I collect 1936 USA, Canada and Mexico License Plates, I think I have enough now so I am over it! However I have just decided to start collecting copies of those old style door logo's that used to be painted on vehicles. If anybody has any out there please post them here. This is a copy of my 1st item. Thanks, Russ. Damn pic wont post, sorry. Send your any ways.
Here is a photo of your door art Russ. You will get the hang of posting photos someday. Don't be too hard on him guys. He has a ton of very cool stuff.
Yeah road kill sounds cool, any pic's or help on how to attach, this is killing me and doing no good for my blood pressure. Paul, I think your pic did not attach!
WOW where did you find that !..................It was collecting dust over at so in so's place,,,,,,,,,,,,,Shit I can't stop laughing !
That set I showed above was $39.40 in 1927. I wish they were that cheap now! Heres my circa 1925-26 set. This one has been repainted.
I like to collect a wide variety of shit nobody else has. That way when people visit the clubhouse the can't say I GOT ONE OF THOSE and when they leave they usually want to collect something I've got>>>>.
wow i have these tools not in the box but lose mixed in my tools very cool i use the stuff all the time
I collect casino craps dice, which is fitting since I live in Las Vegas. I really like the logos they used in the 50's and 60's. I also like most other items with logos from long-closed Vegas casinos.
i collect illinios license plates. i have a set from 1932 all the way up until 1979 (when they started with the sticker idea). i have a matched set of plates from every year. my dad started this collection for me before i was born, and the majority of them came from the same guy. all of the plates he had were on his car over the years. he saved them every year until he died in 1965. my dad got the plates from his wife, and then my dad started adding his plates to the collection from 1965 on. my favorites plates are from the w.w.2 era because they were made out of a soybean / cardboard material.
I collect little pieces of green paper with dead presidents pictures on them. I am not very good at it though Ron
I collect 1949 Chevrolet stuff. dealer items and stuff you don't see. I just bought a salesmans training kit with records and filmstrips, as well as several training booklets. I also collect pre-war pressed steel toy cars and airplanes..
I collect odd parts and pieces that I may someday need for some useful project that I haven't thought of yet. Doesn't everybody?
A few years back I was collecting unpaid accounts until I got tapped on the shoulder and was told you dont collect them you pay them or else. To Lucky77, I say dont set any patterns with those fingers because I ssen what those guys can do on that TV show Criminal Minds. Change collecting habits before they catch up with you, maybe toes next. Green paper and Route 66 stuff is good and license plates well they are close to my heart, but trying to own them all was hurting my green paper collection. Probably have the same problem with ex-wifes, ex-girl friends would be cheaper.