Thanks for that part of the question. Now,right hand drive and a distinctly Aussie house there. The return verandahs are part and parcel of our heritage. Equally,it may well be some other country.
@jeepsterhemi Hello, The latest photo we took is of a classic Corvair Greenbriar station wagon sitting in a parking lot. it looked lonely, but the color was the selling point. straight from 1965 The bright orange/red color stood out from almost a block away. My sharp-eyed wife saw the orange/red color and said there was an old hot rod van up ahead. It was very nicely done and the body was pristine for how old it is/was… Jnaki It would make a nice cruiser, only if it had enough power for using the station wagon with A/C on those hot summer months along the vast So Cal coast line… YRMV A nice looking, youngish, lady was also looking at the Corvair station wagon. She was thinking ahead at how her short or long surfboard would fit inside or on top. Back in our early teenage surf explorations, the whole tall station wagon group from VW to Econolines to Corvair van wagons all had racks inside the roof lines. Two bars of hard oak, given the fiberglass/resin coating were stretched across the inner trim ledge of the inside area. That gave just enough space to slid in two long, fairly flat surfboards and then, clipped in place. The front bar was screwed in place and padded. The rear one was hinged on one side and clipped in place with a latch on the other side. So, when the long board was ready to load into the station wagon, one side was lowered to make more room to slide in the board. Those longboards were fairly flat. Then the back of the van was still in the locked in place seating. But, I could see the next level of build in a bed, sink, stove and refrigerator for the old surfer van style or the new “Van Life” folks. YRMV