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History We ALL Love a DARE! PIX of TRULY Extinct Makes?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by jimi'shemi291, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. swi66
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    This is at the Gilmore Museum in Hickory Corners Michigan.
    Part of my museum tour this past summer.
    At the Gilmore they have an entire building devoted to the Pierce Arrow Automobile company. If you ever get the chance, take in this museum!
  2. swi66
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    1915 Remington Automobile
  3. swi66
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  4. swi66
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    1916 Model Empire that was advertised in April, 1915​
  5. swi66
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  6. swi66
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  7. swi66
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    1915 Bailey-Klapp Automobile​
    The Bailey-Klapp, made by the Elwood Iron Works, Elwood, IN, was made as a prototype in 1915. It had an eight-cylinder motor and was to be offered as a touring and roadster models. Due the bankruptcy of the company, It never went into production. The rights to another car that the company was planning to make was sold to the Bimel Buggy Co., Sidney, OH, and went into production as the Elco.​
  8. swi66
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  9. swi66
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  10. swi66
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  11. swi66
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    <BIG><BIG>Schebler's 1908 12 Cylinder Car</BIG></BIG>​
    <TABLE style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none" border=1 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none" vAlign=top width="50%" align=center>[​IMG] 1908 Schebler 12 Cylinder Car
    It was made for Schebler's use and never went into production
    </TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none" vAlign=top width="50%" align=center>[​IMG] Motor view from above
    MOTOR AGE ,March 25, 1915
    Schebler's Car, 7 Years Old, Also Can Be Six​
    With fours, sixes and eights occupying the attention of the motoring public at the present time, it may come as a surprise to some to know that for the last 7 years George Schebler, inventor of the carbureter bearing his name, has been driving a twelve over the country roads of Indiana. But such is the case and the odometer shows that the car already has covered something like 30,000 miles. It is a most remarkable twelve at that, it being of the V type, with the valves in the head and with the cylinders set at 45 degrees. That is not uncommon practice, but Mr. Schebler, who directed the construction of the big motor, which was built by Philip Schmoll, of the company's engineering staff, has made it ambidexterous, if one can apply this term to a motor car engine, by being able to run it either as a six or a twelve. He can use either set of six cylinders, or he can use the entire dozen, depending on the character of the road over which the car is running.​
    1915 Schebler Carburetor​
    kiwijeff likes this.
  12. swi66
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  13. swi66
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  14. swi66
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    <BIG><BIG><BIG>Hercules </BIG></BIG></BIG>​
    The Crown Motor Car Company<BIG>, </BIG>Louisville, Ky., bought the Ohio Falls Motor Car Company in 1913 and moved its company Albany, IN. . The Crown company had made a cycle car in 1913. Shortly thereafter, the Crown Motor Car Co., was reorganized as the Hercules Motor Car Company. The oficers of the new company were B. F. Lamber, resident; A. B. Lambert as Vice-president; and C. H. Lambert as secretary-treasurer. Its product waa the Hercules with a cyclecar price at $490.00. It was not a cycleca.r. It ws a tourung car on a 100 inch wheelbase with a 54 inch tread. It was a 20 HP with a 100 inch base and standard 56 inch tread.​
    1915 Herucles Automobile​
    The Hercules barely made it into production before before trouble set in. C. F. Lambert and his son, A. B. Lambert were indicited on stock and deposits manipulations. Even tough a hundred cars had been made, the squabbles continued and stories in the press killed the Hercules. Its assets were sold to its former owner, the Kentucky Wagon Company where it was made with its new name, the Dixie Flyer. ​
  15. swi66
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    Copied from the 1915 Motor Age Magazine​
    The Times Square Automobile Co., of New York and Chicago, has put on the market an assembled car called the Mecca. The concern, until now, has marketed rebuilt and used cars. The car is brought out to meet the demand of those wantinga new car at a low price. It is made in Detroit. The car is assembled from parts made by well-known concerns and standard specifications will be found throughout. The power plant is a four-cylinder Golden, Belknap & Swartz product, having a bore of 31/2 inches, with a stroke of 43/4 inches. The whel base is 104 Inches. The speed range of the vehicle is from 3 to 50 miles per hour. Steering is by adjustable worm and gear and either left or right drive may be secured as desired. The standard body is a five-passenger touring with streamline design. In addition there is a roadster or raceabout of two-passenger capacity. The cars are finished in what the makers call Mecca blue, which is a blue somewhat on the shade of what is commonly known as royal. The car is sold with full equipment, including two electric headlights equipped with dimmers, electric tail-lights, silk mohair one-man top, two-piece rain-vision windshield, tire holders, extra rim, pump and warning
    1915 Mecca Touring Automobile​
    The Times Square Automobile Company, NYC, NY, a seller of used cars, decided to make a car of its own in 1915 . They named it after the Broadway area surrounding Times Square known as the Mecca of the theater world. The first one was a four-cylinder cyclecar that was priced at $450 and was shown at Cyclecar Dealers Show in Boston in 1914. Times Square made the car in Teaneck, NJ and the company was named the Mecca Motor Car Company. None were made. In mid 1915, Times Square changed its mind and decided not to have a cyclecar and to let some other company build it. The Princess Motor Car Company in Detroit was contracted to build its version and trimed with the Mecca name. It was sold as a Mecca for the 1916 season. Mecca disapperaed at the end of the year.​
    1915 Mecca Automobile Advertisement​
  16. swi66
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    <BIG>In</BIG> 1914, the Thomas Motor Car Company was sold lock, stock, and barrell at auction for $51,000 to C. A. Finnegan of the Empire Smelting Company in Depew, NY. After giving it some thought , Finnegan decided to continue making the automobile in a factory across town from the present one. The sales were very small, mostly on orders, until 1918, when it closed for good.​
    1915 Thomas Automobile

