"We've heard about you. Any clod who'd butcher a cherry deuce, doesn't deserve to get in...…...Humph!...….You know where you can go!" Is that @SUHRsc standing there with a goofy look on his face?
Well, never butchered a Deuce...but I sure have butchered (hot rodded, improved?) a lot of other earlyV8 Fords ! Guess we know where I'm going...
Drive a nice older restored 32 coup to lunch A few days later it was in a million pieces. A 502 resides in it now.
I guess there is gonna be one hell (get it?) of a HAMB reunion down there some day I imagine all the Hot Rods in Hell have major overheating problems
Maybe it was for the best. Some might consider spending eternity with a crowd of die-hard restorers to be a very special kind of hell.
I have never seen anything ,,,that was that sacrilegious in my life ! And what kind of ministry would that be ? Weird ! And to have the name of Jesus in there was super bad ! Tommy
Man, this guy is a goner...…hahaha https://www.earlyfordv8.org/classifieds.cfm?t=For Sale&c=Parts&id=14729