Here's a few from when my dad raced back in the 70's and early 80's. It was called "Blood Sweat and Gears." Heard some pretty wild stories from back then. Should have been called Church Bells for the size of these guys balls
Thanks Hoovs42, I missed that because I was out of town working. Several recognizable reprobates in that line up...
Awesome pics, Hoovs42...thanks for sharing them. I see a bunch of boats I recognized, and I see Spike was there with his pair! <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_8206533", true); </SCRIPT>
Thanks Guys! It was a great day and one event that I will hit every year from now on...I have video as well that I will attempt to post soon.
First boat drags were at hart park lake in bakersfield in may of 1959. Lake ming was built a few years later.
Does anyone have pics of Jack Ostrander? He ran T/F in the 70's. I ran fuel dragsters with him for a little while, but never saw his boats. JC
a few pics from a performance boats photo shoot of a friends really sweet nailhead powered 63 spitfire, a family boat since it was new
Jack ran the guzzler boats out of Pontiac Mich. then went on to tune the Ambush and stage fright, just was with Jack in Phoenix for the world finals and hot boat reunion
Does anyone know of any other 1960's ski/drag boat builders other than Nordic that made a v-hull. I'm in the process of purchasing a 17' v-hull boat that as far as I know, had a Ford 460 in it originally. It also has through transom exhaust. I don't have any photos for you yet but I thought someone could lead me in the right direction. I haven't found any mfg. plates or names yet. Thanks.
In the late 70's I owned a 17' Whitcraft V-drive that had a slight V bottom on it. These were built in the 70's by Whitley Marine in Cocoa Beach Fla. They built about 40 if I remember correctly....not sure where they got the mold from, but it looks similar to another California brand I've seen
A buddy of mine just bought a 1980 Nordic that's setup for a bbc it's got the name ambush on it and the lettering looks just like the ambush blown fuel hydro does anybody have any info on the ambush team? Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
No answer for you but I would post this question on the Screem & Fly & V-Drive web sights. They are like the HAMB of everthing in go fast boats..................
Here's a picture of my brother in the red Cougar runner bottom he and his wife had and one of the Cole TA/hydro we crewed on. The Cole, Airtime (originally owned by Jim Epler) unfortunately lost it's beautiful original paint work, when the capsule was added. That little guy in the front, is youngrodder1929, here on the HAMB.
oops.. posted this in the "old boats" thread thinking it was the "drag boats" thread... I guess it applies to both... here is another pic of my families Stevens wood decker... photo taken in 1968 or 1969 in South Gate, CA. We had towed the boat down from Sacramento with out 65 Mustang (which I still have) for a race at Marine Stadium. 390 Caddy bored out to 415, weiand drag star with 6 94's. Yes... thats me in the pic. I was a cute lil tike... I wonder what happened...
Love the old style V-drives!! Once you own/pilot one you never get that V-drive whine out of your head. Even now, I live about 1/2 mile from the lake and when I hear the whine of a V-drive, it sends tingles up my neck! Choptop, thanks for posting the old wood deck photos