Photo brings back memories, in the sixties I was out in Calif. walking thru museum, met up with Ed, and he showed me around back to his work shop. Fiberglas, plaster, and chicken wire forms is what I remember. He was most interesting to say the least, but a very creative car guy.
Hello, On our Florida trip, we stayed in West Palm Beach. We were originally going to stay in Miami Beach during one of those annual Boat shows. Our Westcoast friend was going to be in it and we thought we would surprise him, by showing up on the docks during the show…All the way from the So Cal. We did it once in Oakland as he was also in a San Francisco Bay Area boat show, too. It was fun to watch the faces of someone we knew, but so far away from home in So Cal. As we discussed staying in Miami, a few choices were made. We decided that flying into one of the best airports in the USA was enough about Miami. We would like to go sailing out of the massive harbor area and the ocean looked good. But, having seen a lot of shows about Miami and it just looked interesting, but not for this trip. For us, the modern airport was enough and we decided to go to West Palm Beach for the week’s stay. We could always drive South if needed. So, we were Central Coast located for a weeks worth of driving and seeing the Atlantic Ocean. It was a nice ocean, but somehow obviously not the Pacific Ocean and its areas. But, the waters were just interesting and warmer. We had transportation to be able to drive up and down the coast to see some sights and restaurants. It was a fun place to be in West Palm Beach. The old parts and the new areas gave us similarities to So Cal coastal cities. Jnaki We were not without seeing some huge sailboats and powerboats in Fort Lauderdale. It was not during Spring Break, so the city was relatively quiet and less hectic. The harbor had some interesting boats and a lot of huge, what we called, “floating cities.” We needed supplies for our road trips and we found several places called “Winn-Dixie.” One of our favorite movies was called, “Because of Winn Dixie.” So, we were familiar with the name. Those stores were in almost every little community and city we drove through on our coastal road trip and stay. That whole coastline from the airport to West Palm Beach, then our short road trips North to inlet waters of our turn around at Vero Beach was a fun trip. We liked that the roadway was almost on the waterfront and along the whole coastline. Sometimes, it looked a little scary. Especially, when we climbed the narrow passage way of the Jupiter Lighthouse for a great view of the whole coastline! It was a nice place, but the weather was not to our liking. The humidity reminded us of New Orleans and the Carribean...YRMV
Aerial view of the Santa Monica Pier and the breakwater looking north, June 25, 1934, 2:35PM. Source: Spence Air Photos