I've liked the old pressed steel trucks since a kid. I realize that we have a Toy Hot Rod thread, and that's cool. But I was kinda reluctant to post pictures of old trucks on it. So if any HAMB'ers have any of these old toy trucks and buses lets see them. Even the rusty ones. Thanks Ron....
I like your idea, and may try that. I'll post a photo of it back here if I do. Here's a NYLINT Mobile Home truck. I loved playing with toy trucks as a kid. Toys were much cooler then. Thanks Ron...
Doesn't anyone else like old toy trucks? I played in the sand box, and dirt piles making roads as a kid. I told Santa, {and my parents} that all I that wanted for Christmas was Cars and trucks. This old Kelment dump is one of my favorites. Way before my time though. lol They're very realistic and look like the real 1920's White Trucks.
Found, a bit battered and rusty,in his grandpa’s basement. My son applied the “custom” paint job on this one, many years ago. Sent from my iPad using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
more Wyandotte, these are early to mid 50's. Wyandotte went out of business in 1956. they started making pressed steel toy guns in 1929 and used scrap steel from Detroit in the earlier years. Marx bought the dies for these and sold them with Marx "paint jobs"
this is a mixed group of Marx and Wyandotte. been collecting for 30 years and even I am not sure on some of them.
2 more trucks from Marx. they made that car hauler from about 1937 to the mid 50's with 3 or 4 different cabs, it had plastic cars originally. I bought this particular one because of the fancy wheels.... the red one has working headlights
Those are some neat old truck toys. I never see any of them around here, guess they got played with and then tossed out years ago. I had some Tonka, Nylint, and Buddy L trucks back in the 60's when I was a kid, no idea what became of them. My Mom babysat my cousins for years, they probably destroyed them after I left home.
your truck is made by Marx. they made Studebaker trucks in a variety of sizes and styles. here's mine... about 15" long.
Don't know if this qualifies as a truck but it is unique. Bought at the flea market across the street for $10 it was missing a front bumper which I made using a piece of 1/2" Lexan and a piece of 2-56 threaded rod for a bumper overrider. First toy I have ever seen made in the Philippines.
This is an 1930's Cor-Cor bus. It was given to the guy that I got if from, for Christmas when it was new. I spotted it in his yard years ago. It was with some other toys of his kids. I asked him if he would sell it? He said sure, how about $10 bucks? I said hay that's great! I could never sell any of my toys, that I had as a kid. I guess that not everyone is so sentimental. lol Ron...
my dad's from when he was a kid. i remember it had a flatbed trailer with a wood bed when me and my brother were 5 or 6, but apparently it never made it to our house after my grandparents passed away
A Tonka boat carrier that I got for Christmas in 1961. { It's in the the lower left of the B&W photo } I'm holding the Buddy L camper.
The Buddy L camper was my brother's. But I found one somewhere. to add to my collection. Sent from my SM-G920P using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I collect old toy log trucks from the 1950s, Sturdibilt. These were made in Oregon and are rare. More info on my website Www.sturdibilt-toys.com Sent from my iPad using The H.A.M.B. mobile app