Fast becoming one of my favourite makers, a Wyandotte camper. They made a couple versions from what I can see, this is the shorter one. No makers marks that I can see, but nice details. There is only one wheel left, it is painted wood.
Picked this one up in a box lot from a local auction. Tootsietoy ‘49 Ford tanker truck. Looks like it’s laying frame, because it’s missing the wheels. Still looks good on the shelf.
I used to be a fanatical collector of pressed steel car or truck/trailer sets. The tongue on the smaller trailer you have (which I don't see sticking out) would either have a hole in it for the Airspeed coupe or a T shaped end for the 38 sedan. I've had the sets in red, orange, blue, green and yellow. Many times the trailer stand is broken off (on the bottom - to hold the trailer up when not attached to the car). Wheels were mostly black painted wood but I've had white rubber tire sets. They made a larger version that was pulled by a LaSalle and a few were pulled by a Cord.
Thanks Barn Hunter, the stand is there, but the hitch is gone. There is also a longer version with more windows. I appreciate your efforts, I am sure I will find something to hook it behind.
While I was collecting Pedal Cars, (see Vintage Pedal Cars | Page 6 | The H.A.M.B. ( ) I started getting interested Pressed Steel toys and toy Race Cars as well. In 2003 I sent the entire 10 year+- collection to auction (Ted Maurer, Macungie Pa)...and paid off my house. A burst water pipe ruined most of my old toy pics... these were "harvested" from an old VHS tape...sorry about the quality The race car side of the room. 2 Dooling Bros., 2 Bremmer and 1 unknown Tether Cars. About 15 "mite" cars Thimble Drone, Ohlson Rice, Rodzy etc. For the past 20 years it's just been collecting Japan Tin vehicles...(I've posted over 150 here...staring on the bottom of page 2. { VINTAGE TIN } | The H.A.M.B. ( )
Yeah WOW!!! Jack your a real toy collector. I'm just a kid that forgot to grow up, and still plays with toys. I try to blame it on the grandkids. lol But I'm the real kid.
Here is a new addition this week, some original paint and some ancient touchups/highlights. It has a greyhound, marked made in USA and has a windup mechanism and three position straight front axle. It is a little banged up, looks like Anthony might have been driving it on a bad day.
My philosophy is to enjoy my things-as found-. My wife is not as keen as I am about these things. So this will go on a shelf in the shop when I get it done. It will have some company, as it is roughly the 1/16 scale that a lot of farm toys use. I found a couple examples of the same bus on the net, need to investigate it a bit more, but I thought I would share it here first.
As you probably know already, this is a Kingsbury Greyhound bus made in Keene NH. Kingsbury Toys used a unique and patented wind-up mechanism on a number of their toys. The Buses were nicely detailed, came in both 2-tone and a single color variety, and came with both black or white tires.
Thanks Jack, I did not know. Mine is pretty beat up and missing some parts, but it works for me. My wheels are black. There isn’t any interior in mine. Did Greyhound give them away, or were the sold in stores at the time?
My Uncle Franny, my Moms younger Brother,had a steel Mack truck toy when he was little. My Grandad/Moms Dad,worked for Mack International,I was told Gramp's got the toy through Mack. It was handed down to me,when I was little and I had a lot of fun playing with it all so. Thing seemed very strong,I could set on it,and ride sdown the little hill part of the yard. Load it up with dirt from the garden and all that type of stuff. Other then some tiny scratchs in the red paint,it was still a great toy. My Uncle ask for it back,when he then had a son,little Donny. So I gave it back,me being older now. I guess I thought ,it would keep being a awesome toy passed around through the family for a long time!! But when on a visit to my Uncle Franny's,I saw that steel truck laying in the front yard,smashed in too bent parts with hammer that Little Donny { about 5 YO } was then beating hell out of his Dad's Lawnmower. I was about 14 by then,and it made me really mad too see it trashed,told my Mom. She just said,"Well you were taught better,how to repect toys. Don't say anything" But boy,I really want to spank that little brat. Never happen to fine this truck at any swop meet's,or I likely would of got it! "I loved that Mack toy truck" I did find a pic of the same one. Any one know more?
That is a mid '20s Steelcraft "C Cab" Mack. They occasionally show up on Epay...$3oo-$400 for a decent one, up to $600-$700 for a nice original. Hope this helps.
I was able to scratch my Wyandotte itch yesterday. No grille and no ramps, but good graphics and paint. I am not sure what size cars will fit on and in it.