This is for a "yard" full of of them Delta CO not that far from me. I know the poor guy. Divorce...need I say more He also has a lot right in town. I took these for a friend a few months ago. M2 1988 Chrsyler New Yorker VIN Hard Top M3 1988 Chevrolet Camaro M4 1963 Chevrolet Impala 2dr Hard Top M5 1955 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M6 1964 Chevrolet Impala 2dr Hard Top M7 1958 Chevrolet Biscayne 4dr Sedan M8 1984 Chevrolet stepside pickup M9 1957 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M10 1946 Dodge Military 4x4 M11 1958 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M12 1958 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M13 1980 Chevrolet Van M14 1958 Chevrolet Delray 2dr sedan M15 1963 Chevrolet Impala 4dr Hard Top M16 1963 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M17 1958 Chevrolet Belair 2dr Hard Top M18 1963 Ford Galaxie 4dr Sedan M19 1956 Chevrolet Model 210 4dr Sedan M20 1963 Ford Galaxie 4dr Sedan M21 1963 Ford Fairlane 4dr Sedan M22 1963 Ford Fairlane 500 4dr Sedan M23 1956 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M24 1977 Chevrolet Nova 2dr Coupe M25 1956 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M26 1963 Ford Falcon Ranchero M27 1959 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M28 1978 Dodge Van M29 1963 Chevrolet Impala 4dr Sedan M30 1959 Chevrolet Impala 4dr Sedan M31 1959 Chevrolet El Camino M32 1960 Chevrolet Impala 4dr Sedan M33 1960 Chevrolet Impala 4dr Sedan M34 1960 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M35 1958 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M36 1960 Chevrolet Bealir 4dr Sedan M37 1960 Chevrolet Brookwood wagon M38 1974 Dodge Coronet 4dr Sedan M39 1960 Chevrolet Nomad 4dr Wagon M40 1973 Fiat Convertible M41 1973 Pontiac Grand Am M42 1962 Chevrolet Biscayne 4dr Sedan M43 1948 Pontiac 213 Slant Back 4dr Sedan M44 1973 AMC Gremlin M45 1954 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M46 1946 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M47 1938 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M48 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu 2dr M49 1972 Olds Cutlass M50 1950 DeSoto 4dr Sedan M51 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle 2dr HT Chevelle 2dr HT M54 1971 Ford Mustang kup M55 1960 Ford 4dr Sedan M56 1959 Ford Fairlane 4dr Sedan M57 1940 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M58 1961 Chevrolet Biscayne 4dr Sedan M59 1941 Plymouth 4dr Sedan M60 1967 Dodge Dart GT 2dr HT M61 1959 Ford Fairlane 4dr Sedan M62 1948 Studebaker Truck M63 1969 Olds Cutlass M64 1959 Ford Galaxie 500 4dr Hard Top M65 1964 Dodge Dart 4dr Sedan M66 1959 Chrysler Newport 4dr Sedan M67 1949 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M68 1968 Mercedes 4dr Sedan M69 1960 Ford Thunderbird M70 1937 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M71 1964 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M72 1927 International truck M73 1965 Chevrolet Impala 