So after much hand wringing and multiple cancellations in 2020 and early 2021, the Christmas tree at the starting line has finally turned green !! The 19th annual (in the 20th year) Lonestar Rod and Custom Round Up coming back to The Travis County Expo Center in Austin, Texas so water the horses, throw on the saddle and let's get this party started. Anyone who had registered for either the show in April 2020 or Sept 2020 or April 2021( I know, enough already) their registration will be honored and is in place already for the upcoming show this Sept 3rd and 4th at the Expo Center(as long as you did not get a previous refund). We have a lot great stuff in store as usual including great vendors, expansive swap meet, incredible hot rods and customs coming from all over the country, top fuel nitro cackle cars and some of the best live entertainment we have had since starting this show 20 years ago. Junior Brown, High Noon, John Doe (from the legendary band X, The Knitters and The Flesh Eaters), Marti Brom, Tomar and the FC's , the gang from Swelltune Records including Shaun Young and Willie Berry, The Peterson Brothers and McKinley James. Late night shows at The Continental Club and C-Boy's Heart and Soul with more bands like The Modern Don Juans, The Mike Flanigin Trio featuring JLV and hopefully the return of Jade Idol !! There will shows at Jo's Coffee on S. Congress on Friday and Saturday night, there will shows at Top Notch Drive-Inn all weekend. There will be Bar B-Q !!! Its was along excruciating wait for this, but we are coming back better than ever. It will be so great to see everyone and get back together. If you want to find out more about this great show and register your car, all the lowdown can be found at . Giddy up y'all!!
We can't wait to host everyone back here in Austin - man, we've missed it and all of you! Its gonna be a party for sure! Yes, if you registered previously and did not get a refund, we have held on to your registration through all of this. If its been so long you don't remember or just want to make sure of your status - just drop us a line at and we can confirm things for you.
Wanted to make the trip from Canada this year as it would have been better timing in Sept than April for my day job. But damn USA announcing their border restrictions until minimum end of August put a kibosh on those plans.