Gonna go try and donate blood today at the red cross in town.... They may not let me (or so my mother says) since I am a paraplegic, but I dont see that having jack shit to do with anything, they need blood and I want to give it..... I urge others to do the same... SD- There are just no words.... We are here for you. Anything that can be done, just say the word. . I will drive my worthless ass down there from michigan right now if I can be of any help. HAMB=Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful) James
The scammer contractors have nothing on FEMA and the Army Corps of engineers. I was in Mississippi after Katrina doing cleanup and the corruption wasn't the guys trying to do the work, it was in the administrating. There was 9 layers of subcontractors peeling money off before the money got to the guys actually doing the work. Near as I can figure there was only about enough to make it to level 7. Same with the blue roofs, $150 a square allocated and the guys doing it get $15. The rest gets peeled off by layers of contractors/subcontractors. I worked for almost 3 months for a company that never got paid, cost me my house.
Thinking of you all. I have some understanding of what you are feeling as we have just been through a rough time. Take care & support the folk of Joplin.
Don't know whether this will help or not, but wanted to put this out there. I'm approx. 50 miles west of Joplin. If any of you in the infected areas need a place to put your cars and projects while rebuilding your place, I have some room. I have (2) indoor spots available, and (7) 3 sided pole barn spots available. If I can help don't be shy!!!! Chris 620-820-9339
I am in Joplin, if there is anything I can do for you here PM me and I will do what I can to make it happen!! Greg
Sociallydistorted - Very sorry for you loss. Sounds like he was a great man who went out with his boots on....Thank you for your service as well. My thoughts and prayers go out to the whole central US that has been devastated by tornadoes this season. I can't recall anything like this before. My mothers hometown of Smithville, MS was leveled 4/27 - luckily no family was hurt, but my god there is nothing left of that small town. This storm in Joplin appears to be 10X worse. There are alot of good people who need our help getting back on their feet. Godspeed to all....
Skimmed this tread and did a search...anybody heard from Karl? {MoKanMan} Hope he and his family are ok..anybody know if the track was damaged?
Rocky, The track is way North of the Tornado. I think the North Edge of it is near the road we turn left on from Strangline Rd. I can't account for MoKanMan, I don't know where they live. Someone should get in touch with them if they can. Perhaps one of the local to joplin fellas? BTW AT&T is saying that the best way to communicate is via text message. I guess it takes less resources than a regular phone call.
just be prepared because they are forcasting a potential very serious situation to blow through that area, again....tonight. Potentially between 4pm and midnight.
Does anyone in the area know if the following street/area was affected? My coworker has not been able to get a hold of her sister and this is her name and where she lives. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Carolyn Williams 7720 South Kentucky Joplin, MO 64804 You all are in my heart. I love the city of Joplin and the people in it. xoxo Laura
if someone knows his name i can try to find out through the facebook group. Joplin resident survivors are trying to help locate family members and friends for people not in the area. It would help if i had a general location of his road he lived on.
This is the current Missing Person list for Joplin: http://wyhighonline.info/JoplinDB/ Laura; i posted her name and location on the Joplin Tornado survivors search group on facebook. Someone there will be able to tell us if her neighborhood fared okay. Many people posting on there know people in the community and will be able to help locate her for you
Wow, that is wonderful. Thank you again. I will pass this link on to my friend. She will feel a lot better knowing this information is out there.
Laura I just google mapped it. Looks like it falls write in the zone. Its about 6 blocks North of the hospital. That doesn't mean that she is not alive. Have her try texting, texts are going through when phone calls don't. The other option is to call the Red Cross. They should be able to tell her if she is not still counted as missing. Laura, Thanks. I must have missed it. I do hope your friend has good news.
the sad thing of looking at that missing persons list...is one corporation/workplace is currently missing 7 employees. my heart is aching
Laura, I don't see her name on this list. You might have your co-worker add it. http://wyhighonline.info/JoplinDB/list.php Chris Nelson Kansas NoSurf posted this a while back in the thread for the path of it. http://www.tripline.net/trip/Path_of_the_Joplin_Tornado-0424207775021003AD43C13C53060EBC
Thank you everyone. I just gave her all the helpful information you guys have posted. She is older and not very computer savvy so I'm trying to help as much as possible. She said none of the texts they've tried have gone through. I'm still praying.
Fr those who know rob from hamb drags....(holiday inn, now at laquinta inn) rob (suit on here) if just fine! The twister was a half mile from the hotels! He's been swamped since of course, but just wanted everyone to know...
i googled the address and i think she was south of the tornado's path according to bing maps. am i wrong?
I cannot get a hold of the Red Cross local number they gave me and she is not listed on any of the websites. I will keep trying. Thank you everyone. The Red Cross told me to visit https://safeandwell.communityos.org/zf/safesearch/search/ and gave me this phone number: 417-659-5464 I hope this information might help somebody else.
i checked the safe and well also with no luck. the good news is that according to a quick search of bing maps; she appears to have been south of the tornado...