metal piece believable since it is a different media. it's not that you're not there, just saying to keep it up.
Thanks. I wasn't meaning anything bye it it really is something I like to do when i am not messing with cars. I just don't do tikis. I like to make things out of metal.
No But the standing one was a trophy at the Billetproof show in Florida this year. I am also doing a trophy for next years show. It won't be a Tiki though.
If you can find a useless, scrap, dead tank (yknow, long capsule shape) you can use it as a 3D canvas... in the short time I had access to a shop years ago I used a cutting torch on dead tanks --and make damn sure it is clean, clean, clean cuz residue will ignite if it once contained flammables-- I used to carve Halloween pumpkins out of em. It's not a stretch to imagine makin tikis from em.