During this Holiday Season the Early Ford V-8 Club of America is pleased to offer complimentary access to our digital November/December issue of the award-winning V-8 Times Magazine. It is available right now. You can access the magazine by clicking on this link. (You may need to press the CTRL key on your PC at the same time you click on the link): https://issuu.com/wheelsm777/docs/novemberdecember2022v8times?fr=sMTkxZjM5NDgyNTM or you can copy the link and paste it into your internet browser. When you access the digital magazine, you will see icons on the lower right that will allow you to “Zoom in” on the page, or “Find” something in the magazine. Click on the left or right arrows or use the bar at the bottom of the screen to turn the magazine’s pages. We hope you enjoy the V-8 Times Magazine! Once you read this complimentary issue of the V-8 Times and wish to continue to receive future issues of the magazine, go to the Early Ford V8 Club website: https://www.earlyfordv8.org. From the website’s homepage, click on the “membership” tab on the left side for information on how to become a member and continue to receive the magazine either through the mail or just by digital access. The Early Ford V8 Club wishes you all a Happy Holiday, Merry Christmas, and a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Wow... there's a wealth of Ford knowledge and parts availability there! Good source for newbies and old timers alike!
You can get the past 50 years or so of issues on a thumb drive from the club, plenty of well researched reading to keep you busy for a very long time. Membership is cheap and you get the magazine to your door 6x a year. Local Regional Groups all over the US, I happen to be in RG #24 out of Atlanta.