Hello, This is Westwood Blvd. leading into the main area of Westwood Village. If one stays on this street it leads to the main UCLA campus + the library. If one gets to the dome building in the center of the photo, the road splits and leads to Broxton Avenue and the UCLA Medical Center where I had my first major surgery in my left knee. A torn cartilage from a So Cal all-star Rugby game. It was difficult to give directions to my wife on how to drive to Westwood and find the medical center on campus. But, she did and then visited often until I could go home. Jnaki UCLA is one of the top west coast schools and if I could have enrolled, it would have been cool to go to college there. If it were the case, then our Long Beach State College activities and history would not have been as it was. So, it is a nice place to visit, but… YRMV Note: Here is a story I wrote about the domed building in Westwood Village. It was a place my wife and I frequented as college students, not only for the late night usage of the UCLA campus library as written, but the activities of the endless young folks like us going to the movies, shopping and just having a good time for dinner or being young 20 something kids… In our last college years, my wife and I were together most of the time. But, when it was test week or paper writing days needing some research, our local college libraries closed at 10. Yes, we studied well past 10 and had nowhere to go. So, friends that were at other local colleges we knew mentioned that the UCLA campus library stays open until the wee hours of the morning, like 2 a.m. so, we had to try it out. The day time activity is quite busy with tons of college age kids wandering around. But, at night, the place looks like the nearby college campus overflow. We fit right into the scene. We knew we could not hang out like the other kids, possibly from the campus just up the street. So, we usually got a late snack and headed for the college library. There in the book racks and upper level floor “stacks,” were always the quietest places to study for tests or write papers with the access to the thousands of books there. No, we could not check out the books as we were not college kids from the campus. But, we did our share of researching and reading with notes to get what we needed for the papers or just hanging out in the quiet, studying. Studying? Like college kids? Ha, isn’t that some kind of contrast in illogical thinking? We were serious students wanting to graduate by turning in great written reports, book reviews and final projects for our classes. The quiet zone helped tremendously. The area was/is ripe as a college age hangout, with every corner stuffed with kids from late teens to adults. Some were from the area, but the majority were college age kids having a great time away from home and in a place where there were no strict family boundaries. And, the drive home when we were finished or the library officially closed was free and easy. The normally busy 405 freeway was totally empty for the fast drive all the way back to my wife's college apartment in Belmont Shore...YRMV
As a kid I had many model cars mostly AMT but also Monograms I also had a 1912 Mercer Runabout, Is this a mercer?