    Buffalo, N. Y., June 19,1914, Motor Age Magazine​
    The E. B. Thomas Motor Car Co. is again active in the motor car field and announces a $4,000 touring car called model MF. It is a six-cylinder model. The Thomas company proposes to build only about fifty of these cars yearly but each car will be a distinctive job built to the tastes of the purchaser. The bodies will be made in the Thomas factory.
    thermo-syphon cooled and oiled by constant level splash. A multiple exhaust system is used to reduce back pressure. It is fitted with a 12-volt Disco cranking and lighting system, and 32 inch tires, extra rim on rear carrier, muffler cutout, robe rail, etc.​
  17. swi66
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  18. swi66
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  19. swi66
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    Copied from the August 9, 1915 Motor Age Magazine​
    A two-passenger roadster at $535 and a delivery wagon on the same chassis at $500 are ready for delivery by the Fostoria Light Car Co., Fostoria, O., according to information, from the newly-incorporated company. The passenger car is of light construction throughout and uses a four-cylinder motor with cone clutch and three-speed
    gearset in unit. The wheelbase is 100 inches and the tires 30 by 3. The rear axle is a semi-floating. The equipment at the price mentioned includes storage battery, electric lights, top, electric horn, windshield, etc. The Fostoria company has recently incorporated for $100,000 and expects to build a touring car and coupe also.​
    1915 Fostoria Roadster Automobile​
    The four founders who incorporated the Fostoria Light Car Company, Fostoria, OH, in 1915, were J. H. Jones, Charles Ash, and A. O. George, who were businessmen in Fostoria. Their intentions were to build four different models of a low-priced four-cylinder assembled car. It was going to be known as th "Surprise of the Season" By September of 1916, 260 cars had been made but the company found themselves in deep trouble. The Sterling motors that they had bought were lemons. They instantly ordered new Le Roi engines. The car needed a new name and it was changed to Seneca. One of the original Fostoria stock holders, Ira Cadwallader, took over and put his son, Lester, in charge. The Seneca was a successful car until 1924, when it went out of business.​
  20. swi66
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    Copied from the May Motor Age Magazine​
    The first of the Madison cars to be made by the Madison Motors Co., Anderson, Ind., has been on exhibition this week at the Severin hotel. The new car is a six with a most attractive type of roadster body, and is to be known as the Dolly Madison. The company is scheduling a production of 600 sixes with the roadster and touring body
    styles, and will begin deliveries in the near future. It is intended to introduce a small four-cylinder car later in the year and this is to be turned out in much larger quantities
    than the six. The wheelbase is 120 inches, and the tire equipment consists of 34 by 4- inch Goodrich, nonskid rear.The touring car and the roadster are to sell for $1,375 each, but the latter has a set of five Houk wire wheels as standard equipment, while the touring car has wood wheels. With 120-inch wheelbase and 34 by 4 inch tires,​
    1915 Dolly Madison Automobile.​
    The Dolly Madison roadster is exceptionally comfortable as it is supplied with a high door on either side. This makes a clean line with the hood besides protecting the passengers. There is a very large gasoline tank and the spare wheel is carried at the rear on a false-hub or carrier to which it attaches precisely as on an axle.​
    1917 Madison Automobile Advertsement​
    In March, 1915, Henry Nyberg, whose previouly Nyberg automobile was unsuccessful, decided to give it anothet go. He and Cecil Gibson, who once was with the empire Automobile Company, got together to build a new light-six model. and be called the Dolly Madison and the Motor Car Company was incorporated at $500,000. In 1916, they simply called it the Madison and was reorginized as Madison Motors Corporation with a non-funded $2,000,000 capitalization. It never went any wheres and was taken over by the Bull Tractor Company. Madison was unable to get ample parts to succeed and by 1918, the company became automobile decorators.​
  21. swi66
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    <BIG><BIG><BIG>Biddle </BIG></BIG></BIG>
    Copied from the 1915 Motor Age Magazine​
    The Biddle car has made its debut in Philadelphia. Two types, a touring car aud runabout, are featured. The maker is the Biddle Motor Car Co., Inc. The large car sells for $1,880, and the smaller one for $1,700. A town car to sell for $3,000 is being worked out, and another fashioned with foreign lines, with a Duesenberg motor, to sell at the same price. Series D, by which the car is designated, is equipped with a unit type, three-point suspension power plant, being incorporated with a Buda motor. The cylinders are four in number with 1/2-inch bore and 1/2-inch stroke. Official rating gives 22 horsepower, while 48 is registered on the factory block test. The ignition, lighting and starting is
    Westinghouse separate unit system. The car has a left drive, with the control levers in the center. The gasoline tank is in the rear and is operated in connection with a Stewart vacuum system. The wheelbase is 120 inches; Goodrich safety-tread tires, 32 by 4 inches, are used.​
