I don't know if those are the same as I used but the ones I picked up are 12 volt lights with a voltage transformer to take it from the 110 volt to 12 volt. Take out the transformer and you can run them off the battery. By the way Brian, real nice job on the trailer. Sure did a nice job on the interior. Neal
I am blessed to have great friends in college who decided to use their winter break to help me work on the trailer... trying to finish it by summer! http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=9AbN2rJq3as9y
Heres a shot of mine. It used to belong to Lucky Burton. He did a bunch of work on it and I followed up with some freshening up. Not restored, but the outside looks ok and the inside looks ok. I use it a lot. The awning looks weird because its on a hill, but I also had it made longer because most of the short ones I saw didnt really provide a lot of shade. Its a 62 Shasta. I love the damn thing. I keep it packed and loaded. I can take off at a moments notice.
Picked up this 1940s photo this weekend showing a tidy trailer park. Any thoughts on the make of the trailer on the right?
You might better be careful about the tires you run on your trailer. Not matter what you use, they need to be rated for the load. When you buy the tires, check the specs on them for the rated load they were designed to carry.
We just finished the interior on our camper. I'll upload pics tonight. Anyone up for making some shasta wings?
Shameless plug for my brother. Don't know if he got them ready yet but he was working on repo Shasta wings. Check out his web page.www.retrorestoration.com
Marville-Dwyer teardrop. Too many projects, going to swapmeet a La Grave Field or Round Up. Trying to upload pics. *%@''! Finally got the pic up. Looks like post#46 with different fenders. What's it worth?
Here's my teardrop.coming home from purchasing it....needs to be finished out. I have a pair of old 14 inch crome reverse wheels for it and my choice of 50 chevy pickup rear fenders or a pair of brand new model A 'glass fenders with repop model A tailights.. I'd like to swap out the "rubber-twist" suspension for a pair of leaf springs......it rides way too rough right now.
Wow ... since this old thread has new life, I guess I'll play ... Here's some pics of the 1947 KIT "Sportsman" teardrop camper trailer that we were going to tow behind our full-fendered '32 Roadster and/or the HEMI32 coupe: We added some "matching" tires & rims** and started the initial "bodywork" ... but I kinda lost interest in the project ... and eventually sold it in 1991. ** NOTE: our '32 Roadster ran a set of chromed 1950-60 Chrysler (Motor Rim) wire wheels (with repro 1932 Ford V8 hubcaps) ... so for the trailer we also opted for Chrysler wires ... except we painted them '56 Cadillac Mandan Red (same as the HEMI32 coupe) ... and added some stainless beauty rings off of a later model Volvo.
Here is my new tear drop made by Camp-Inn in Wisconsin. It has a birch interior, Air, DVD, Sink, water, stove, etc. We had a blast last year pulling it the 36. You are never alone when you pull in the camp site. Doug
I suprised noone has already posted a link to the Tin Can Tourists web site. These folks have to be the premier vintage travel trailer collectors group. I personally know many of these folks and have had the pleasure of working on many of their trailers. Check them out on line and if you get a chance go to one of their meets, really cool stuff you won't often get a chance to see anywhere else. http://tincantourists.com/
WOW, that one brings back some memories of the trip my folks took us on in the summer of 60 with our new Shasta from Arizona to Ontario Canada and back. The interior looks just like I remembered it to be. Thanks
check oud bubbas hot rod shop (indy) they are makind new teardrop trailors ,,jim lerner ,hope i spelled that rite ,, hes on here somewhere ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
We're "Canners", sorry I didn't mention the TCT. Spring Meet is in Milford at Camp Dearborn, May 15 thru 18. Come see us!
what about a Bowlus trailer, There were abt. 150 of these built in 1935-36 predecessor to the Airstream. The last one is a Bowlus Papoose, only 4 known to be built, I think it would have been the perfect trailer to go behind a hotrod, 11' long and 700 lbs. total weight
I have a very close friend that rent trailers for movies and music videos. He has some neat customs as well check it out....... http://dougsvintagetrailers.com/home
Bowlus' rock!! Hows about one being pulled by a Tatra T87? What happens when Flash Gordon goes on vacation??
I actually found one of these abt. 10 yrs ago, it was in alittle rougher condition on the outside and the floor was pretty rotten in the kitchen area. I told a guy I'd met in a car chat room about it and he told me he'd always wanted one. I helped him get it for $1000 and he had it shipped to Portland for another $1000. Hell he was just looking to turn a profit and turned around and sold it for $6000. If I'd have known that I'd have got it for myself, I was just trying to help someone else get their dream. After making the deal for him and putting a used tire and rim on it so it could be loaded onto the trailer I got a thank you.... I'm still a little bitter about that one !