I LOVE these and I've been looking forever for a set but haven't come across any. I have a set of the Sears brand Kelsey Hayes Mag-Star wheels but they're not nearly as cool. And since everyone likes pics, here's one of the single rib Raders on my '64 Olds. I'm not sure when the 3 rib ones came out, but I've heard they came out first around '64 and that the ones like mine weren't available until around '66. I've also heard that the first ones were one piece cast as opposed to a two piece with steel outer like what I have, but the only one piece ones I've ever seen were the new "Radir" wheels with an I. The greatest mag wheel thread in existence is going on now on the LBCC board, might be more info there. http://www.losboulevardosmessageboard.com/showthread.php?1011-Wheel-Freaks-Post-here