    1915 Biddle Automobiles​
    The Biddle Motor Car Company, Philadelphia, PA, was formed by A. Maris as president and Charkles Fry was the engineer and designer. It was designed and built for the upper crust clientel. To promote the car, it was named after A. Ralsto Biddle, a member of this group. It was well received by them for its looks and it was a handsome car. The company supplied the chassises that began at $1650 in 1916 and $2,000 by 1918. Purchasers could pick out a body style that he wanted . Bodies ranged from $2,000 to $4,000. and they were superb. The Biddle car was pictured on a number of advertisements for component parts. ​
    1915 Biddle Automobile Advertisement​
  22. swi66
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    <BIG><BIG><BIG>New Era</BIG></BIG></BIG>
    Copied from the 1915 Motor Age Magazine​
    First model to be brought out by Joliet concern makes its debut among the companies to enter the field for the first time with a car for 1916 is the New Era Engineering Co., Joliet,Il. Its product being the New Era passenger car to sell at $660. Included in the features of the chassis are simplicity, strength, proper distribution of weight and accessibility. Accuracy of manufacture has been the watchword of this company in designing its motor to develop a maximum of horsepower and at the same time reduce vibration and internal frictional losses. The power plant, which is a four-cylinder, 31/2 by 41/2 inches, is block-cast, the cylinders being integral with the upper half of the crankcase, while the lower half is a separate piece. The maker claims 24 horsepower for the New Era motor at a gear reduction of 41/2 to 1. Other features are thermo syphon cooling, Allis-Chalmers single-unit starting and lighting system, multiple disk clutch, four-speed transmission, three-quar-ter floating rear axle, semi-elliptic springs in front and elliptic in rear, and Atwater-Kent ignition. The wheelbase is 104 inches.​
    1915 New Era Automobile​
    The company was organized by Forrest Alvin, James Buckley, Winthrop Burdick, and W. J. Burdick. Alvin was the president and Buckley was the engineer. It lasted one year before going out of business.​
  23. swi66
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    This city again is breaking into the passenger car field with the announcement of the Farmack car, made by the Farmack Motor Car Corp., Chicago, IL. While actual production not yet has been begun, it is proposed to build three models using the same chassis. The price of the touring car will be about $750, including an electric starting and
    lighting system. A cabriolet, and three-passenger roadster model also will be marketed. The cars will have a106-inch wheelbase, four-cylinder, valve-in-the-head motor, 31/2 by 5, cone clutch, three-speed gearset, floating axle, and 32 by 31/2 tires. It is proposed to purchase the parts of standard parts makers, the axles from the Salisbury company, frames from Parish & Bingham, steering gears from Lavigne, etc. The Bijur two-unit-starting and lighting system, and Splitdorf magneto will be used. The concern states that between August 1, 1915, and August 1, 1916, 5,000 cars will be shipped, and that parts now are being received from contracts given to the parts makers.
    This newly formed corporation has its head, A. J. Farmer, who was last connected with the Farmer Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich., as vice-president, George H. McKenney, a
    Chicago physician, and secretary-treasurer, M. M. Mclntyre. The officers make it plain that no deposits will be accepted until production is under way. The old Staver plant is to be used as the factory, temporarily at least.​
    <TABLE style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none" border=1 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none" vAlign=top width="50%" align=center>[​IMG] 1915 Farmack Roadster Automobile
    </TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none" vAlign=top width="50%" align=center>[​IMG] 1915 Farmack Touring Automobile
    1915 Farmack Cabriolet Automobile​
    Albert Farmack was probably on of the most learned men in he industry with his experiences with Smith-Mabley, superintendent with the Ranier Company and designer of engines at Northway that made engine moslty for General Motors. He designed a four-cylinder engine with an overhead camshaft that he built for himself and was of interest to a group in Chicago. The Farmack Motor Car Company was incorporated in Chicago in 1915. It just so happened there were other business men who wanted to invest in the company, but didn't like the name. The company was reorganized and the Farmack became the Drexel.​
    1916 Drexel Four Passenger Roadster​
    Alber Farmack needed money more than he needed his name on the car, and he readily agreed to the name change. THe same engine was used in the five-seat touring car that was priced at $885. He was concentrating on his new seven-passenger with a 63-horsepower engine with a double overhead camshaft with four valvesper cylinder and priced at a remarketale low cost of $1,650. His one fault was his business experience. He was asked to resign in 1917 for poor business practices. However, thje owners forgot that Farmack held the patent rights on their prized 16-valve engine. All was forgiven, All of this was mute when the two Chicago Banks that held the loans failed and Drexel was bankrupt. Farmack left the company. Plans were made to revive the companty, but were not carried through. Very few, if any Drexels had been built. ​
