I have a set of old Cal Custom finned valve covers to put on my SBF. They use twist in type breathers. I am having trouble finding that style breather with a PCV in them. there are more available for the push in type breather. I see a few with a tube, but no pcv. Can these be hooked up like a pcv and get the same results? or is there an inline pcv to use with them, or ?? The original Ford valve covers had a D shaped grommet on one side, and a twist in hole on the other. I have no area on the intake to install a pcv there, nor do I feel like messing up my intake in an attept to put one in. Ideas please.
I got mine from NAPA, its a chrome breather with a hole in the top for a PCV. It was about ten bucks.
Jegs had the mushroom shaped ones (Summit only carries push in kind), the sealed pcv kind that twists in as well as the breather kind that twist in... you just have to find a pcv that'll fit in the grommet in the side. this is the best pic I have of them, pcv on the left, breather on right.
I just went thru the same thing putting finned covers on an off topic car. The PCV side got one of the tube breathers you describe and an inline PCV valve in the hose. Lots of 70s-80s GM used inline valves. Good luck
So I ordered the one twist-in breather with a PCV that Summit had on the website (along with a box full of other goodies) and when it arrives, it is just a breather style. No valve. crap