A lot of great looking hubcaps from the late 50s are not utilized because they're for factory 14" wheels, and personally, I think big cars of the era look better on 15"s.
Not my car but I did buy a set of the Olds hubcaps for my 47. I've also seen the centers painted body color to make it look less Eastern German LOL
Hello, A set of 1958-59 Chevy small center hubcaps with crossed flags... Yes, it is/was purchased at a Chevy dealer’s parts store. But with the crossed flags and no specific factory car identifying logo, it could be on other brand of cars. Small, flat and covers the center section of any rim with some pop in pressure. When my brother got his new 58 black Impala, it had full size hubcaps with whitewall tires. As done on his earlier 51 Oldsmobile two door post sedan, the stock Impala whitewalls were left on with the full size caps removed. The several months of driving that way, we got some small center hubcaps at the local Chevy dealer. That gave the Impala a rather plain business look, for the top of the line sedan. At the drags even those had to come off to compete against other similar racers. So, black rims, whitewalls, then turned the whitewall inside until the tire tread wore out and then ordered all blackwall tires. But the rims remained bare or with a splash of muted contrasting colors. Silver, white and black. The small center hubcaps were used to make it look somewhat business like, a drag race look. But, most of the time it was all black on black, eventually. May 1962 Jnaki Then by the time the junior year in high school, came around, a friend gave me a set of beauty trim rings and that added to the small center hubcaps. It made the Impala look as if it had chrome wheels. Thanks, G So, for the last two years of high school, that was the look for the majority of cruising around. When someone approached me with a challenge or two, then all hubcaps + beauty trim rings came off for the encounter(s). YRMV Last view of the 58 Impala in the fall semester ... sold to a friend, before I went away for college.