  24. swi66
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    <BIG><BIG><BIG>Harvard </BIG></BIG></BIG>​
    The history of the Harvard car has to be one of the most convulated that any automobile could have. To simplify it as much as possible, Not long after Charles Herreshoff had sold his automobile, he was anxious to build a light car for production that he had designed. He organized his Herreshoff Light Car Company in Troy, NY. to build his car. It just so happen to be another Herreshoff Light Car Company in Troythat was owned by Northrup Holmes. It was a sales agency for the previously built Herreshoff cars. He had known Holmes from his dealings with the previous Herreshoff automobiles and he suggested that Holmes that his car to be built in Troy and target New Zeland for its market. ​
    1915 Harvard Coupe
    Pioneer Motor Car Co. Troy, NY ​
    Before anything was started, Herreshoff took off for South America, taking his prototype with him. Holmes still had all of the desings in his safe. Holmes asked Theodore Litchfield, a mechinic, living in Troy and a local agent for the Herff-Brooks, to join him to build the car. Litchfield promptly completed the chassis and Holmes named it the Harvard. and the compans name to be Harvard-Pioneer Motor Car Company. Harvard sales were never rgreat, but it was able to get through the war. In 1921, it became a victim of the post war depression.​
    Copied from the 1915 Motor Age Magazine​
    The Harvard is a four-cylinder car with 3 by 4 by 4-inch block motor, unit gearbox and Detroit axle. It lists as a roadster at $750 and has a 100-inch wheel-base and 28 by 3 tires. The body seat is supplied with deep upholstery and the Pantasote top fits snugly on the windshield when erected. On the same chassis a coupe body is also fitted and sells for a very moderate price. The car is geared rather higher than the average car is geared and adjustable foot pedals as found on the Haynes.The Briscoe clutch and control pedals are adjustable should be capable of a fair speed on the road, a feature which will be appreciated by owners.​
  25. swi66
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    The Bell Motor Car Co., recently organized, is the latest addition to the motor car industry in this city. The new concern will engage in the manufacture of a low-priced car, selling at between $700 and $800, and will be incorporated at $50,000. Operations will be started July 1 in the large three-story factory building, now occupied by the Bailey Manufacturing Co., engaged in the manufacture of commercial car bodies.The Bell car will be manufactured in two models, a roadster and a five-passenger touring car. The cars will be fully equipped. Ernest T. Gilliard, former chief engineer and designer for the Sphinx Motor Car Co., this city, will act ias president for the new company. The body
    design for the new car is now being worked out and the 1916 model will contain a number of distinctive features.​
    1920 Bell Advertisement​
    The Bell Company was organized in 1915 in York, PA, and was developed by the Bedll Motor Car Company that was owned Ernest P. Gilliard. He had been involved with the Pullman and Sphinx cars that had been made in York. Gilliard designed the Bell Automobile in 1915 for the 1916 season. The initial price was $775.00 but by 1921, the price had risen to $1,595.00. During that time, sales were adaquate, but not great. The company moved into the former Pullman when that company went out of business. Also, there had been two presidentss of the company. Charles Riess made the third one when he took over in 1921.and was going to make the Bell into his Riess Royal. It didn't happen and in 1922, the Bell became a victom of the times​
  26. swi66
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    <BIG><BIG><BIG>Peter Pan</BIG></BIG></BIG>​
    Peter Pan is the name given to the new car put out by the Randall company. It is made in four-passenger touring and two-passenger runabout bodies on the same chassis. The wheelbase is 110 inches and although this length is as great as in some of the larger cars, everything about this new product has been made along light lines. The four-cylinder power plant has its 2.75 by 4.5 cylinders cast in a single block with the valves in the head. Cooling is thermo-syphon through a tubular radiator. A Berling magneto is the sole source of current for ignition and for starting a mechanical device is relied upon. A multiple-disk clutch transmits the drive through a three-speed selective sliding gearset. Control is in the center and the steering wheel on the left. The springs are floating cantilevers and the brakes, as regards the service set mounted on the propeller shaft with the emergency brakes on the rear wheel.​
    1915 Peter Pan Automobile​
    Peter Pan was made at the Wollaston Foundry Company in Quincy MA. and L. W. Newell was its general manager. The water-cooled engine was made at the factory and built by Wollaston. Its $400 price tag was very attractive for a car of this quality. However, it did not survive 1915.​
  27. swi66
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    1903 Covert Runabout Automobile​