2dr Hard Top M74 1969 AMC Ambassador 2dr HT M75 1970 AMC Rebel 4dr Sedan M76 1952 Studebaker 2dr Sedan M77 1950 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M78 1959 Ford Fairlane 4dr Sedan M79 1966 Chevrolet Corvair Corsair M80 1973 Pontiac Catalina 4dr Sedan M81 1966 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Stationwagon M82 1964 Ford Fairlane 4dr Sedan M83 1968 Chevrolet Malibu 4dr Sedan M84 1962 Chevrolet Chevy II 4dr Sedan M85 1966 Olds F85 4dr Sedan M86 1963 Mercury Meteor 4dr sedan M87 1963 Cadillac 2dr Hard Top M88 1962 Ford Galaxie 4dr Sedan M89 1963 Chevrolet Impala 2dr Hard Top M90 1953 Pontiac 4dr Sedan M91 1960 Pontiac Catalina 4dr Sedan M92 1966 Chevrolet Impala 4dr Stationwagon M93 1969 Dodge Polara 2dr HT M94 1961 Chevrolet Biscayne M95 1961 Mercedes 4dr Sedan M96 1965 Plymouth Fury III 4dr Hard Top M97 1964 Pontiac Catalina 4dr Sedan M98 1964 AMC Rambler 4dr Sedan M99 Renault Coupe M100 1959 Ford 2dr SEdan M101 1976 Chevrolet Malibu 4dr Sedan M102 1952 Chevrolet 2dr Coupe M103 1970 Chevrolet Malibu 2dr Hard Top kup M106 1956 Olds 4dr Sedan M107 1956 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery M108 1970 Chevrolet Biscayne 4dr Sedan M109 1966 Buick SpeciaL 4dr Sedan M110 1972 Chevrolet Impala 4dr Sedan M111 1956 Buick 2dr Hard Top M112 1956 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M113 1975 Chevrolet Malibu 2dr HT M114 1955 Pontiac 4dr Sedan M115 1973 Chevrolet Nova 2dr Coupe M116 1973 Chevrolet NOva2dr Hatchback M117 1954 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M118 1953 Plymouth 4dr Sedan M119 1953 Olds 2dr Sedan M120 1974 Chevrolet Monte Carlo M121 1952 Olds 88 4dr Sedan M122 1954 Chrysler Windsor M123 1976 Chrysler Cordova 2dr Sedan M124 1947 Plymouth 2dr Stationwagon M125 1952 Ford 2dr Sedan M126 1946 Chevrolet TRuck M127 1964 Chevrolet Corvair convertible M128 1964 Chevrolet Corvair convertible M129 1950 Chevrolet Pickup M130 1946 DeSoto M131 1941 International PIckup M132 1950 GMC PIckup M133 1963 Chrysler Newport 4dr Sedan M134 1973 Ford Mustang 2dr Coupe M135 1971 Ford Mustang 2dr Coupe M136 1971 Ford Mustang Grande Coupe M137 1961 Plymouth Valiant 4dr M138 1971 Dodge Charger M139 1973 Dodge Sebring Plus M140 1963 Chrysler New Yorker M141 1967 Dodge Coronet 2dr Sedan M142 1967 Plymouth Barracuda M143 1967 Plymouth Barracuda M144 1968 Plymouth Barracuda M145 1965 Plymouth Barracuda M146 1942 Mercury 4dr Sedan M147 1969 Dodge Polara 4dr Sedan M148 1972 Plymouth Fury III 2dr Hard Top M149 1942 Ford 2dr Sedan M150 1965 Ford Mustang Coupe M151 1965 Plymouth Barracuda M152 1965 Plymouth Barracuda M153 1967 Plymouth Barracuda M154 1971 Mercury Cougar M155 1971 Ford Mustang M158 1972 Dodge Charger M159 1969 Plymouth Satellite M160 1972 Plymouth Duster M161 1973 Plymouth Satellite M162 1986 Chrysler Imperial M163 1973 Plymouth Satellite M164 1973 Dodge Charger M165 1963 Ford Fairlane 2dr Hard Top M166 1959 Ford StationWagon M167 1968 Ford Torino Fastback M168 1971 Ford LTD M169 1958 