Hello, This famous interchange confuses a lot of folks driving into Los Angeles. It is the only 4 level interchange with different freeways running all together for different directions. The Four Level Interchange is the first "stack interchange" in the world. Completed in 1949 and fully opened in 1953 at the northern edge of Downtown Los Angeles, California, United States. It connects U.S. Route 101 (Hollywood Freeway and Santa Ana Freeway) to State Route 110 (Harbor Freeway and Arroyo Seco Parkway). Description The four freeway segments ("paths" of travel) from the Four Level Interchange are: Don’t be confused, we have driven on/in/under this inter change from several directions. Each time, it is a wonder. But, we never got lost. The direction of your route on the freeway you are on, just flows into and through all of the crossovers. No need to panic, your route stays the same and other levels do their own thing. Sometimes it was the top level and other times, under some of the levels. It is just a freeway. The interchange with a favorite sedan delivery making its rounds… Brew 102…HA! Jnaki We have had folks that have never been on one of those interchanges with us. They are amazed and we have to explain to them what is ahead, so there is no panic. It is a common thing…YRMV Note: The term interchange is defined as: “A road junction designed on several levels so that traffic streams do not intersect.” Intersect, they do not… full speed ahead, but a slow down to admire the architecture of the design…