I found my first pedal car on a farmers dump in 1980, a 37 Ford. I gave him $5. for it. Then I took it home and built a pull stroller, for our new baby daughter. Since then I lost track how many that I've drug home. In the 90's the local news paper heard of my collection. They asked to do a story on them. So we started dragging them out of an old farm house, that I use for storage. There were over one hundred then. When collecting, you can get carried away. I had a lot fun finding and restoring them. But the most fun is the hunt. If any one wants one, PLEASE let me know, and cheap too. Lol Here is a couple that I've restored, and also that first little 37 ford with my newest grandson. Thanks Ron...
Very cool Ron. Since I don't have a garage to play with full size toys I've considered playing with vintage pedal cars. They get awfully expensive though, even for beat up junk.
{Davkin} I have plenty of them, and for only around $100. how many would you like? Lol Hay, I can't restore them all. Ron....
In the 80s and 90s I attended A lot of pedal car shows. Plus the usual swap meets. I drug home any cars that I didn't have. I got a little carried away. Lol Great job Mark on your restorations. I really like your tow truck. I posted this one of me, taken in 1957 before somewhere. I guess that I just never grew up! BEEN FUN THOUGH! [emoji2] RON.... Sent from my SM-G920P using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
No Mark, But I'm sure that I would still have my pedal car, if it weren't stolen from our yard a few years after that photo was taken. My dad still lives in the same house. He built it the year I was born. So I have kept a lot of my toys that I had as a kid, in his attic and basement. I've always been VERY, Sentimental. lol I still have the little fire truck in this photo. They got it for me for my first Christmas. I was just an infant at the time! lol Thanks Ron....
Two more I own now. At one time I had over a hundred pedal cars, some are in the pedal car books. I will need to dig out some old photos when I get a chance. The two of four I own at this time.
I had a Fire Engine in 1951 for a few years....Yea, thats me. I found one just like it at Hershey a few years ago.....
These two I've had for years, the body shell was nice so I bought it thinking of making a gasser style pedal car, since then it's been sitting on top of the shop restroom along with the hot rod pedal car I've had for 20 years.
We paid considerably more than $5.00 for old #9 when we bought it last year! We really like the color and did not want to re-paint it. So, I spent some time cleaning and oiling it, adding a steering wheel and lowering the stance.
I restored this one for my daughters birthday. It was a rust bucket to start with. A Speedway 500 pace car. Notice { the 500 } vintage bike tag. Thanks Ron.....
No Jim, I did all the graphics on the computer, then had them made in vinyl. Even my old telephone number from the Cove.
Mark: The reason I asked was because I know a lot of guys won't use vinyl on many things like bikes and vintage toy's. I remember when I would never use vinyl and now almost 17 years later that is all I use everyday of the week. I even made water transfer style decals for many years but the printers I used were from Germany and the Netherlands and once the printer company went out of business and my last four printers died that ended the water transfer decals. The printers were very unique because they used water proof ink which was really cool. The New wide format printer set me back a cool $18,000 dollars!! Jim
I found this one at a metal working workshop at Gambino customs: First paint job I ever did. Worth it!
Then of course.....my son wanted one. I think that's some much better paint. Many adventures were had: and yes, the chief's firetruck is blue. Such is the dark power of the painter.
I am starting to gather a little bit of a fleet. Three grandsons keep the wheels turning most of the time.
The fleet in a rack, all getting stored for winter. The only ones not on the rack is the 55 Chevy which resides in Las Vegas and a 32 roadster that is in my office.
A retired friend of mine had this old pedal car that he dug out of the mud 40 years ago at a Minnesota salvage yard. One side was badly rusted. What to do? Make two wall hangers out of it. Gary