clemdaddy,that place is just awesome,great job on the transformation. I am in FortSmith and visit Fayetteville often,where exactly is the place if you dont mind me asking?? I also have a question about your big back window flat bed stake truck. Has that truck been in Ft Smith anytime? I had seen an exact truck like that often in the Ft and also knew a guy who had one just like it whose last name was Gann and had a service station in Ft Smith also.
Here's a couple of pics of mine. 1949 Ranch. It was a real pile of shit when I moved in...I bought the cheapest house on the market when I moved to the area. The neighbors told me they thought I was going to tear it down. Ha ha! It really was in sad shape. It's slowly coming together... Living room And a shot of the back of the house as I was building my garage (by myself) last year...
I am very envious scaryLarry. I seen the episode on TV that did the feature on your place and I was in AWE during the episode. You guys did a wonderful job on the place and I would love to see it in person if it all possible.
F@#$ me! I don't have have anything like Scarry Larry there, but my house was built just befor WWII. Infact my neighborhood was the last built in my town until after the war. Here is what I can't figure out; my house was built in '45, but my '48 Chrysler won't fit in the damn garage? Go figure.
hey slammed1... the station is at huntsville and happy hollow roads, out hwy 16 towards elkins. stop on by. i get to the ft. occasionally. dick and rick nuckles at restoration plus are buddies.
We've been here for 25 of it's 107 years.Would'nt want to move anywhere. Oh yea,we paid $22,000 for it
My 1926 Craftsman of the few in the neighborhood that hasn't been stucco'd over...there's still an old lumber yard in town that makes the correct redwood siding (for a price!!!)
I'm glad to see you didn't loose more limbs than that. My yard is a like a carpet of branches, we were without power for 46 hours.
yeah, not too bad.. we have a few chinese elms in the back that are going to have to come out.. and the neighbor lost a nice big fruit tree. We're waiting for out power to come back now.
Our house last year; It sits on 8 acres with a very large barn that will be converted to a great garage shop. It also has a "Model T" garage, a greenhouse and a chicken coop with 9 chickens and 1 female turkey. I do historical renovations so this house was right up my alley. Since we moved in in December of '06 we have torn down both chimneys, rebuilt them with a bit more decorative brick work and rebuilt the 6 fire boxes. The flues have been lined with a poured-in-place liner system which is the only structural lining system to strengthen old brick and mortar. We also replace the HVAC, new plumbing and electrical. Converted a "florida" room to a walk in closet with custom built cabinets that my wife and I built. Did a ton of structural framing repairs. All in all, we have done a signifigant amount of work in a year but have alot more to go. I think it's a bit interesting that having a "period" outlook for the cars I own, I choose to renovate my house with the same thought process. BloodyKnuckles
Bloody thats a beautiful house. I hope to someday be able to buy a older home and fix it up. Any more pics? What exactly is a Florida room?
We live in a neighbourhood where the homes have a 20's bungalow style. You can see more at We call it Disney Land.
oh man, some awesome houses here. scarylarry lives in heaven!!! heres mine. not as old as most here, but i like it. its a '57 model to match my car. pretty small, but was cheap as chips, and keeps the rain off my head. i bought it off my grandparents on the spare of the moment. glad i did, property prices around here have quadrupled since! its in a pretty neat old neighbourhood, with all houses built between early '50s to early '60s. best part - has a 4car carport plus my garage out back. the guy who had the house built was a carpenter and used to build big wooden boats down the back in his spare time, so it had this cool old toolshed i decorated with a bowser and old signs
Australia and the United States. Two great peoples separated by a common language. What the hell is a "bowser"?
My great-grandfather built my house for my grandfather (with his and his brother's help) in 1940-41. I'm remodeling now, but keeping the outside pretty much the same. Ripping the old enclosed back porch off and extending the house 14' (porch goes out 8') though. Front: Back: The shop I built out back. It's built in place of the shed behind the house in the aerial photo (next): And finally, the whole location (that's my brother's chicken farm next door, the brick house in front is my dad's):
Here's our shack. Very small, smallest house I've ever been in. Built in '47, rickety old 2 car shop out back. Very cramped, but I'm grateful to have it.
If the city would get off their ass, my rebuild would get started (after a fire 3 years ago!!), SoCal planners suck....
A true inspiration to all, what all of you have done to your homes and still find time to work on your toys. We are a creative bunch world wide. Great pictures and great thread........
Wow, Doc, that's like a California Bungalow on steroids! That T in your avatar would look great sitting out front. Is it yours? -Dave
Yup, it's actually sitting out front now. The house is not really that big, there's 1800 sq-ft of garage. It's amazing how much BS you have to go thru to do anything here in SoCal. Even though the house was originally built decades ago, you have to bring everything up to present code, energy efficiency, new materials. then add permit costs, taxes and a revaluation of property taxes that doubles your tax....I'm $25k into this project and haven't lifted a hammer. Cars are much easier!
1934 bungalow, with separate 1/12 car garage, all plants installed by yours truly, 515 of them , when we moved in two years ago. yes I'm house proud lol..considering we used to live in a gang infested apartment complex with shootings etc six years ago...hell yeah last photo the work is best done at night in the summers.. [/IMG] [/IMG]
My salt box house I bought when I was 23.... I am a bachelor and cheap, so it's nothin fancy... Built in 1911, gutted and redone in 1960.... I repainted it close to it's original color - lounge green... It used to have gas lighting, which was kinda neat. It's way too big for me though and will be for sale soon... I kept it tame for resale purposes...but no track lighting in this place.