Engineer Boots were originally made for Steam Locomotive Engineers and Fireman, thus the name. They were later adopted by Motor Cyclists due to their design suitability for Bike use. From this time, many knew them as Motor Cycle Boots.
I had a 56 Studebaker with a hill holder clutch. Stepping on the brake with the clutch pedal depressed held the brakes until you released the clutch. I actually drove that car in San Francisco with no problems starting out uphill from a stop. Eliminates the heel-toe brake/accelerator act .
There was a pit like that in my single car garage when I bought my house 30yrs ago. The garage was too small so I enlarged it. Regrettably I filled in the pit. I sometimes I do wish I still had the pit.
Log rafts like this were put together in the Pacific Northwest and towed on the ocean to California. Talk about a hell of a tow!