    Byron Covert invented his steam car in 1901 and was planning to produce it in 1902. Before putting it into production, he changed his mind and designed his gasoline chain-driven model. It went into production that summer. Yet, once more, he changed the chain-driven to a shaft driven model and showed it at the New York Automobile Show in 1903 with aits name as theCovert Chainless. The Covert Motor Vehicle Company was formed in 1904 and produced its first four-cylinder cars. In the Buffalo to St. Louis run to the World's Fair, his car was the only one in its class to make it. However, he could not capitalize on this event and with sales mostly in New York, he decided to closed its manufacure in 1907 and concentrte on automobile parts. ​
    1903 Covert Automobile Advertisement​
  28. swi66
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    The Centaur Automobile Company, Bufalo, NY, was incorporated in 1902 with a capital fund of $100,000 to build both gasoline and electric cars. Gasoline with a six horse power motor was offered at $700 and an electric at $850. It could travel at 15 mph with a distance of 60 miles between charges. The electric model was received more favorably by the press, but in spite of this, sufficient sales did no occur for the company to stay in business longer than early 1904 when the company discontinued the Centaur car, but the company became a garage and sales agency.​
    1902 Centaur Runabout
    Copied from the 1903 Automobile and Cycle Trade Journal​
    The Centaur Motor Vehicle Co., 50 Franklin street. Buffalo, N. Y., had their exhibit of Centaur Electrics in .Space M in the restaurant in company with the Kirk Manufacturing Co., of Toledo, Ohio, whom the Centaur Company are representing in Syracuse. The Centaur Electric Vehicle, which was described and illustrated in our December, 1002, issue on page 54. was shown with top and mud guards, wood wheels and running gear in dark Brewster green, black body and dark green broad-cloth upholstering. There was| also shown a Centaur Car, with wire wheels. Every care has been exercised in the construction of these cars, and they are specially adapted for all-the-year-round use. richly deserving the praise everywhere accorded them. List prices are $850 and $025. The Centaur Company is also supplying running gesrs, steeering Wheels and other parts.
    Copied from the 1903 Horseless Age Magazine​
    The motors employed have ball bearings, are of ample capacity and will sustain without injury of any kind an overload of 100 per cent, above their normal rating for one hour, and will commutatc perfectly up to at least 200 per cent, overload. The design has been carefully worked out with a view, of obtaining low current consumptionwith a reasonable weight. Durability also has been considered one of the first essentials, and these motors have been operated for hundreds of miles in rough service with absolutely no attention, and in general little care is needed other than to properly oil the bearings.
    Recognizing the injurious effects of heavy discharges on both the capacity and life of storage batteries, the motors have been designed to give a higher turning moment for a given current than is usual in this type of vehicles. This provides the necessary torque or pull for starting, hill climbing and heavy roads without necessitating a discharge of current harmful to the batteries. The motor winding is arranged in two halves, allowing of a four speed series parallel system of control and reducing paralleling of the batteries to a minimum. The weight of the motor is sustained by the springs, thus protecting it from the jars and shocks of travel over rough roads.
    The speed reduction is through the medium of a brass shrouded rawhide pinion meshing with a bronze gear on the ball bearing countershaft, all running in oil in a dust proof case and practically noiseless. Power is transmitted to the rear axle by a roller chain, the pull of which is resisted by adjustable radius rods on either side.
    The battery consists of fourteen large capacity "Exide" cells, assembled in two trays and easily accessible. A battery indicating instrument is used in which the complications of the ordinary ammeter are eliminated. A small electric bulb located just above this instrument, lighted by pressing a foot button in the floor of the vehicle, enables the operator to plainly read the instrument when riding at night. The instrument will serve as a check against charging stations, since it enables the operator to determine the extent to which the batteries have been charged. The machine is equipped with two positive, double acting brakes which, when idle, do not engage with or rest upon the brake drum, and either of which would be effective in the event of accident to the other. A locking device operated by the foot enables the operator to set the brakes so that the vehicle will remain in position on any grade.The controller is so designed as to be interlocking at the point between forward and reverse to avoid unintentional and sudden reversals of motor.The cutout switch can be thrown either by foot or hand in case of a broken controller handle or other similar unforeseen accident. When the battery is being charged all motor and controller circuits are "cut out" so that any interference is not possible.
    1903 Centaur Automobile Advertisement​
  29. gas4blood
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    from Kansas