International PIckup M170 Chevrolet LUV Pickup M171 1968 Ford Torino 4dr Sedan M172 1963 Cadillac 4dr Hard Top M173 1968 Mercury Monteray M174 1972 Buick Skylark 4dr Sedan M175 1937 Olds 4dr Sedan M176 1949 Packard 4dr Sedan M177 1956 Olds 4dr Sedan M178 1959 Ford StationWagon M179 VW Bug M180 1956 Ford Country Sedan 2dr M181 1956 Ford Customline 2dr Sedan M182 1978 Chevrolet Camaro M183 1931 Durrant M184 1929 Plymouth M185 1968 Chevrolet Chevelle 4dr Sedan M186 1946 Ford Pickup M187 1941 GMC TRuck M188 1952 Cadillac 4dr Sedan M189 1952 Ford StationWagon M190 1965 Ford Mustang M191 1963 Ford Thunderbird M192 1973 Ford Galaxie M193 1962 Ford Thunderbird M194 1963 Chrysler Newport M195 1976 Pontiac Firebird M196 1972 Chevrolet Impala Custom 2dr Hard Top M197 1973 Chevrolet El Camino M198 1969 Chevrolet Impala 2dr Hard Top M199 1969 Chevrolet Impala 2dr Hard Top M200 1969 Chevrolet Impala 2dr Hard Top M201 1962 Buick LeSabre 2dr HT M202 1962 Buick LeSabre 4dr Sedan M203 1969 Ford Mustang M204 1967 Dodge Coronet 2dr HT M205 1964 Olds super 88 4dr Sedan M206 1966 Plymouth Satellite 2dr HT M207 1960 Dodge 4dr Sedan Delta 88 4dr HTM210 1955 Ford 4dr Sedan Sedan M211 1961 Plymouth Belvedere 4dr Sedan M212 1964 Ford Galaxie 2dr HT M213 1967 Buick Wildcat 2dr HT M214 1948 Pontiac 2dr Coupe M215 1971 Mercury Cougar M216 1965 Pontiac Catalina 4dr Sedan M217 1952 Pontiac Chiefton M218 1971 Pontiac Lemans Sport M219 1962 Pontiac Star Chief 4dr Sedan M220 1965 Chevrolet Corvair Corsair 2dr HT M221 1963 Chevrolet Corvair 2dr Sedan M222 1969 Pontiac Grand Prix M223 1964 Pontiac Grand Prix M224 1955 Chevrolet 210 4dr sedan M225 1959 Pontiac Catalina Stationwagon M226 1963 Pontiac Cataline 2dr HT M227 1961 Dodge 4dr Sedan M228 1973 Chevrolet El Camino M229 1966 Dodge Coronet 440 M230 1977 Ford Ramchero M231 1961 Mercury M232 1962 Ford Fairlane M233 1973 Dodge Charger M234 1965 Ford PIckup M235 1961 Ford Falcon M236 1974 Plymouth Duster M237 1968 Buick Wildcat 2dr HT M238 1973 Chevrolet Impala 4dr SEdan M239 1956 GMC PIckup M240 1977 Pontiac Grand Prix M241 1989 Olds Firenza M242 1965 Ford Fairlane 2dr HT M243 1969 Olds Custlass 2dr HT M244 1962 Chevrolet Impala 4dr SEdan M245 1964 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M246 1962 Ford 4dr Station Wagon M247 1964 Ford Falcon 4dr Sedan M248 1964 AMC Rambler 4dr Station wagon M249 1966 Plymouth Sport Fury 2dr HT M250 1969 Chevrolet STationwagon M251 1955 Plymouth 2dr Sedan M252 1963 Dodge 4dr SEdan M253 1963 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M254 1969 Ford Torino 2dr HT M255 1966 Chevrolet Impala 2dr HT M256 1969 Olds Custlass 2dr HT M257 1968 Ford Galaxie 4dr Sedan M258 1977 Chevrolet El Camino M259 1972 Olds Cutlass M262 1965 Ford Galaxie 500 onet 4dr Sedan er 4dr HT M263 1969 Mercury Cougar M264 1973 Ford F250 pickup M265 1956 International M266 1964 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M267 1965 Ford Fairlane 4dr STa5tion Wagon M268 1956 Chevrolet Suburban M269 1969 Ford Ranchero