Yeah, she looked great in that "grumpier old men" movie.... Like when she was wearing that red outfit......
The MK II big block is on the hook, maybe for repair and Junior Johnson’s #3 Impala is in the background. Junior qualified at 165+ at Daytona, a record at the time.
Ansel Adams Hello, Ansel Adams was given a tool that would ultimately allow him to share his love and awe with the world, a humble Kodak #1 Box Brownie. So, that in itself allows us that we can all start somewhere and advance to the more technical of equipment as abilities progress. It is not just a point and shoot. The basic camera allowed the photographer to compose the shot to include, shadows, angles, impediments to the subjects and clarity of the action. From that point forward, then the subjects and image positioning comes into play for every photograph. But, as skill, quality photographs, mind set and great camera equipment was all a part of the whole picture…(pun intended) A Deardorf 8×10 View Camera is not something one throws in a camera case and stuffs it behind the seat of a car, secured in place. The photo is not one of mass automatic exposure consecutive shooting with one pull of the trigger. But one that takes all aspects into place. Camera cleanliness to keep the dust motes away, as they get enlarged, too. Then, it is taken to preserve the moment. Jnaki We all wish to have the skills and eye for quality photos and with the fast paced world of digital photos, it is difficult to master the skill for quality photos. Yes, the technology has advanced to the far reaches, but, it still is in the “eye of the beholder…” Composition, clear focus and topic centered photo... YRMV old artwork from my art files... The old woody station wagon would have made a cool beach cruiser...