Did a search and didn't find anything but I'm sure you guys can help. I recently picked up a '55 210 w/ a 283 and Muncie (not sure yet which one). I think it's a 20+ year old build. Was driving around yesterday when the trans started making a bunch of noise - the wife heard it from inside the house when I pulled in. It is a loud whine. I even hear a whirring noise when the clutch is engaged. I figure it's not good and I'm going to have to pull it but can anyone suggest where I should start when I get it out. Thanks for the help in advance.
Modern 5 speeds lubricate with Automatic trans fluid. Old 4 speeds with 80-90 wt gear oil. Typical service guy down at the kwicky lube don't seem to know this. If this is your problem you'll know pretty quick. Muncie service parts are where ever you find them, but there is an outfit in MI that offers what you'll likely need. Just google "muncie 4 speed". Manual trannys don't have "ordinary" problems as a rule, except for syncro wear, you will have to go in and look around.
I've been driving the car for several months. The problem occurred very suddenly so I assume something broke. Just hoping someone can tell me where to start lookin.
When you pull it out and open the case, the problem will be obvious. Check throw-out bearing first. If throw-out has problem, be sure to check clutch linkage for bad bushings and adjustment. Good luck.
Another one on check the throwout bearing especially when the noise doesn't change when you push the clutch in. You most likely have either not had enough freeplay in the clutch pedal (it needs about 1 inch of free travel (pedal movement) before you feel the throwout bearing hit the fingers on the clutch. Or you have been using the clutch pedal as a foot rest when you have been driving. The third thing is the possibility that someone put a long throwout bearing in where it should have had a shorter one and there wasn't enough adjustment to get the bearing free of the clutch fingers.
Does this have the sheet metal shield on the flywheel and is it rubbing? Anything inside the transmission that's making noise that you can hear away from vehicle usually quits making noise after a loud bang.