M270 1958 Chevrolet PIckup M271 1960 International PIckup M272 1937 Chevrolet Pickup M273 1954 Chevrolet 5 window pickup M274 1968 English Ford M275 1963 Chevrolet Corvair M276 1965 Plymouth Belvedere station wagon M277 1965 Chevrolet Belair 4dr M278 1977 Chevrolet Malibu 4dr M279 1977 Ford Ranchero M280 1962 Olds F85 Stationwagon M281 1972 Buick Skylark 2dr HT M282 1969 Mercury Montego MX M283 1961 Ford Unibody pickup M284 1961 Ford Unibody pickup M285 1977 Chevrolet Camaro M286 1947 Jeep PIckup M287 1963 Ford Stepside PIckup M288 1969 Mercury Cougar M289 1967 Mercury Cougar M290 1977 Chevrolet Camaro M291 1966 Ford Fairlane M292 1966 Plymouth Fury 4dr Sedan M293 1966 Buick Skylark M294 1979 Plymouth Valiant 2dr M295 1977 Chevrolet Malibu 4dr Sedan M296 1963 Chevrolet 2dr Suburban M297 1953 Chevrolet Gas Truck M298 1952 Ford 2dr SEdan M299 1961 Chevrolet Corvair Rampside Pickup M300 1963 Chevrolet pickup M301 1950 Pontiac 2dr M302 1970 Dodge Coronet 2dr HT M303 1969 AMC Rebel 2dr HT M304 1965 Pontiac Catalina 4dr Sedan M305 1966 Plymouth Valiant M306 1957 Ford 4dr Sedan M307 1970 Mercury Cougar XR7 M308 1967 Ford Thunderbird M309 1966 Ford Thunderbird M310 Trumph Harold M311 1951 Dodge Wrecker M314 International Scout International Scout M315 1965 Plymouth M316 1965 Ford M317 1953 Chevrolet M318 1965 Ford M319 1956 GMC M320 1949 Chevrolet M321 1958 Ford M322 1969 Ford M323 1974 Ford M324 1979 Chevrolet Belvedere 4dr Sedan 3/4 ton pickup Truck Pickup 3/4 ton pickup Thunderbird Thunderbird 4dr Suburban M325 1941 International Pickuip M326 1958 Ford M327 1956 Ford 4dr Sedan M328 1946 Chevrolet Truck M329 1961 MG M330 1934 International PIckup M331 1953 Chevrolet M332 1953 Plymouth M333 1950 Nash M334 1959 Chrysler M335 1973 GMC M336 1953 Chevrolet M337 1963 Chrysler M338 1952 Pontiac M339 1988 Chevrolet M340 1951 Dodge M341 1955 Ford M342 1955 Ford M343 1951 Ford M344 1940 Chevrolet M345 1965 Chrysler M346 1977 Chevrolet M347 1968 Olds M348 1965 Ford M349 1958 Plymouth M350 1968 Plymouth M351 1965 Chrysler M352 1955 Ford M353 1955 Ford M354 1955 Ford M355 1955 Ford M356 1978 Buick Truck 4dr SEdan Stateman Supreme New Yorker 4dr PIckup 4dr 4dr SEdan 4dr SEdan S10 Blazer 4dr sedan 4dr SEdan 4dr SEdan 4dr SEdan 4dr SEdan 4dr SEdan 4dr SEdan Toronado Falcon Station W agon Fury 2dr HT Valiant 4dr New Port 4dr SEdan 2dr SEdan 2dr SEdan 2dr SEdan LeSabre M357 1941 International 1 1// ton truck M358 1967 Olds M359 1953 Plymouth M360 1965 Plymouth M361 1976 Chrysler M362 1948 Ford M363 1965 Chevrolet Cutlas 4dr HT 2dr HT Barracuda New Yorker 2dr Sedan pickup Impala 4dr Hard Top Hard Top up Cab and Fr ame M366 1956 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M367 1967 Chevrolet Stock Car M368 1948 Chrevrolet Slantback 2dr Sedan M369 1982 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe M370 1941 Ford 2dr SEdan M371 1971 Pontiac Grand Ville 4dr Hard Top M372 1964 Mercury Park Lane 4dr Sedan M373 1969 Plymouth Satellite 4dr Sedan M374 1973 Chevrolet Impala 