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Top-5 Best American Automotive Designs

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Ryan, Nov 17, 2006.

  1. fur biscuit
    Joined: Jul 22, 2005
    Posts: 7,853

    fur biscuit

    Mercer 35J raceabout
    1914 Model T ford
    Miller 91 fwd
    GT 40
    The WW2 Jeep!!!
  2. Duration
    Joined: Oct 2, 2006
    Posts: 543

    from Wayne, MI

    1: 1961 chevy Impala
    2: 1958 chevy Impala
    3: 1957 chevy truck
    4: 1952 chevy fleetline fast back
    5: 1932 chevy truck
  3. 1 shot
    Joined: Aug 30, 2006
    Posts: 907

    1 shot


    1.50-51 mercury
    2.66 ac cobra
    3.57 ford seadan
    4.55 chevy panel
    5.34 ford
  4. Hudsonator
    Joined: Jun 19, 2005
    Posts: 335

    from Tennessee

    49-53 Hudson stepdown Club Coupe
    33 Terraplane 5 window coupe
    39 Hudson 112 coupe
    67 Chevelle
    70 Impala Custom hardtop

    Bowtie or Ship n' Castle for me.

  5. SquashThatFly
    Joined: Nov 24, 2005
    Posts: 723


    1. '36 3 winder Ford
    2. 1940 DeSoto
    3. Zephyrs
    4. '56 Lincoln Capri
    5. '54 Mercury
  6. propwash
    Joined: Jul 25, 2005
    Posts: 3,857

    from Las Vegas

    1) Cord 810/812 - timeless design
    2) 32 Ford 3w - ditto
    3) 56 Chev 2dr hdtp BA
    4) 57 Corvette
    5) 42 Ford deLuxe coupe - just cuz of the grille

    "..gotta two-pack habit and a motel tan.."

  7. Doug F.
    Joined: Jul 21, 2005
    Posts: 181

    Doug F.

    Someone is partial to Chevrolets! :)
  8. '32 3-window
    '36 roadster and cabriolet
    '50 ford coupe and woodie
    '30-'31 coupe on '32 rails
    '34 5-window and roadster
    '39 ford convertible and convertible coupe

    No real order.....lucky to own most of them though. Looking for a '36 open car.
  9. Broman
    Joined: Jan 31, 2002
    Posts: 1,487

    from an Island

    Well the results are in folks and no doubt about it we love our Deuces.

    Yes - I did it - I added up the votes (as best as I could) and it's clear, the folks who voted this time around have put the Duece on top.

    Mind you I couldn't keep track of votes for all specific models so trucks are lumped in on some of these vote tallies as well. It just got too complicated to sort it all out. I will point out some observations along the way.....

    #1) 32 Ford - 69 votes.
    #2) 33 & 34 Ford - 56 votes. Sorry too many folks lumping these together.
    #3) 36 Ford - 55 votes. Barely lost to the two year smash-up above
    #4) 40 Ford - 44 votes.
    #5) 39 Ford - 28 votes. :confused: Yea - folks mentioned them separately - so I stuck them in this the math and you'll find that if you add the two nearly identical years together - we'd have 72 votes and a new winner....

    which leads me to the honoralbe mention list - which could actually be shuffled if I were to smush #4 & #5 above....

    #5a) Model A Ford - 28 votes. I know - I know.....more smushing, what do you wnat from me? I did this for free man....

    #6) 53 Studes - 25 votes. Lots of folks picking specific models but I couldn't keep track.

    #7) 57 Chevy - 21 votes. I should say there were many mixed models - from 'Vettes to Nomads...again - I did this for free...

    #8) 55 Chevy - 20 votes. See above.

    #9) 65 Buick Riv. - 18 votes. Totally stole the Buick limelight. Hands down.

    #9a) 56 Chevy - 18 votes. See above above.

    #10) 63 Vette - 16 votes. Every person who mentioned this year of Chevy singled out the IS sexy...

    #11) 49 Merc. - 15 votes.

    #12) 37-40 Lincoln Zephyr - 14 votes. The votes were spread over the year spans - but it definately stood out as the clear choice.

    #13) 59 Elk - 13 votes. another model standout.

    #13a) 50-1 Merc. - 13 votes. They were mentioned separately - but again, if I had smushed these in with the 49's we' might have had a new top 5... you make the call.

    #14) 59 Caddy - 10 votes.

    #15) 49 Ford - 9 votes.

    There are a few hings that surprized me.

    Lots of love for the early 30's Fords - then lot's of love for the late 30's - but not as much as I would have assumed for the mid decade....

    35 Ford - which I really like is mentioned a handful of times

    37 Ford - I love the shit out fo these cars - I mean at a time when your choices were round headlights or round headlights the designers said "Hmmm...." and came up with not only a non-round appearing light - but one of the most beautiful facias of all time....(1 Vote!)

    38 ford - only 3 mentions...?? can't figure this one out either...One of my favorites.

