Hey, that's NEAT! https://www.undiscoveredclassics.co...55-fiberglass-sports-bodies-for-your-chassis/
Drag racing on a budget. Most of us that drag raced in the 1950's and 1960's were in that boat. This photo reminded me of my life at that time. Instead of buying light weight parts to lighten up the car, we just gor rid of the heavier parts that we didn't need while going down the track. I remember something that Pete Robinson once said about light weight parts. He said, "start by grinding off anything you can on a part before bolting it back on the car, and then after a while, take it off and drill as many holes in it as you can before bolting it back on." And then after a short pause, he said, "of course after you do that, the part will probably be too flimsy to be of any use, so just throw it away and forget about it, you probably didn't need it anyway."
Holyoke, MA. My father worked nearby at Worthington Corp. as an inspector and had to check castings in the railcars. He had to reject a few loads, and was not fond of being in a railcar out back of the shop during the winter.