30 X 40 metal, fully insulated, I done all electrical, 3200 sq. ft. of concrete (slab, parking, and drive). 8,500 for building and 11,000 for concrete.
The problem not the material or the price of the bldg itself but the labor to put it up. in some place labor so high it can triple the price of the bldg
I've hired a few things done, never with satisfaction. If I'm not allowed do it myself and my way, I will find another place to build.
I am in the process of building a 24' x 48' garage. So far about 15 grand. If you would like to see the progress and some help I had go to the Draglist message board at the below address. I had some good suggestions and some intereting additions. Check it out. http://draglist.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=222
last house i had. i rut up a 30x60 12ft ceilings 200 anp service fiber reinforced floor 6in thich couple of lights cost me $10,900 vinly sided 3 over head doors no man door. water line ran 150ft from well. after insulated lots of lights osb walls outlets man door ect. 16,000 plus.
Okay, this is the greatest story. Basically, I have a neighbor who used to be a logger back in the 50s. Him and his brother came to our house and cut down 2 huge trees that we wanted gone anyway, along with about a half dozen others that were way in the back of our property. They cut 'em down, cut them to length, dragged them out of the woods with their tractors, and brought a portable sawmill to our house to saw everything up for lumber. We had enough lumber for the garage plus way more extra. Every stick of wood in this thing came from our backyard. Cost? $1028. No shit. Not including the concrete pad, which we boxed out ourselves and just called the concrete trucks in to pour, that was $922 total. As you can see in the picture, I'm not done yet, but it's a good start. I have all the boards for the siding, they're from the trees, too. Found an ad for metal roofing panels in the local classifieds, paid $250 for all of it, enough to do the whole thing. Got a pair of 10x10 garage doors for 40 bucks, an 8x8 garage door for the workshop for free on Craigslist, and a pair of steel entry doors for the workshop from the Habitat For Humanity store, $25 for the pair with the frame. Only thing I had to buy new from the store is 150lbs of nails, about 90 bucks. Did this all by myself with some help here and there by a couple friends and my girlfriend. It's 24x40 for the main part, with a 24x20 attached workshop. I can comfortably fit 6 fullsize cars in the main part with the car doors open.