Diecast/toy cars: Primarily 1/43rd from TV and movies and from certain WRC rallies and some Japanese stuff. Also certain 1/64th Johhny Lightnings and Muscle Machines and Choro Q. Have about 6500 total. Lately have been collecting diecast from the Pixar CARS movie with my daughter.
I collect hotrod parts.......and then I BUILD a car out of them. Whatever is left gets sold to guys who will USE the stuff.
Mosrite guitars and original movie posters... Horror, Film Noir, etc... I've also started collecting old cameras, both movie and still.
I collect old Gilbert/American Flyer trains... Primarily HO but I recently started a nice collection of S guage stuff. These are all HAMB compliant too! Last of the Gilbert HO was made in 63' and the S guage died in 65'... One of my boxed sets from 1955...
a small portion of my model boxes... http://www.kodakgallery.com/Slidesh...&Uy=-wshx4d&Ux=0&UV=117727348423_284068880210
You mean like Collectors Anonymous!!!!! Hi, my name is Doug and I've been collecting die-cast cars and anything else I think is neet.....let's see there's the key chains.....unique beer glasses....shot glasses.....The thing that I really want to collect is money, But I can't find anyone that will give me a good deal on any!!!!
I used to be in to the WW2 stuff, sold most of it and bought my first (2) 1956 Chevys. I've have some cool hotwheel size cars, but has slowed down since I got a curio cabinet for them. I've got some airline collectables (haven't been out since I got married). I've got most of my Grandpa's pilot and flying magazines. Got an RC plane and helicopter, which takes a lot of my attention from my car. I have recently collected nearly all of my Grandpa's tools, mostly wood working, including a cool 50's ShopSmith 10-ER that is mostly there and working. I'll be getting rid of the rest of the WW2 stuff soon if anyone is interested. Mostly consists of Home Front items. Ryan, I got a WW2 era Allerton watch with a Stainless Steel custom band you might be interested in. Was working when I was doing the living history thing. The crystal was replaced before I got it (plastic). Was owned by a Navy man in the war.
Starr soda bottle openers,Hot Wheels,Vinyl albums,model cars,El Paso Red Flame items,Neon clocks,Coca-Cola items,picnic coolers.
the past few months it seems like i have been collecting dept..07 malibu ss and Lincoln technical institue tuition, wedding, Way to many Small block chevy parts, and blowing money on my cavalier and my 51 chevy..
I collect mostly Hot Wheels, everything nazi, skateboards, magazines, 1/24 1/25 Modelkits, Comics, Tim&Strupi stuff(france comic), Audi Parts, Vincent Price Movies and olds mobile crap. Anybody want to buy my collection of German Beer coasters? got lots of em. Anybody interested in the premier issue of Garage?? Also got #2 #3 and #4 twice. So pm me
I collect headlights, taillights and metal coolers. There is one brand name that I collect...American Bosch. I love the logo and grab anything with it. I've got switches, mags, coils, wiper motors, and a gas gauge. The gas gauge is cool. It's from the early 20's and works a little different than your average gas gauge. You have to turn the needle and when it lights up that's how much gas you have. Under a 1/4 tank it lights up autoamtically.....cool! Clark
Deja vu all over again!- I collect beer cans and brewerania, diecast cars, Fiats, Alfas and other Italian cars, and just about every other thing you can think of (like this 7 foot tall dealership sign). Here's some random photos of my stuff.
Model cars..... Lotsa model cars..... I have over 300. I build them when possible. Here are a few I built.
I collect HO or 1/64th scale models of cars I've owned, and other, neat ones, too. 1/43rd scale Citroëns, any and all, though I challenge myself to a price limit, usually $10.00. Picked up an SM for 25 cents at a local swap, that was nice!! Slide rules, I have about 10. But by far the most interesting collection, and one that is not unique, other than the size of my personal collection, is Ex-Wives!! I've got three of 'em, one of whom pays ME for the priviledge!! I must be doing something either very wrong, or reasonably right, because I still have the same house as before the first!! They are, in order: Plain white chick. Crazy (documented) alcohol-and marijuana-dependent (again, documented) hillbilly (just mention West Virginia and I break out in hives): Verbally-abusive Mexican (six years of psych at Universidad Anáhuac taught her something...): Now dating a Boricua...raised in the projects (Cabrini, no less), lesson not learned, you think!!! Cosmo
Hot Wheels.....Cars the movie Cars...Vintage Bar ware....FAR TOO MUCH music on Vinyl & CD...Hot Rod Art by James Owens, Random junk...useless stuff...you know...