Your one of my new favorite dudes! Thanks for showing me that my Tudor is going to require exactly a 4" haircut and be bad to the bone too, love your build!
Silk Purse....Sows Ear....or whatever that saying is... DAMN NICE LOOKING CAR.....Just SCREAMS HOT ROD
very nice car, hard to believe from what you started with. My '30 sedan was very bad when got it but not that bad. GREAT JOB!
Congratulations!!! How many guys have old hulks who say they are going to build 'em but never get around to it! Or start the project and never finish it. You are probably a two-percenter! You'll have a lot of fun with this car!!! Very nice!!!
thanks for all the comments. This car sat out in the woods for over 50 yrs. Here's a picture that the owner sent me recently. Cant wait to driv e over to his house in the car.
So cool. So much more impressive than the big shop stuff. This is what its all about. You should be proud, Ya done good.