Grenada, Mississippi. The words “STOP – DEATH – STOP” were illuminated with neon lights that would flash when a train approached. An arrow indicated the direction of the approaching train. The skull and cross bones was also neon-lit and flashed from red to blue. A more traditional pair of flashing lights was also included. If that was not enough, the signal also featured an ear-splitting air raid siren.
In my case, my wife calls it "polishing the antique". I should be offended, but I'll take all the polishing I can get!
Very cool picture, anyone know who the driver was? Looks like a six on the side which was a number Teague used but looks a bit rough for one of his cars.
Back in the 50's I had an uncle killed by a train in a crossing. It was out in the country with no warnings but I'm sure they still blew the horn. I also heard he was drunk. He probably tried to beat it.