He shows full size diagrams. I have a bandsaw, belt sander, and welder. I used a lot of his ideas in the big book on my 35 Ford pickup. Time tested. I had to make some adjustments for my setup, but it was helpful.
There are a number of people in this business that because of a set of excellent products or a great reputation in the hobby think that they can ignore customer service. It seems it's just part of the game and you have to decide to live with it or find alternatives. I do the latter.
"contentaljohn" - I hear what your saying and understand it, to a point. That being said, I stand by my original statement. I guess there are two types of car guys. Those of use who like to do things and guys who like "star power". I knew a guy many years ago who had a pretty nice chopped '41 Chevrolet sedan with an RB Chrysler. He never tired of telling us that the car had "an 'Art Carr' Torqueflight, an engine by 'Wheeler', and bodywork by 'Peanuts'". To someone like me that was driving a hemi-powered "T" bucket that I had build 100% by myself (including paint and upholstery), that got old real fast. All I'm saying is that you have to decide who you are.
Yep I hear ya Tubman and lots of Starpower guys out there . It sound like we are alike 100% hands on with out the lip service
I don't think very many of them think they are above customer service I think most fall into two categories. They are either just not very good business people who are really good at making a product or doing the work but bad at running the business side of things or they are comfortable with where they are at and have enough business that they see no need to spend extra time out of their day chasing down every dollar.
Like I said, it's just the cost of doing business (for the customer). You either accept it, or you don't.
Terry, if you're looking for the 1939 pedal assembly that is shown in Vern's book they are available from Bob Drake. I just bought one and it appears to be well made, at least there is no 'made in china' marked on it, but who knows? A few months ago I faxed a question to him about an item in his book that wasn't clear, he replied after a few days and we later talked on the phone. He was very helpful.