Hello, Wow, how apropos… just a few days ago, we were on this highway PCH running through Laguna Beach in coastal So Cal. My wife was commenting on how little traffic there was on this bright sunny day. (and the many times/hours we spent with our little toddler granddaughter in the sunny/shady, beach park right below the Hotel Laguna ) This intersection is/was the lifeline from inland Orange County from years past. The Mobil Gas Station corner is/was the feeder to all points inland to the foothills of O.C. If one lived in inland OC and wanted to spend time along the South Coast area, then the Laguna Canyon Road through the low foothills is/was the only way to get into the coastal area. Laguna Canyon Road continues and changes its name many times as one travels inland to the larger foothills and mountain areas. But, since the outlet at the main beach of Laguna Beach is at the final “T” intersection, it is quite busy. Summer time driving during the day is “horrendous.” At night, it is much better, although the lanes still have more traffic as it is a favorite place for all tourists to So Cal. Some travel writers have said this particular area of beach/highway from Newport Beach through Laguna Beach to the Camp Pendleton base is one of the best in the USA. YRMV Jnaki On the bright side, we have lived in the city, around the city in various locations and through all of the trials and tribulations of driving, we have learned a thing or two. Early Coast Highway driving is the best. Before work traffic around 5:00 a.m. to 7 is almost full flowing traffic with little traffic stops. But, beyond that upper time period, now, it is work traffic and it is heavy to stopping every 5 minutes along the coast. If one wants to take the Coast Highway South, the time period we learned from our old 60s surf journeys was to leave early, drive through the darkened area just as it starts getting light and be in the water at first light, bright enough to see the waves rolling toward the beach. As far as traffic, barely any, and those are/were usually other surfers out for their own adventures. By 7:00 am, most surf spots are already crowded. But, all is not lost. For some unknown reason, the hour or so before lunch and a couple of hours after lunch the traffic is less. Flowing traffic, but, less than rush hour or lunch traffic or after work traffic hours. So, So Cal is not the end of the world as far as being crowded. It is just at the end of the USA and what an ending destination it is and has been for the last zillion years. Pure hot rod driving weather and roads along the coastline. Also, on any sunny day, there are a lot of old hot rods, trucks, and station wagons cruising on the coastal highways, for work or play... So, there it that…