Thank you Ryan, your an ace! The support is awesome. As I sit down to get working on the Hop Up website I grab my cup of coffee and shoot over to the HAMB to get my morning fill. I see whats written on the main page and to my surprise the cat is out of the bag. I had a dream, or mostly a huge longshot. After the passing of R&C I had a huge hole in my stomach. It wasn't the money or seeing my pictures in print. it was in fact the passion of meeting like minded people like myself and shooting and hanging with them and their cars. It was also getting those cars out to other like minded individuals that would appreciate seeing and reading the rants. Rob and I had talked about Hop Up and well it seemed like an unattainable solution for our habits. I didn't have a cent to my name, well maybe a little but I have a few mouths to feed. So I started talking to a few people here and there to see if they had any interest in going in with me . This brings me to a seedy hotel in Wildwood NJ. I had it in my head I was doing this and haven't stopped shooting cars that are right up this alley . I figured a book, so I told owners "something special". They seemed to be into it and made them a little happy. At the hotel I was there shooting the shit with Justin Bass and I mentioned Hop Up. He said he was so in and wanted to help. He just didn't know what the help would involve at that point. Next we were walking to dinner and we popped in on Marcy and I just threw it out there, "hey Marcy you wanna help buy a magazine?" she turned and looked at me with very serious eyes and said "lets Talk about it " I was just throwing it out there to her the way I had to many more before her. Most of which saw it at just what I thought it was "a Pipe Dream" . she made a call to John up in Spokane and well the rest is history . Its like a dream come true for a guy. I don't know where this will take us, but we know what we want and were getting there one day at a time. Morty is our biggest fan right now and I can see that we are taking one of his children from him. We will do it right and we're doing it for each and everyone of you that seems to have slipped in the cracks as the giant machine rolls on by. Brass tacks as none of us are rich. We're just hotrod folk like yourself wanting to make a difference taking one day at a time. Like I've always said all it takes is one bolt a day and soon enough you will be done with your project. That being said Hold Tight . Im working on the new website and it should be able to fill that gap between now and the first issue back . Were taking Marks Child , now an unruly teenager , and putting it our there for all of you guys and gals to see. 2015 is gonna be awesome with everyones support. Just wait a few more days and we hope to see all 18 subscribers out at GNRS and all of you . Tim Sutton
Cool, always enjoyed reading Hop Up and the high-level of traditional content found in each issue. Looking forward to this new chapter of it.
Bonehead,with your contributions thus far to the hamb (4) half have expressed you disapproval to SEMA and not the magazine industry. Like it or not SEMA helps keep our hobby alive and well by having a lobby to help fend of legislation that could be used to effectively stop our hobby in it's tracks. Granted some magazines have gone the way of the dodo bird,and as you pointed out some went under because the big bucks stopped coming in,,the magazines are a business and for any business to survive there has to be a profit,for the company & the investors. But to sit behind you key board and throw a blanket over the magazine industry and condemn them all is absolutely inane. If you indeed read Ryan's post you should be totally aware that 4 people that eat,sleep and breath traditional hot rods and customs are throwing their hearts,souls and cash to bring back a magazine that has always been healed in high esteem by a huge majority of like minded folks,,read that Hambers. I'm sure there are other BONEHEAD pessimist like yourself but for my part I wish this newest reincarnation of Hop Up a long and successful run. HRP
Yeah,ready anytime you guys set it up. BTW,I really like the count down clock! HRP
x2 Also, I pray that you have a GOOD business model. Passion will take you a long way toward success, but not all the way.
This is great news. Its refreshing to see so many independent hot rod and custom magazines coming out in the last few years. It's unfortunate that a classic title like Rod and Custom had to go away, but that wasn't because the content was lacking in quality. I'm looking forward to the first issue.
I'm wicked excited!! I've followed hop up since the second issue found it's way into my hands. It was always a beacon of truth in the form of small pages. I just hope everyone remembers to buy all the swag if we want to see this thing truly succeed. JohnnyA BTW...I hope you sell the "Hop Up is back AGAIN" pins online
How did a happy announcement devolve into boneheads dark little world? HOP UP is back and that is ALL that matters.
I am glad the 'Official' announcement has been made. I have been hearing the whispers of who was taking the reins and the names that have come out are truly Hot Rodders with passion and the drive. Because that is what it is going to take, not luck, but hard hard work. So this will be HOP UP part four, I await the first Issue,, will it be number 11?
From what I've seen on Instagram, it will be worth subscribing for sure, good luck and thanks... Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Sweet!!! I would look forward to Hop Up....I'm already beggin' my wife for parts money, but;....I'll sweet-talk her for a lil' bit more