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Torque Fest May 2010 - mark your calenders

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by coolstuff, Sep 4, 2009.

  1. Stick Shift
    Joined: Oct 2, 2005
    Posts: 2,558

    Stick Shift
    from LENA IL

    I heard you are selling tickets (raffle) to get a ride in the Roswell Rod.
  2. Holy Crap Coolstuff, all this badassness in Iowa! You are hardcore. I picked up a flier at the Iowa Hamb gettogether, were you there? If so sorry I missed you. Its not to far for me so I think I will be able to come. What are the requirements (seatbelts, just the open wheel guys etc) for the cars to be on the track? I dont really have any useful skills but maybe I can help somehow.

  3. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    hey - Iowa is a cool place - we just gotta tell the world we are here that is all!


    anyway - the requirements for the getting on the dirt track have not been finalized

    I have to talk to the insurance company a bit more about that......
    as it stands right now -

    we are NOT racing......therefore the laps that we take on the track are for exhibition only and therefore do not need to meet the standards that taking a hot rod on a NHRA track or something equivalent.

    there are rules listed on the site that the insurance company has told us to go along with........
    there will be a driver meeting the morning of the show and all drivers will have to pass through me to get on the track.

    I dont want this to turn into some kind of legal nightmare - so I will be trying my best to control the level of excitement that an event like this can generate!

    oh and I will be in charge of the drivers signing the waivers as well!

    no signing - no driving

    we could certainly use help - we will need help doing just about everything so if you can help us out - you will get in for free!
  4. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    as for riding in the Roswell Rod - THAT is up to the Spritz By Fritz crew.....
    perhaps if you purchase shirt from them - you can get in and get a picture in the rod?

    who knows?

    its not my Rod..............but if he wants to let me borrow it for a while I will make the wife park out on the driveway!

  5. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    I have a couple more cool hot rods lined up - I will post the info after this weekend -
    Anyone needing promo material - please stop by the booth at the Hunnert Car Pile Up

    we will be promoting the show hard there
    Joined: Feb 12, 2008
    Posts: 548

    from iowa

    if you send some flyers this way i can put them up in des moines and ames
  7. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    If you are gonna be at the Cruise to the Woods tomorrow in Ft Dodge - I will have some postcards there.
  8. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf


    Good news - there WILL be a swap meet at Torque Fest.

    10 x 20 spots will be $20
    1 wristband will be given out per spot.
    This wristband gets you into the show.
    If you have extra people with you - they will have to pay the $5 spectator fee to get in to the show.

    If they dont want to go see the most amazing show of all time....that is fine - they can stay at the swap meet and look at the most amazing parts ever collected in one area at one time.


    maybe I AM hyping a bit - but bottom line is - 1 swap meet spot gets 1 wristband.

    It is going to be good.

    There have been a LOT of people really wanting to make this a part of the I finally got approval from the Farley Speedway.

    That is the good news

    There will be very strict guidelines for this swap meet.

    NO HOT WHEELS (unless they are redlines) - NO DIECAST TOYS (vintage tin toys are OK) - NO "new" MAGAZINES - Vintage only (pre 1970) - NO CLOTHING - NO FOOD - NO MOTORIZED BAR STOOLS - ETC

    you get the idea

    the guys at the gate will be checking everyone out (and most likely looking at your stuff to get first crack)
    If you have questions about what is good and what is not - email me.

    The bad news goes out to the Tin Butchers.

    I really wanted them to handle this entire section of the show.

    They know how to handle all this since they do the Scrap Drive in June.

    I had talked to several of them about this, and they seemed receptive to handling this responsibility.

    The hitch came when I discussed this with the management at the speedway.

    Seems they have a couple of auctions / swap meets there for vintage racing parts there during the year, and said they would run the swap meet.

    I told them that I had already approached a car club that was very good at running this type of thing, and they made it clear that they were also good at running a swap meet and that they would run it.


    I am publicly apologizing to the Tin Butchers for this situation. This is my first time doing a show like this, and I am sure there will be other problems that head our way. But, in no way do I want to disrespect them. They are all a bunch of great guys (the ones I have met anyway) and hope they will still show up to the show. The Tin Butchers have helped me with a lot of info about the swap meet section and I truly appreciate their efforts.