4dr M375 1950 Studebaker 4dr Sea M376 1954 Lincoln Capri M377 1961 Ford Unibody Pickup Short wheelbase M378 1965 Plymouth Fury 2dr HT M379 1966 Mercury Monteray M380 1976 Ford Mustang Cobra M381 1951 Mercury 4dr Sedan M382 1958 Mercury 4dr M383 1964 Pontiac Bonneville 4dr HT M384 1962 Ford Galaxie 4dr HT M385 1959 Ford 4dr Sedan M386 1961 Pontiac Chiefton M387 1973 AMC Javelin purple M388 1977 Olds 88 4dr Sedan M389 1961 Chevrolet Belair M390 1942 Buick Special 4dr SEdan M391 1969 Chevrolet Biscayne 2dr M392 1978 Olds Toronado M393 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle M394 1955 Olds 2dr Ht M395 1972 Chevrolet Nova 2dr Coupe W recked M396 1961 Chevrolet Corvair Van M397 1939 Studebaker 4dr Sedan M398 1946 Pontiac 4dr Sedan M399 1971 Pontiac Grand Prix M400 1973 Chevrolet Monte Carlo M401 1986 Ford T-bird M402 1986 Nissan Sentra M403 1951 DeSoto 4dr Sedan M404 1963 Cadillac 4dr Hard Top M405 1964 Olds 2DR HT M406 1969 Ford Ranchero M407 1968 Pontiac Bonnevile 4dr M408 1960 Dodge Polara 4dr Sedan M409 1960 Dodge Polara 2dr M410 1950 Ford 4dr Sedan M411 1955 Ford STationwagon M412 1968 Ford Mustang M413 1927 Buick Frame and Parts M414 1955 Pontiac 2dr HT M415 1972 Pontiac LeMan M418 4dr Sedan 1973 Mercury M419 1951 Chevrolet 2dr Sedan M420 1953 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M421 1951 Chevrolet 4dr M422 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline M423 1967 Olds 4dr Sedan M424 1972 Pontiac Grand Prix M425 1937 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M426 1961 Chevrolet Corvair Van M427 1958 Ford Pickup Shortbox M428 1961 AMC Rambler M429 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle M430 1968 Olds Delmont Convertible M431 1970 Cadillac Eldorado M432 1970 Cadillac Eldorado M433 1978 Cadillac Eldorado M434 1946 Chevrolet Pickup Cab and Frame M435 1957 Chevrolet 4dr Station Wagon M436 1963 Buick Electra 4dr Sedan M437 1964 Buick LeSaber 4dr Sedan M438 1963 Buick LeSabre 4dr Sedan M439 1957 Buick Special 4dr SEdan M440 1955 Buick Special #41 Series M441 1953 Buick Special 2dr HT M442 1952 Buick 2dr HT M443 1950 Buick 2dr HT M444 1949 Buick Special 4dr SEdan M445 1950 Buick Special 4dr SEdan M446 1950 Buick Special 2dr Sdan M447 1951 Buick 2dr Slantback M448 1939 Buick 4dr SEdan M449 1956 Buick 2dr HT M450 1966 Buick Electra 225 2dr HT M451 1963 Buick Wildcat 2dr HT M452 1963 Buick Wildcat 2dr HT M453 1956 Chevrolet Pickup 3/4 ton no box M454 1970 Olds Delta 88 2dr HT M455 1956 Buick Century 4dr HT M456 1959 Chrysler Newport 4dr Sedan M457 1954 Chevrolet 210 4dr sedan M458 1950 Hudson 4dr Sedan M459 1965 Ford Mustang M460 1965 Ford Mustang M461 1950 Hudson 4dr Sedan M462 1950 Hudson 4dr Sedan M463 1939 Plymouth 4dr Sedan M464 1937 Plymouth 4dr Sedan M465 1940 Plymouth 4dr Sedan NO Frame M466 1953 Plymouth 4dr Sedan M467 1950 Dodge Meadow Brook 4dr Sedan ook 4dr Sedan M470 1953 Plymouth Cranbrook 4dr Sedan M471 1948 Plymouth 2dr Sedan M472 1950 Dodge 2dr Sedan Coronet M473 1946 Plymouth 2dr