    ...and get this, not a single breath was spent on the 41-2, 46-8 Ford Model until Bad Bob said something at around reply #157!!! And he kinda mentioned them as an aside...Jeez - I friggin' LOVE these do they get totally blanked...(almost). AZAV8 siad something about the F-1 pu, but I don't know if that saves any face....


    Very Blue-Collar top to bottom.

    Fords take the cake from Model T through the 50-51 Model. nearly unchallenged.

    Chevy - clearly the favorite from 53 to 63. To a much lesser degree of course, but they were much favored.

    From 39 through 51 Mercury/Lincoln was picking up major speed (stealing votes from Ford!) But fell flat in 52...

    In that transitional era - Caddy was a gap filler - from 41 through 48, folks liked the Cadillac...They fizzled for a few years then tried to steal votes in the late 50's.

    Buick towers over the rest at the end of my own mental cut off year of 1965. The Riv. is practically alone if it weren't for the (fellow) GTO fans - who could have challenged if it not for the spread of interest in years. Typical of GTO lovers - everyone has a few favorites within that niche. I should also mention (quite proudly) that the 50 Buick love is still very strong and with more support - could dethrone the 50 Merc., of course that's assuming that we don't smush the 49's and 51's in there to.

    Mopar guys get left in the cold with the Olds guys - who peppered the chart too sporatically.

    Could I make my post any longer?!? yea I can fuckers...I get to vote too.

    Not in order of importance:

    #1) 38 Ford - Every time I see Ryan's car I weep in the knowledge that I'll never be able to afford one....sniff

    #2) 37 Ford - I have always loved art deco design and this model has it in spades...

    #3) 50 Buick - the grill alone is worthy of photographic novels..

    #4) 50 Stude. Business Coupe - holy crap - looked like an alien compared to the rest of the cars built at the time.

    #5) 52 Cadillac - not mentioned by anyone here - and it just drips luxury and class....

    #6) 49 Olds - A little different - in a very good way. If people steal parts from your car to make theirs look cooler - you're doing something right...

    #7) 59 Cadillac Coupe Deville - holy shit that was a lot of car...

    #8) 53 Effie - Let's face it - car guys love this truck.

    #9) 59 Pontiac "Twin Fin" - AKA Boneville. It full on stock trim it could make other cars want to be customized to keep up with's cars like this that drove custom shops out of business....and that's no shit.

    #10) 61 Pontiac Cat. = Give me a break 421 SD. This car is - to use a metaphor here - the really clean-cut, good looking guy you meet at a bar and pick a fight with - only to find out when he takes his sport jacket off that he's ripped, and hands you an ass beating the likes of which you've never seen.....let's be honest - this was a musclecar before there was such an animal...And it really didn't look like it. It was very stylish.....

    the end!
  10. Broman
    Joined: Jan 31, 2002
    Posts: 1,487

    from an Island


    I'm sure noone will read all of that!!

    ...I wish I had spellcheck. :rolleyes:
  11. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    30-31 coupe (On 32 rails)
    36 3window
    32 5 window
    38 Standard club coupe (Well, I do have one........)
    28-9 RPU (Yeah, have one of them too)

    I guess Im starting at the bottom and working up the list.....

  12. Fat Hack
    Joined: Nov 30, 2002
    Posts: 7,709

    Fat Hack
    from Detroit

    Pretty cool summary, Broman!!:cool:

    (Damn....NOBODY else mentioned the Volare??!!:eek: :D )
  13. A-zonie
    Joined: Oct 30, 2006
    Posts: 120

    from Mesa, AZ

    What a challenge to list only 5. I'm afraid mine would change from one day to the next but this is it for today.
    In no particular order:
    1926 T Roadster
    1930 A Coupe
    1953 Chevy 5 W Pickup
    1953 Stude Starliner
    1940 Ford Deluxe Coupe

    Geez, went through those to fast and there are so many more!
  14. O.Hove
    Joined: Feb 12, 2006
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    from S.D.

    To day it is:
    40 Stud
    40 Ford
    40 Graham
    40 Nash
    40 Lincoln
    Five different one's tomorrow
  15. monsterflake
    Joined: May 13, 2003
    Posts: 3,763


    i did! now, if we could put the numbers into an excel file...

  16. Harms Way
    Joined: Nov 27, 2005
    Posts: 6,916

    Harms Way

    My list is much diffrent for "Modifyed" or bone stock,....... here is my bone stock list

    1. 1910-1914 Mercer Raceabout
    2. 1914 Stutz Bearcat
    3. Anything Duesenburg
    4. 1933 Packard
    5. Ford GT 40

    My list of favorite bodystyles to Hot Rod or modify is very, very diffrent.
    1932-34 Ford
    1940 Ford DeLux Coupe
    1967-68 Mustang Fastback
    1935-36 Ford
    1946-48 Chevy Aero sedan
  17. Broman
    Joined: Jan 31, 2002
    Posts: 1,487

    from an Island

    Ya know about 1/3 way through this - I thought that very same thing to myself....

