Can I scuff 8 year old epoxy primer and top coat with a urethane build primer or would I need to first prime again with epoxy to promote adhesion?
If the epoxy is in good shape and hasn't been exposed to too much sun you should be OK...just be sure you scuff sand it all because that old epoxy is very hard and you won't get a chemical bond, only a mechanical bond...If you are going to use hi-build urethane I would sand the old epoxy with 220 grit on a DA and 320 for the stuff you do by hand... good luck, Topless in New Mexico.
I'd also sand it with 220 but I would re shoot a coat of new Epoxy on it then the high build. Show us some pics when you get on it!
The epoxy that is already on the car is reported to be in good need to put more on. Hi build primer will work fine and give you some ability to block sand any imperfections that may be present...good luck, Topless in New Mexico.