Sedan M474 1947 Dodge 4dr Sedan M475 1948 Chrysler New yorker 4dr Sedan M476 1938 Dodge 4dr Sedan M477 1937 Dodge 4dr Sedan M478 1955 Dodge Savoy 4dr Sedan M479 1936 Plymouth Body 4dr Sedan M480 1948 DeSoto Firedome Stationwagon M481 1951 Chrysler Windsor 4dr Sedan M482 1950 Plymouth Meadow Brook 4dr Sedan M483 1940 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M484 1951 Plymouth 4dr Sedan NO Front clip M485 1960 Plymouth 2dr Ht M486 1960 Plymouth Plaza 2dr Stationwagon M487 1963 Ford Falcon 2dr Stationwagon M488 1971 AMC Javalin M489 1973 AMC Javalin M490 1950 Pontiac 2dr Sedan M491 1953 Pontiac 4dr Sedan M492 1953 Pontiac 4dr Sedan M493 1971 AMC Javalin M494 1953 Olds 88 2dr Sedan M495 1963 Dodge Polara 4dr Sedan M496 1950 DeSoto 4dr Sedan M497 1953 Packard 4dr Sedan M498 1955 Pontiac 2dr HT M499 1956 Chevrolet Delary 2dr Sedan M500 1940 Mercury 2dr Sedan M501 1937 Buick 4dr Sedan M502 1948 Buick 4dr Sedan M503 1939 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4dr Sedan M504 1947 Plymouth Deluxe 4dr Sedan M505 1941 Dodge 4dr Sedan M506 1947 Chrysler Windsor 4dr Sedan M507 1955 Chevrolet Belair 4dr SEdan M508 1942 Ford 2dr Sedan M509 1942 Mercury 4dr Sedan M510 1946 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan STyleMaster M511 1941 Chevrolet Master Deluxe 2dr Sedan M512 1941 Chevrolet Special Deluxe 4dr Sedan M513 1947 Chevrolet Fleet Master 2dr Sedan M514 1948 Dodge Coupe Rolled M515 1941 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M516 1960 Plymouth Belvedere 4dr Sedan M517 1949 Pontiac 2dr Sedan M518 1946 Pontiac Coupe M519 1939 Dodge 4dr Sedan ador Custom 4dr Sedan M522 1964 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Stationwagon M523 1959 Pontiac Catalina 4dr Sedan M524 1963 Ford Falcon Squire Stationwagon M525 1973 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible M526 1973 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible M527 1978 Cadillac Eldorado M528 1977 Cadillac Coupe DEVille M529 1968 Cadillac Cooupe DeVille M530 1975 Cadillac Sedan DEVille 4dr HT M531 1976 Cadillac Sedan DeVille M532 1968 Cadillac 4dr Hard Top M533 1963 Cadillac Fleetwood 4dr HT M534 1966 Cadillac 4dr HT M535 1966 Cadillac 2dr HT M536 1966 Cadillac Fleetwood 4dr HT M537 1966 Cadillac 4dr HT M538 1962 Cadillac 2dr HT M539 1963 Cadillac 2dr HT Wrecked M540 1960 Cadillac 2dr HT M541 1957 Cadillac 4dr HT M542 1948 Cadillac 4dr Sedan M543 1964 Chevrolet II 4dr Stationwagon M544 1957 Ford 4dr Sedan M545 1966 Ford Fairlane 4dr Sedan M546 1965 Chevrolet Corvair Convertible M547 1965 Ford Fairlane 500 4dr Sedan M548 1963 Ford Falcon 4dr Sedan M549 1964 Mercury Comet 4dr Sedan M550 1964 Chevrolet Impala 4dr HT M551 1968 Olds Delta 88 4dr Sedan M552 1979 Lincoln TownCar M553 1960's Renault 4dr Sedan M554 1963 Chevrolet Impala 2dr HT M555 1980 Ford Mustang M556 1963 Ford Falcon Squire Stationwagon M557 1950 Buick Roadmaster 4dr Sedan M558 1959 Dodge 4dr Sedan M559 1942 Olds Convertible M560 1942 Olds Black Out Model 4dr Sedan