I bought this 1942 Minnesota license plate as i really like the color combination of cream and maroon. My knowledge of vintage license plates is admittedly slim to none. I believe this is called a "shortie" as it's only (4) numbers in length. I am wondering if a vintage license plate frame exists for a plate of this size? Here is my plate. It measures 7 1/2" wide by 5 1/2" tall. I found this NOS frame on that well known auction site, but it looks like its going to be about 1/2" too wide on each side, equalling 1" too wide total at the opening side to side. Any idea if a frame exists? Thank you, HAMBers!
There is a license plate thread on the Antiquated. Ask your question there . There’s a couple members that are posting on there that have a lot of knowledge. Cool plate . I’m thinking it’s for a motorcycle but I don’t know much either
I just went out to the garage and measured the plate on my JZR cycle car in my avatar. It is exactly 7.5 x 5.5. Any standard motorcycle tag frame should fit fine. Good luck!!
I think that frame you showed is adjustable, the corners slide on the horizontal pieces. I could be wrong and it's welded, but I have seen adjustable ones. They didn't standardize plate sizes until 1954 IIRC.
There is an adjustable, stainless frame available that would accommodate that size plate . I had one I didn't use and recently gave to my bestest bud for his early, odd sized Wash. plate. It was pretty decent quality and he's happy with it.
Don't know if that Practo Plate is adjustable....as they came in different sizes. It should have a backing plate on it, so you could paint any gaps the color you want...if that would look good?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_registration_plates_of_Minnesota https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_registration_plates_of_the_United_States_for_1942