Help wanted to decode serial number etc. on Canadian 1951 Ford Custom C473H51-78329 Especially .. Trim...HC Paint..31.
Here is a little blurb about Canadian Ford serial numbers by Frank Scheidt:, which suggests (as I was going to) reaching out to Ford of Canada's archivist. You might start through their customer service people who should direct you to the right person. Try here: Ford of Canada Relationship Centre 1-800-565-3673 Hope this helps somehow and good luck, Dave
So just fyi that number sends you to a weird sounding spammy auto person. Dailed 1800-565-3673 instead (Ford Customer Service), but they had nothing. They gave me a number for the Henry Ford Museum that ended up being a pub in Dearborn, MI. But I found the Canadian Auto Museum in Oshawa was a crazy help. Answered everything for me, verified what I needed. Ask for Alex.