M561 1947 Olds 2dr Coupe M562 1946 Olds 2dr Coupe M563 1947 Olds 2dr Coupe M564 1957 Olds Fiesta 4dr HT Stationwagon M565 1951 Olds 88 4dr Sedan M566 1965 Olds Jet Star I 2 DR HT M567 1966 Chevrolet Corvair Monza Convertible M568 1951 Pontiac 4dr Sedan M569 1968 Buick Skylark 2dr HT M570 1971 Olds Cutlass 2dr Ht M571 1936 Dodge 1 1/2 ton Truck 2dr Ht HT M574 1960 Chevrolet Impala 4dr Sedan M575 1968 Chevrolet Corvair 300 2dr Ht M576 1961 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M577 1961 Chevrolet Impala 4dr Sedan M578 1964 Chevrolet Biscayne 4dr Sedan M579 1963 Chevrolet Imapal 4dr Sedan M580 1956 Buick Century 4dr Ht M581 1960 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M582 1966 Chevrolet Caprice 2dr Ht M583 1951 Chevrolet 4dr Sedan M584 1967 Cadillac Sedan DeVille M585 1960 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M586 1971 Chevrolet Chevelle 2dr HT M587 1960 Chevrolet 2dr Suburban M588 1964 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Stationwagon M589 1956 Chevrolet #210 4dr Sedan M590 1949 Chevrolet Deluxe 4dr Sedan M591 1962 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M592 1964 Chevrolet Corvair 2dr Sedan M593 1963 Ford Falcon Ranchero M594 1966 Chevrolet Belair 4dr SEdan M595 1977 Chevrolet Malibu Classic 2dr Sedan M596 1957 Chevrolet 2dr Sedan M597 1941 International Truck M598 1950 Studebaker 4dr Sedan M599 1947 Studebaker Land Cruiser 4dr Sedan M600 1965 Corvair Monza Convertible M601 1936 Ford Truck 1 1/2 ton M602 1961 Ford F250 Unibody Pickup M603 1948 Ford F-5 Truck M604 1941 Dodge 1/2 ton pickup M605 1960 International S-170 Truck M606 1952 Ford 1 1/2 ton Truck M607 1941 Chevrolet 2dr Sedan M608 1946 Chevrolet 2dr Sedan M609 1953 Chevrolet 2 ton Truck M610 1941 International 2 ton Truck M611 1950 Ford 4dr Sedan M612 1960 Chevrolet Impala 4dr Sedan M613 1955 Buick Super 4dr Sedan M614 1957 Ford 4dr Sedan M615 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 4dr Sedan M617 1959 Edsel Ranger 4dr Sedan M618 1939 Graham Sharknose Coupe M619 1947 Pontiac Roadster M620 1959 Ford Fairlane 500 2dr HT M621 1962 Ford Convertible M622 1959 Edsel Ranger 2dr Sedan M623 1958 Ford Fairlane 2dr Ht M624` 1955 Chevrolet Belair 2dr Sedan Impala 2 dr HT Chevelle 2dr HT M627 1973 Chevrolet Sedan M628 1970 chevrolet Chevelle 2dr HT M629 1969 Pontiac Grand Prix M630 1966 Chevrolet Sportsman Van M631 1953 GMC 1 1/2 ton truck M632 1937 Chevrolet 1 1/2 ton Truck M633 1941 Dodge 1 Ton Truck M634 1946 Chevrolet 1 1/2 ton Truck M635 1935 Chevrolet 1/2 ton pickup M636 1946 Chevrolet 1 1/2 ton Truck M637 1961 Ford Econoline Van M638 1950 International L110 1/2 ton pickup M639 1948 Packard Hearse M640 1962 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M641 1966 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu 4dr Sedan M642 1956 Chevrolet Belair 4dr Sedan M643 1964 POntiac Grand Prix M644 1963 Pontiac Grand Prix M645 1973 Fiat Convertivble M646 1973 Pontiac GraGrand Ville Convertible M647 1962 Ford Galaxie 