I have a chance to get a volarie front end,I was wondering what or where I need to take off to maybe install it under a Ford 39 standard sedan.Has anyone installed one? And would share some info. on how to go about doing it,I have never tried this before. Thanks and happy motoring.
get out your tape measure. these things need a lot of body in front of the wheels to cover up the torsion bars and suports. mostly they get used on pickemup trucks that have this much room. i.e., f-10's, etc. i doubt that a 39 ford has enough sheet metal sticking forward to cover this up. if ya come back saying that there's enough room, i (and several others) can give you the low-down on installing one.
What he said. Those K members that the front end sits on is either 36" or 40" wide (I forget which) 12" in front of the spindle centerline! And all that mass is about level with the spinndle and sits at strange angles with both sides having different configurations. You deffinately want it covered up. Gene
I've put one under a 56 pickup and it's perfect for that application so that would tell me it would be too wide for a 39 sedan.
I've got one in the garage and I'm tearing it down to get it ready to go into my '53 F-100. I'm guessing that it's going to be too wide for your application. Ben
Thanks for the advise,it is to wide for my aplacation, the wheel will be sticking out to far on the 39.
If your looking for a clip, mayber one from aDakots pickup would work. I have a Dakota rear in my 39 Plymouth and it about perfect width for that, the fronts shoul be close to the same width. Gene