    I will be there in June.

    and just so everyone knows........there is a swap meet in Monticello on May 2 as well. They dont have the info up yet - but when they do, it will be at the following website:

    What this means is..........this is gonna be a 3 day weekend.

    Friday - come on out and set up your camping area.
    Friday night - go on the cruise (we will be filming this)
    Friday night - Hit the Afterdarks - for FREE - they are playing about 9 pm that night and we will try to have Registration start that night as well. Registering friday not will not qualify as a Pre register but will get you right in without wait on Sat morning.
    Saturday - fun fun fun
    Sunday - head down to Monticello to the other swap meet. 30 miles south of Farley. Perhaps get a group together to leave from speedway at 830am and film the cruise down to Monticello? Just an idea.......

    There ya go.

    Sounds like a good weekend to me.
  9. Stick Shift
    Joined: Oct 2, 2005
    Posts: 2,558

    Stick Shift
    from LENA IL

    Well thats kool. Now I can hit two swaps in one weekend. Awesome. This will be a good time. I can't wait.
  10. ...the good news is that there WILL be a swapmeet, the Tin Butchers don't really care who runs the thing, but it was nice of John to offer the deal to us; we appreciate the kind words.
    ...maybe now sevearal of the Tin Butchers club members will actually be selling parts at your show, sounds like a good deal all around.
    Lookin forward to another show like this in this area.
  11. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    thanks for being cool - I was really worried you guys would get upset with the way that turned out.

    Seeya at the Hunnert and if you have a shop that would want to put up a poster to promote our show....please stop by and tell me ya need one.

    I will be in the barn at the Hunnert - I will be the one with the TVs and the hot rod art, stickers, posters, magnets, etc

    and HOPEFULLY a big banner that is promoting the show (if it shows up in time)

  12. Man that really sucks to have it on that date. We already have some big plans to go to some show that some guy is putting on in some small town somewhere in northeastern Iowa.

    Ah just kidding!! I think the whole crew will be there to give ya a hand. Can't wait!
    see ya at the Hunnert!!
  13. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    you crazy Olivers!

    be sure to get the NEW improved postcard for the Torque Fest at the Hunnert..........
    did I give ya any posters?

    If anyone in the area needs posters that they can put up in their shops to help promote the show - let us know and we will give ya some at the Hunnert as well.
  14. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

  15. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
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    from Bettendorf

    YES - it is true - Mister Jack Walker has committed to bringing his Hirohata Merc AND Blue Danube to the Torque Fest. The indoor area is going to be full of some amazing rides that would NOT wanna see the dirt track, but are STILL very traditional. Mr Walker is a super nice guy and I am amazed that he is gonna bring these classics all the way from the Kansas City area to support the show. THANKS JACK!
  16. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
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    from Bettendorf

  17. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
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    from Bettendorf

    Mason Eggleston is bringin his Hemi powered hot rod to the show as well!

  18. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    Jimmy Flintstone Studios has confirmed that they will sponsor the ART SHOW!

    This is amazing news!

    The brilliant (and perhaps somewhat demented) mind of Jimmy has come up with a plan to make the Malibu Surfer Hats even easier to paint on!

    Thanks Jimmy!

    All the artists that have said YES to contributing - THANK YOU!

    All those that have yet to commit...........Norwell, Max Grundy, Ed Tillrock, Nick Sinclair, ToddJ, Von Hartmann, J-Sin, Jimmy Flintstone have all said they are on board - so we are hoping to get some others!
  19. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

  20. bobwop
    Joined: Jan 13, 2008
    Posts: 6,134

    from Arley, AL

    too bad you can't get cars like these to attend.

    You could even put DVD's of the movie "Hot Rod" on sale!

    Attached Files:

  21. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
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    from Bettendorf

    Hey - I need to work on that guy and see if he will make the trip down!!!!
  22. ToddJ
    Joined: Jul 11, 2008
    Posts: 1,408

    from Marion, IA

    I'm definitely gonna be there, peddling my art and possibly some pinstriping! I am SO looking forward to the show!
  23. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    glad to have an IOWA artist actually participating!!!

