Check out the site the offical hamb spamarama location in Indy. We make and sell any and all parts for the 47 Kit Teardrops. We can assist the build from start to finish and offer side panels, frames , axles or just free advise on how to get started building one. Maybe a "tech" article on the construction would be a neat hamb board follow up for this thread ??? Maybe we can camp at Mo-Kan ???
Bubba, Do you have a website? I don't think it's been posted here. Ha, ha. I'm a Designer, so I'd have to start from scratch. I'll try to draw-up some of my ideas. A little taller teardrop might be nice.
Website ?? Has it been posted.?? Just thought i would help a fellow ha/gr dude. Glad to help ya in any way we can, just yell. They have it I got samples mailed to me it looks like its done by computer because when you look at it close its a million little dots also expensive but its all I could find LTR Dave
Well, I'll add more to this post, cuz I like it! here's a Scotty my buddy bought this summer. He's gonna clean it up and repaint it this spring. And 2 of our club guys got little campers this fall also. Another scotty like pictured and a trotwood, which looks just like my Shasta. And here's a couple more pics of my Shasta. One of it decorated, by my wife, for christmas, and one from Laborday weekend. ****Dis-regard the VW in the pic!! It's a belongs to a buddy's wife!**** Just wanted to show the red and white awning we had made for it, and that's the only pic I have
I had the original 6 in it up until last July and it towed the trailer fine. It was a little slow up steeper grades, but most of the time I kept it at 65 with little trouble. The hard part was brakes, the stock system scared me a little. I've converted the car to a 350/700R4 with 4 wheel power disc brakes, power rack & pinion steering. It tows just as good, just gets there quicker and stops a whole lot better. I am thinking about adding brakes to the trailer since I have some sitting on a shelf.
Actually Formica brand laminate just recently came out with a new "classics collection" which has a few retro designs, like the old boomerang patterns. Check with any cabinet / countertop shops they should be able to get it for you.
Pastense has the "cracked ice" patterns. It comes in red grey and yellow Im pretty sure. Here's those formica classics.
Here's my teardrop Its a real Kenskill registered a 1947 it's # 256 its got new ply would sides, a new hatch and skins but otherwise original. I've been into trailers for about 10 or so years all my frinds into cars thought I was nuts now one by one they are picking them up too! I also Have a 57 airstream that was pictured "sort of" in rod&custom at billetproof back in 98 or 99 and my latest trailer is a trailerboat which is smaller than a Kompac. LTR Dave
Damn, there is a ton of info out there about these things! Now that the RPU is getting closer, I want to start thinking about a camper to pull behind. A/C (and a small generator) is a MUST. I want it hidden, but not have to be set up every time. $80 Home Depot unit would be nice, if it would be workable. Any quick answers? I plan to research these things later, right now I am concentrating on my car.
I put a small room a/c unit in a old camp kooler aluminum cooler. Took it apart and rewired the switch to fit inside the trailer and ran ducts ( small 2-1/2 inch plastic hose from lowes) into the trailer from the bottom. It was 110 and worked very well. The kooler was mounted on the tonque and looked like a cooler. I used it only a couple times and took it off as it added more tonque weight than i wanted.
I really wanted this one, but as usual I was a day late. It sold for only $1200. It was a 68 Champion with 40,000 miles. Interior was near perfect. Dig the angle on the windshield!
I've seen a small unit unit stuffed under the seat cushion of a dinette. Usually the stand up trailers have a dinette anyways it was done really clean only a small vent blowing cold air out of the dinette then it had a dryer duct or somthing going to the back of the trailer with a vent under the bed. The beauty of what was done he didnt cut the skin on the trailer he had it vent out the bottom of trailer. The install was very stealthy LTR Dave
forgot about this thread till it popped up at the top, here are some pics of my dads spartan motor coach that he rodded...Small block chevy with a 4L80E.....He is going to have it at the Cleveland Auto Rama.....
Don, that is awesome. Someday, if they haven't all rotted away, I'd love to own a roundback schoolbus converted into a motorhome. You know, like the ones you have to crawl into for parts at the junkyard. -Dave
Here's a couple shots of my '56 Cardinal 13'. We sold it when we moved to WV thinking we could just buy another for $600 or $800 bucks like we paid for this one.... we were wrong! The other pictures is of my Bro-In-laws '50 Buick Sedanett and his '57 Westerner at the Paso run a few years ago.
This one is a '53 Lil Cesar that I bought in Reno, NV and pulled it around with my '55 Fairlane to cruise nights and some shows. I have video of the two of them together but no pictures... BUMMER!
I just came across this picture of my old '55 Victoria and Tony Farnetti's '49 Kit teardrop. We were at a car show in Ontario, Oregan.
Wow, I didn't know there was this much intrest in old trailers here. My brother has a shop that rebuilds these can hams, it's amazing the buisness he has. This is a 57 Corvette ( yes, that's the brand name) he just finished and sold, calls it his hot rod trailer, black and chrome, red steelie and WW. He's got a 57 Mercury (another trailer brand name) that I'm gonna try and get him to build to pull behind my 57 Del Rio wagon. If your into these check out his web sight, lot's of pics and info .
here's my 46 Spartan Manor that I've been working on. I'm in the process of fixing/replacing panels and sealing it up to be weather tight (lots of work on a 60 yr old trailer that went unloved for years). It was a basket case that I'm converting to an office.