Just wanted to see this thread “stick” around! This is the only unbroken pair , I have left from my hard hittn’ rock band days ; back in the 70’s :
I was gifted my cousins kit this past Xmas that was in his sisters garage just collecting dust. He sadly passed away in 02 at 32 years old but loved to drum, it runs in the family as both my brothers also play the drums professionally. This kit is made up of a 20” and 12” Ludwig in a yellowed silver sparkle and a rare Walberg & Auge 14” floor Tom. The snare is a 70’s Pearl Ultratone. Going to restore them but hoping to save the wrap, polish them up and new heads. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Reading of the passing of Neil Peart (January 7) made me think of when he appeared on David Letterman's "Drum Solo Week". Then, seeing the Gene Krupa clip above, I wanted to compare the two. Not really a comparison I guess, but I got a bigger kick from Krupa. In case you're interested, here's the Peart - Letterman clip...
I’m building out of pieces a Club Date/ Jazzette style kit for my 7 year old daughter. 17, 14, 12 and 14 jazzfest snare. I’m making maple hoops for the 17 kick that was a marching band tenor. All shells are 65-67. The snare and 12 I have to re-wrap to match the sparkle. I need a baseball bat muffler for the snare still and correct style throw off. I got a round knob mflr to stick in the bass. The 14 was a snare, I’ve almost got all the correct straight leg mounts so it can begin a new life as floor tom. I’m filling the snare beds, and putting fresh bearing edges on all shells. The 12 was ruff but cheap and the hardware cleaned up well. All of this is to have a cool vintage kit that sounds good but not too loud in the house. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
That’s going to be a cool kit! I built my kid a Keller kit...he gave up on the drums long ago but picked up a guitar and he is getting pretty good...likes jazz , the blues and Johnny Marr. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
^^ Did someone use the words guitar and blues in the same sentence? Ronnie Earl (and The Broadcasters), is one of the best around and has been for years. Here's a man that can move from slow ten minute stinging guitar work to a groovy jazz piece without breaking a mood. YouTube is loaded with examples of Ronnie.
Thanks for the info...I’ll let him know to look Ronnie up on YouTube. Thankfully he got into playing guitar, keeps him busy and my wife loves it too. I got around to finishing the snare, couple of hours messin around with steel wool and polish got looking ok [emoji119] also switched out the steel hoops for heavy die cast aluminum...solid snare! Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
new heads all around and the rest will be done in the next few weeks. The badge puts them from 67, the year I was born Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Yes, the ginger ale look is nice and I have found a few floor toms to match but $600 is a little steep right now. I’m also looking for a W&A bass and tom and found this gem, probably unattainable to piece together a kit. My cousin bought the Ludwig kit from a Hollywood set designer back in the late 90’s. I remember him saying it was used on the Love Boat back in the 70’s. I have looked at some old episodes and what I found is what looks like a W&A bass and Tom in the same finish missing the floor Tom. I have yet to see the Ludwig. Thankfully I can fast forward through the episodes. [emoji119] Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Ok, not really drums per se...but I picked up these two vintage drum cases from the early 40s I believe. Lucite handles, heavy fiberboard construction, matching pair, about 18 inches square by 15 inches tall. Don’t have a use for them, but I can’t help but pick up old stuff when I see it.
Those are great! I’m sure you will find something to put into them. We have a set of luggage (his and hers) from my wife’s great Aunt probably 1930’s and we keep old greeting cards and old photos in those. I got the 12” Tom set up and it’s sounds great! Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Just won this on EBay. 16” floor Tom is a very close match to my 20” bass and 12” tom Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Got the drum and it’s in ok shape. Not good...these go for $700 in decent to great shape when just buying the single drum. I paid $425 knowing I’d have to do some repairs and possibly buy a lug or 2 or 3... Lot of grime and old glue and tape residue on the shell inside and out Cigarette smoke also Cleaned a 6” square inside the middle of the shell Over night vinegar bath for the parts then a soak in dawn liquid for a few hours. Hope to have it done in a day or two. Repairing the seam right now with contact cement. This is how it came. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Through all my research and the owning a few of these vintage 60s Delmar silver sparkle wrapped shells. I’ve grown so fond of the yellowing that gives a hint of gold that I no longer like them at all in a clean fresh silver. Is that crazy? Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I agree, I feel the same about white marine pearl. Always drawn to that butterscotch look, the more even, the better.
I do like the yellow/gold over the new silver look of today. The match is perfect! I love the look of the aged white marine pearl too CT Drum Co Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Done for now. Need to source a few tension rods, came with 5 different styles. Need a set of heads...preferably white coated emperor’s for the toms. Ordered a reso head for the bass drum and should be here soon. Also, I’m looking at a getting set of flat based hardware from Gibraltar. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Took my kid to one of the the best studios in the world. My close friend and music partner masters for them...28 years in the business Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app