    Anyone that will be at the Cedar Rapids swap meet this weekend - I will have postcards and posters if you have a shop.
  24. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    wow - the Cedar Rapids swap meet was really encouraging.....
    I had people coming up all weekend that already knew about the show, and were needing posters to put up in their shops. So many people seemed to have already known about the show from the Hunnert Car Pileup - SO A BIG THANKS to allllll the people that helped me distribute the postcards at the Hunnert. Ya never know if people actually pay attention to the stuff you give them. Well - I guess they did this time.

    I also need to THANK the Olivers - I totally flaked and forgot to publicly acknowledge their BIG contribution to us at the end of the show last week. It was a long day and we were dead dog tired and they were there to help us load the trailer with all our product. Lefty & his better half, Super Dave, Bill were there to lift the heavy stuff and my wife (who had back surgery this summer) reallllllly appreciated it.

    I already got some flak from some people who dont "get" what we are trying to do. A guy came up and asked if his all steel 41 willys truck would be allowed in....I said - probably - our show is pre 65, no billet, no digital guages......
    he says - I got Coddington one offs on there......I says.....
    well - you may not get in if the wheels are unacceptable.

    he says - you except me to change my wheels to come to YOUR show?

    I said - We will have special spectator parking outside....and it will only cost ya $5 to see the show.

    He walks off saying something about HE wont be parking out in the lot with HIS vehicle.

    and then I had a swap meet guy ask about the details........

    I said - well - we dont want sham wows, ceramics, tupperware, hot wheels, diecast, dog treats, vinyl graphix, etc. ONLY CAR PARTS/TOOLS (no taiwan tools either)
    We would rather have 25 GREAT swap meet vendors than 200 crappy swap meet vendors.

    His response was - How are you gonna enforce that?

    I said - well I guess I have to tell them to leave or pay the much higher vendor fee.

    he says - Well YOU are gonna be Mr Popular!

    I says - well - I think it is best to keep a certain standard of dealers in this show then let just anyone set up.

    He shakes his head and walks off.

    as he is walking off I say - You can set up on May 2 in Monticello!


    there ya go........

    making friends everywhere I go!


    Thanks to all those people in Cedar Rapids - people from all over the state were there - even people from WI and MN.

    I hope to seeya come May 1.
  25. zimm
    Joined: Jan 22, 2006
    Posts: 802

    from iowa

    nice to chat in person at the swap thanks for the posters. I hope to tell des moines about the show
    BUMP for GO KARTS! whos with me?
  26. Stick Shift
    Joined: Oct 2, 2005
    Posts: 2,558

    Stick Shift
    from LENA IL

    Hey hey hey IL people were there too. LOL

    I am gonna send you a message.
  27. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    Just talked to Farley Speedway and we have the green light for all the vendors/show rods/kustoms to set up on Friday!

    Registration will also be set up so people that show up for the cruise for Friday evening can come in before or after and get the credentials for Saturday so there will be no waiting. We will have a separate line for those that have already got the credentials on Saturday morn.

    So to the vendors and kustom kats that have been asking me for Friday details..........we will be there Friday at Noon and we should be there til 10pm.

    Just email me if you have any other questions.
  28. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    yeah - Zimm - help me out on the vintage Go Kart exhibition!!!

    ANYONE out there that have leads on getting some Go Karts on the track - let me know!!!

    a buddy of mine that told me all the details about how I should do the vintage go karts..........once I told him I have clearance for his go karts - he says "I dont have a go kart"



    well if anyone has any vintage go karts - BRING EM

    and Stick Shift - if you can help me with the models - that would help us out A LOT!

    Thanks to everyone that has already been helping us - we appreciate it!
  29. Dude, I wouldnt sweat the haters. It sounds like your working your ass off to make this deal happen, what a lineup you have already. I am so stoked about this day. I would love to help if I can, maybe then you can overlook the rust on my wag!

  30. 27T
    Joined: Nov 16, 2006
    Posts: 677


    I have a go kart:D

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