My Uncle retired 30 plus years ago, as Senior Chief . Those old battle wagons were the greatest built in the world , and were to keep us safe and free . One needs to think , they could drop a shell in the area of football field 20 miles away , ( over the horizon ) sent by human math calculations not a computer . I have been on the Wisconsin , one can not understand the true effects of the blast , until witnessed in person . You can usually always determine if a retired Seaman , pulled duty on a battle wagons, by the first few words they share with you . “ I’m sorry , I can’t hear you . “ 16 in diameter , 2000 lb , for 20 miles , 900 lbs of charge , loud bang , large damage area at target . US of A , strength towards freedom at its best . Thanks to all who served , we owe you the best we can provide .
Hello, In 1953, our dad got a new 4 door two tone Buick sedan. on one of his “family road trips,” he took the whole family out at night to Hollywood. Why? Well we had never been there at night. He had taken us there in his old 49 Buick Roadmaster, but never at night. similar color Since this was during our Christmas vacation, he took us to see what he thought we would get a kick out of Christmas theme decorations. It was the largest grouping of Christmas Tree decorations in all of So Cal, plus it was in the famous Hollywood area. Jnaki We had already seen the Downtown Long Beach decorations along the multiple blocks of Pine Avenue. It was a standing tradition to see the downtown version. Then we drove through Belmont Shore to the famous "floating Christmas trees," on Alamitos Bay. Long Beach Downtown, Pine Avenue 50s. As much as we liked the downtown Long Beach decorations, they were different, but the Hollywood Blvd. tree lines street at night was a sight to behold... YRMV