Here's my latest......I call her the murdered mini. It's a 1978 Columbia/MTD sold through Western Auto Parts as the Western Flyer. I'm almost done and looking forward to the first blast down the street. It has a Briggs Animal Engine that's used for Kart racing...
Just got this one going. new seat, front wheel , used shocks. Its only a 2 HP the 5 HP is too tall and wide for this narrow frame. I was surprised that it moves my 37 year old ass around pretty good. Maybe over the winter i can experiment with a metalflake paint job.
Got this from a fellow making a few alterations.. 6.5 briggs.. comet tork-a-verter custom fuel tank.. and a couple of c.u.s.p.'s.. I have no idea what it is.. But i like it... needs a few more things.. but it's almost ready to roll..
Here are some great pics for the HAMBers with a Bonanza Mini Bike. I got these at a Garage sale. It turns out,I got them from the guy that started the company! (large pics,click on thumbnails)
Liberace triple trees!?! Fancy candlesticks?? hahahahah!!!! seriously though I have a bunch of D.O.M. tubing if you need some, your welcome to it.Craig said you were needin'. O/T Ya know what it sounds like when a cute Asian gal runs your go kart into a brick wall? Anybody, anybody??? WWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - WHUMP!!!! Then lots of random noise that I believe to be swearing in a completely different language!!Came back dragging the right front wheel with the throttle stuck wide open yelling something about "alleys being longer in Hong Kong"! She's O.K. though, well 'cept that bruise. Go kart is a couple of inches shorter on one side though. In a round about way I guess that is my update from my pictures a few pages back - sounds like it's time to get on my mini bike project for real again!
The 'lil Spaniard ees a roller now, all forked up, thanks GreggAZ for the keen welding and dealing with the oppressive heat and humidity, but BostonMike and myself, certainly, must have been the highlight of your weekend! haha Progress pics..... (Gregg's tiki and T stuff, so don't ask)
How do those Toque-a-verters work? Pretty good? I know the concept... like a golf cart tranny... but, which is the best one to get? Where to buy? Are they they shit? or steer clear of them? I built some forward controls for my kid's mini today. Well, it's just a scrub brake forward control... works good. Sam
Sam, click on any of the links on this page.....the old mini bike site is really cool.
They're awesome. Instead of 1 speed, you have several basically since it's variable. Basically like the newer CVT trannies that are going into some of the newer cars.
I picked up a monkey wards on its way to the scrap yard last year, this thread got to me so i fixed er up. Thanks to tommy v for close up pics of his to figger out how the jackshaft/ swingarm went together.
I picked up a Briggs and Strat out of a junk pile. Think I will fix it to run around on. Makes me think I'm 12 again.