    Not a car, but I have seen a few motorcycles on here. George W. Hoffman of Chicago made single and v-twin bikes starting in 1903. They were called Hoffman and/or Chicago 400. The books list none known to exist. I am working on a 1903 titled as a Chicago 400. This was a big bike back in those days. He also made boat motors, motorcycle castings, etc. His factory is now an office building for a university, I believe.

    Attached Files:

  30. This is an example of how one thing leads to another!

    The Caloric Automobile & The Chicago Motorcycle Company

    The Chicago Motorcycle Company
    Chicago, Illinois

    The Chicago Motorcycle Company was organized in 1898 by Charles Dickenson, L. F. Douglas and Henry B. Babson at 107 Madison Street in Chicago. Gasoline, electric and steam car were planned. However, by 1902 only a gasoline powered American Automobile called the Chicago was produced.

    By 1903, The Chicago Motorcycle Company had settled on Caloric for it's name. Caloric was a term formerly used to denote heat. The Chicago Caloric Engine Co. built the engines used in the Caloric.

    1903 Caloric Runabout

    In their engine a combustible charge of air and hydrocarbon is admitted and compressed in the lower and cooler part of the cylinder. The charge is then transferred to the other end of the cylinder and ignited. The gases are then exhausted and at the same time a new charge is taken in and the operations repeated. A two cylinder engine rated at four horsepower with transmission giving three forward speeds and one reverse chain drive to differential on the rear axle were used in the Caloric Runabout. An optional three cylinder engine rated at six horsepower was also available.

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