    I still can't believe the snubbing of the 41-2, 46-8.....not that it was the best design ever or anything, but in comparison to the Ford trend - coupled with the designs offered by the competition, I dunno....The Caddy is the only other car worth mentioning.
  18. houseofhotrods
    Joined: Mar 16, 2005
    Posts: 675


    Tough call there. I had to go back and re-read the original post Ryan. There is a difference between the top 5 and MY favorite top 5 for sure. Here's mine in no particular order:

    1932 Fords (any)
    1959 Chevrolet Impala / El Camino (tie)
    1936 Ford Coupes 5w or 3w
    49-52 Chevrolet Fleetline
    1940 Ford Deluxe Coupe or See-dan (tie)

    Definitely sujective, and most definitely hard to narrow down to just 5!! My problem? I am a junkie and love nearly all of 'em up to about 1960 and many more thereafter. Sorry gotta go - need to head to the shop and get another 'fix'......... :)
  19. BAD ROD
    Joined: Dec 16, 2004
    Posts: 1,532


    1. 1966 Ford GT40 MK II
    2. 1965 Ford Cobra Drag'n Snake
    3. 1932 Ford 5 window coupe
    4. 1933 Ford Coupe
    5. 1936 Ford Coupe
  20. movingviolation
    Joined: Feb 19, 2005
    Posts: 1,177


    40-41 willys coupe
    32 ford roadster
    28-29 model a's (yea i like all those)
    55 chev
    zepher coupe
  21. 1blown57
    Joined: Oct 19, 2006
    Posts: 832

    from Florida

    1. 57 Chevy 2dr htp 2.41 Willys Coupe 3. 69 Camaro 4.32 fORS COUPE 5. 55 Chevy 2 door sedan
  22. chaco
    Joined: May 5, 2001
    Posts: 265

    from Modesto,CA

    1:1939 lincoln Zephyr
    2:1947 Cadillac series 62
    3:1961 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88
    4:1955 Chevrolet Cameo
    5:1954 Chevrolet corvette
    All of these could be lowered 4 inches w/5.60s or 5.20s and they are ready to go
  23. Flat Ernie
    Joined: Jun 5, 2002
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    Flat Ernie
    Tech Editor

    1 - '39 Lincoln Zephyr
    2 - '53 Studebaker Starlite Coupe (hardtop)
    3 - '40 Ford
    4 - '57 Olds hardtop
    5 - '66 427 Cobra

    Honorable Mention:
    '33/34 3W Coupe
    '65 Riviera
  24. SinisterCustom
    Joined: Feb 18, 2004
    Posts: 8,277


    HaHaHa....'32 Gets the most votes...go figure.....most people's FAVORITE......but a GREAT american DESIGN???PuuuLeeezzzzz.... People just can't be OBJECTIVE I guess.....:cool:
    Hell, some guys put the AC Cobra on there....NOT an AMERICAN DESIGN...

    People are SHEEP............even Rodders............:rolleyes:

    chaco.......good list!!!!:D
  25. Broman
    Joined: Jan 31, 2002
    Posts: 1,487

    from an Island

    Well, technically - it didn't get the most votes....

    The "design" aspect of a car can last longer than the year. Take the 39 Ford. It was tinkered with in 40 - but the actual design wasn't affected much at all...refined if anything. So actually - that "design" won in terms of votes.

    And if you really want to get technical - the 32 "design" goes farther than appearance. The engineering to make room for Ford's first V8 & the vast improvements with the chassis (which is by far the most beautiful frame in hot rodding) are key factors in it's attraction.

    I'd say the "sheep" are not voting in vain. There's a reason why our Duece was the go-to design for a lakes car and the biggest part of the foundation for our hobby. Great design.
  26. SinisterCustom
    Joined: Feb 18, 2004
    Posts: 8,277


    Not again......:p :D
    Maybe the grill shell.....
    But for lake's racing, the T and '28/9 were the more SLEEKER designs. Guys just put the body on the deuce frame, quick, easy way to get the V-8......

    I guess DESIGN just means something different to ME......body FLOW, aesthetics, yada, yada, yada............I'm going back to sleep......:)
  27. metalshapes
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
    Posts: 11,130


    Still the same list as on the other thread.

    Since this is about the American designs, and I get to pick 2 more...

    A '28/29 Roadster on Deuce Rails.
    Any of the 2 series Chaparral's.

    Attached Files:

  28. Blair
    Joined: Jul 28, 2005
    Posts: 361

    from xx

    Weren't the cheetahs an ill-handling car?

    I've seen one at a historic race before, only other place was this guy's house out in porterville had two of them.

    It suprises me that if you had your pick of euro cars that is what you would choose. No ferrari's, porsche's, bugatti's??? I think a 917 porsche would be on my all-included best auto designs ever list.
  29. metalshapes
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
    Posts: 11,130


    Yeah... so?? :D :D
  30. metalshapes
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
    Posts: 11,130


    The TZ1 has a lot of "Family" resemblance to the GTO, but to me, is a much nicer looking Car.

    Less powerfull and smaller, but such a beautifull balanced design...

    The Lotus Eleven is probably the most beautifull body shape Frank Costin has ever done, and it wraps around Colin Chapman's ultra light and effective Spaceframe Chassis and Suspension Design.

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