I've been throwing around this idea lately. At the first Symco Shakedown in Downtown Symco, WI last August, I ran into a few UW Stout Auto Club Alumni, not to mention Cliffy, co-promoter of the show. So how about this August we see how many UW Stout Auto Club Alumni we can get to the Symco Shakedown? I know of a few on the HAMB, but I'm sure there are many before and after my time at UW Stout (fall '92-spring '97). Would be great to reminisce over a cold PBR at the Unionville Saloon. Sound like a plan?, let me know, just a thought.
Count me in. I'll be there anyway. It would be fun to have a formal meet and greet in the Union Still on Sat afternoon. Get a pic of the whole Stout Auto Club group from days gone by. Come on Bugman, Tokyo, Tuck and the rest, I know you all still chime in on the HAMB now and then.
You can put me down as a strong maybe. I would love to meet fellow alumni and hear stories about years gone by. I know there was some crazy times in the years before I joined (04-09).
I would like to think back and be proud to have been a part of UW-SAC... but the whole thing with the Desoto kinda turned me off... Nobody seems to give a shit that a fellow ALUMNI stole the clubs car... LAME.
BS. I tracked down the original title last year. The current club is who doesn't give a shit. They have the title, I offered to work with the state to get the car back legally and the guy who has the original title in hand won't do anything with it. Meaning the title was never transfered, someone had to have forged something to obtain a new title. The original title will take precedent over replacements. I have copies of both the original title and the current title with the thief's name on it.
5 more days and we will be pulling into the shakedown grounds, The best week-end of the year. I hope my pic of me at the Salt Flat holds up for the contest I am a Stout Alumni, and a big fan of the Shakedown, I never joined the car club, But I still go to the Stout car club shows in the spring at the Dunn County Fair Grounds, Hope to see Stout Alumni at the Shakedown. SEE YA,, PLATTER, 1940 Olds will be on the road, The car is Flat black now, stop over and say Hi
I think your buddy won the contest with the pics from the swiss alps. We may have to flip a coin to see who won when you guys get here, what do you think? or maybe we can find some way to pick a winner.
Well me and Chuck are coming together, I already ordered a shirt, So give the prize to Chuck. He went a long way for those pics, Maybe give me a little discount on a hoodie then. Se Ya Platter (unshined)
Graduated Stout 1972. Never new they had a car club. Just remember the raffle to see when the car would sink in the lake at spring thaw. Photo is my 40, Lake Menomonie.