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History What Ever Happened to..........?

Discussion in 'Traditional Customs' started by OG lil E, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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  2. Boy, sometimes it takes me a while to to catch up with different threads and posts here on the HAMB and put everything together. I've been following along with 57JoeFoMopar's thread about the Olds, and I remember reading that the Olds was purchased from Manny. This is the same Manny associated with the sweet '51 Mercury "Baby Blue" and the '55 Ford "Stray Kat Strut". Now it all fits. Thanks for posting Joe!
    So sorry to find out that Manny is no longer with us. Rest in Peace Mr. Bastio..........E
  3. demmel
    Joined: Jul 19, 2009
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    from New Jersey

    On Facebook Anthony White has a great group called “East Coast Kustom Pics Pre 1990 and a here are the pics of the Chevy being flamed by the Fonz and Jim the Jersey Torch that Chris Dargue posted

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  4. demmel
    Joined: Jul 19, 2009
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    from New Jersey

    post #228 pics From Lead East - Meadowlands NJ
    williebill, Sancho, stanlow69 and 3 others like this.
  5. Love the pics! So cool! E
    williebill, 54delray, Sancho and 2 others like this.
  6. demmel
    Joined: Jul 19, 2009
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    from New Jersey

    LeadEast video stills

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  7. demmel
    Joined: Jul 19, 2009
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    from New Jersey

    williebill, OG lil E, Sancho and 2 others like this.
  8. demmel
    Joined: Jul 19, 2009
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    from New Jersey

    also 98284E82-9C7C-47DE-8178-82FB5A3212D6.jpeg
  9. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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  10. demmel
    Joined: Jul 19, 2009
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    from New Jersey

    post 229 ... LeadEast 1994 video stills IMG_4016.jpg IMG_3973.jpg IMG_3977.jpg IMG_4011.jpg IMG_4012.jpg IMG_4014.jpg IMG_3965.jpg IMG_3967.jpg IMG_3971.jpg
  11. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    And picture`s of Bob`s interior. IMG_20200813_0005.jpg
  12. demmel
    Joined: Jul 19, 2009
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    from New Jersey

    LeadEast 1980s gc894b.jpg
    williebill, Sancho, 54delray and 5 others like this.
  13. demmel
    Joined: Jul 19, 2009
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    from New Jersey

  14. What Ever Happened To..........? number 231.

    1961 Ford Starliner
    Owner: Mike Griggs
    Morris, Illinois

    Well gang, I'm back, ready or not (lol)! The two weeks off didn't go as I had planned. The TV replacement turned into a fiasco as buying anything during this pandemic is a real pain in the a...., oops, I mean rear. So I'm still watching the red menace. I'm not sure when I'll get back to that. I did get my office and notes straightened out, and I even cheated a little and did some research here and there. The more I research, the more I'm starting to realize that it seems like I'm starting to run out of cars to cover. The sad reality of this whole thing is that many of the guys that were there in the early KKOA days and other shows in the late 70s throughout the 90s either aren't computer savvy, or sadly, have left this world to cruise on streets of gold. These great folks are (or were) walking encyclopedias of customs, and when we lose them we lose a legacy, that's for sure. Finding these original kustom pioneers and talking with them and learning more of these cars is getting harder and harder, and custom history is going through the pearly gates with them. If you're ever at a show and you see an "old timer" sitting alone maybe with his "missus", go over and talk to them. You will more than likely learn something and I'd be willing to bet you an ice cold Coca-Cola that you'll make their day as well!
    That happened to me last year at the Spectacular (2019). I was walking around the show when I spied the incredible Jack Peed '50 Chevy. I must have spent 20 minutes going around the car just taking it all in. I remembered the car from many magazine articles and Leadsled videos, and after all those years, this custom icon was sitting right in front of me! I poked my head in the car (at least as far as I could get it into the chopped window frames), then I got on my hands and knees and peered underneath. After I got back to my feet, I started snapping pictures of the interior, paint and custom body mod details and what ever else grabbed my eye. Well all this was going on I guess I was being watched, and some folks were getting quite a chuckle at my antics. Just as I was getting ready to walk away, I heard a little voice behind me saying "Young man, do you like my new custom?" I turned around and here is this little lady--cute as a button with a big straw hat on looking up at me. Now this should tell you how little she was. I'm usually the shortest guy in most groups, and if she was looking up at me you know she was tiny. I told her I loved the car and I remembered it from a long time ago. She then told me to push on a piece of chrome trim and the door opened. She told me to climb in and check it out. I declined saying I was dirty after being on my hands and knees, plus it was a hot day and I was a little sweaty. I did poke my head way in there though and got a good look at the cool home made teardrop knobs and the steering wheel. I remember the great smell of the old interior and thinking how Mr. Peed and many other folks sat in this car and cruised for many miles.
    A few minutes later the lady's husband came over and we started talking like we knew each other for years. Come to find out he also has a famous Mercury from California that has been at the Leadsled most years that I've been there. It is one of my favorites! He introduced himself and his wife. They are Herman and Diane Caudle from Ardmore, Oklahoma. We chatted some more about customs and history and he seemed impressed that a guy my age knew so much about the history of customs. I went on to tell him that custom history is a small hobby of mine, and then I mentioned the HAMB and this thread, and I invited him to check in someday. He went on to say he wasn't much of a computer guy, but maybe his son would help him get on here and check it out. All weekend long when I saw either of the Caudles walking around the show, they both said "Hello Eddie", every time! I don't know why they called me Eddie, as about the only ones who still call me that are my family and close friends, but I don't mind a bit. I consider the Caudles some of my new good friends! I can't wait to get back to the Leadsled or any other show they are at and sit and talk sleds with them for a while. So see? It pays to stop and check out that cool sled and talk to some of our elders and enjoy the stories and the company! That being said, we'll keep on keepin' on for as long as we can..........
    This week's custom is one of the very mild variety that I actually remember being in a magazine in the early 90s. Earlier this year, I caught the car on the 1992 Leadsled Spectacular video shot in Holland, Michigan. The car is a real standout with incredible detail and period correct accessories that make any old car fan drool. To top it off, the car was painted black over a flawless body with a white tuck'n'roll interior. It doesn't get much more traditional than that! I wasn't going to do a feature on this car because I only had some so so still DVD shots, but I came across the magazine a few months back. I thought it was in among the magazines lost in my basement flood a number of years back, but it was in another box with of all things some Lowrider Magazines! I don't know how it got there, but being where it was saved it!
    There was some great video footage of the car on the '92 video, but the camera was pretty much always in motion so the still shots are a little blurry. The first shot is a 3/4 shot showing the sleek Starliner roofline.