500 XL convertible M648 1959 Ford Galaxie 500 4dr Sedan M649 1955 Mercury 2dr Sedan M650 1960 Lincoln 4dr HT M651 1960 Lincoln 2dr HT M652 1967 Lincoln 4dr HT M653 1965 Lincoln Continental 4dr HT M654 1973 Lincoln Continental 2dr HT M655 1960 Mercury 4dr Sedan M656 1965 Mercury 4dr Sedan M657 1963 Mercury 4dr Sedan M658 1966 Mercury Montclair 2dr HT M659 1964 Mercury 2dr HT M660 1965 Ford Galaxie 500 4dr HT M661 1965 Ford Galaxie 4dr Sedan M662 1965 Ford Galaxie 500 2dr HT M663 1971 Ford Mustang Coupe M664 1968 Mercury Cougar M665 1968 Mercury Courgar M666 1971 Ford Galaxie 500 XL 2dr HT M667 1963 Ford T-bird M668 1975 Lincoln Mark IV M669 1952 Studebaker 2dr Sedan M670 1955 Mercury 4dr Sedan M671 1941 International Cab and fenders pickup M672 1964 Ford Galaxie 2dr HT M673 1964 Ford Custom 4dr Sedan M674 1956 Ford Customline 2dr Sedan M675 1963 Ford Fairlane 2dr Sedan M676 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 4dr Sedan Convertble Squire Woody Wagon M680 1957 Ford 4dr Sedan M679 1974 Plymouth Duster
my gawd !! auto pron , look at all that vintage tin shweeeeet wish i had a flatbed truck an some spare coin
i'll plan on being there. looks like a lot of good potential project cars. interesting sign of the times, i noticed in the info about the auction that there will be a reserve on all cars based on the price of scrap at the time of sale. nothing new, now you just don't have to waste time bidding against the scrapper.
August 15,16, and 17 if needed. I'll be going to the sale coming from Mich, on the way to Bonneville, hopefully I can afford the fuel for the whole trip! Auction is the Friday and Saturday before Speedweek starts, and Sunday if needed. Don't have a trailer big enough for just the few I want, will try and bring a 2 car trailer and hope to come home with something. Maybe a Hamb lunch at the sale?
I'm debating if I should go to this or not...there is pretty much one car that I would be trying for and with some people's deep pockets the drive might not be worthwhile for me. A few months ago I tried an auction for a model A coupe and didn't stand a chance against some crazy people paying high prices for beat cars. Can I just call dibs and have fellow HAMBers take out the competition? If I end up coming out for it I would be up for some kind of gathering if everyone else is game.
Posted a few days ago....look under 800 car auction. If you are in the middle of the country and want to be buying tin....keep Vanderbrinks website as a favorite, they get a couple of these a year.
My brother used to work for Orval years ago, when that corner lot was a Texaco station. Orval has a buttload of cars out there, all high desert cars - remember, western Colorado doesn't use salt in the winter - and there are bound to be some deals. I grew up there, and know exactly where all those cars are at. Good excuse to go back for a couple of days - if I had the scratch to pick a couple more up!!!
You can see all the cars and even bid on them from home on ebay