    Mike Griggs 61 Ford a 92LSS.JPG

    Moving to the front you can see one of the coolest early 60s accessories, an original Cal Custom tube grille.

    Mike Griggs 61 Ford b 92LSS.JPG

    Here's the frenched antenna on the right front fender, and another shot showing the antenna and the louvered hood.

    Mike Griggs 61 Ford c 92LSS.JPG

    Mike Griggs 61 Ford d 92LSS.JPG

    Looking inside there is plenty of tuck'n'roll all around. Note the floor shifter. This car was no slouch--a factory four speed hooked to the back of a hefty 401 horsepower 390!

    Mike Griggs 61 Ford e 92LSS.JPG

    The rear seat area..........

    Mike Griggs 61 Ford f 92LSS.JPG

    and the nicely detailed 390.

    Mike Griggs 61 Ford h 92LSS.JPG

    In the trunk the car looks like a big time early 60s show car. Chromed tools, painted and striped tool box and a tuck'n'roll spare tire cover as well as the top of the tool box!

    Mike Griggs 61 Ford g 92LSS.JPG

    Lucky for you custom faithful, I found the magazine this car was featured in, so you can take in all the greatness this sweet '61 Ford had to offer. Nice clear pictures so you can make out all the details!
    The car was featured in American Rodder in December 1993 on pages 40-43.

    Mike Griggs 61 Ford i AR Dec93 p40.png

    Mike Griggs 61 Ford j AR Dec 93 p41.png

    Mike Griggs 61 Ford k AR Dec 93 p42.png

    Mike Griggs 61 Ford L AR Dec93 p43.png

    From the side, the profile picture is just drop dead gorgeous! I admit I'm a fender skirt man, but this car doesn't need 'em. It has the mild custom but I'll blow your doors off look down cold! Nothing wrong with that!
    Funny that the only time I found the car at a Spectacular was in '92, and the American Rodder article is all I've ever found on it. What happened to this incredible mild custom Starliner? Maybe it's still prowling around Illinois somewhere, and if it is, I hope it still looks the way Mr. Griggs built it. Why mess with perfection?
    I hope everyone out there is well and you aren't going crazy. I hope you are still getting some fun and recreation in before the fall and winter sets in. Can you believe it's almost Labor Day? Funny how a summer that had so many restrictions and so little to do could go by so fast--not that I mind. Come on 2021!
    Before I close tonight, I wanted to wish Mark (@Moriarity) a belated Happy Retirement! Wishing you all the best in fun and relaxation. Congratulations on a well deserved rest! Enjoy my man!
    You guys take care and have an awesome week. See you next Tuesday! E
  15. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    thanks man!!
  16. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    So the Joliet Collision is owned by Bruce or Mike Cladwell (spelling) who won the Custom Car Revival top pic with his 60 Chevy. It also had a matching ice chest cooler. He has built alot of cars over the years in this style.
  17. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
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    Great return. Very interesting story about meeting that couple. Great car feature too. :)
    williebill, Sancho, 54delray and 2 others like this.
  18. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    bob cardwell.jpg
    Bob Cardwell. here is a pic of the 60 chev
  19. Now that the Tuesday evening rush to get the W.E.H.T. feature car posted is over, I can post a few pictures of the Caudle's customs. These first few pictures are of their awesome '51 Merc that I took at the Leadsled Spectacular in 2014.



    I love the interior in the Merc! Lots of 50s style eye candy to check out!


    Here's a picture of their car show sign that was sitting by the Mercury at the Spectacular in 2018. It tells some of the car's history and how it traveled from California and ended up in Oklahoma.


    The last picture of the Merc is a picture I got off the internet that has been posted many times. If I'm not mistaken, this custom gathering was at Lake Nacimiento in 1980 or so. This was just before the West Coast Kustoms Paso Robles show got started. I highlighted the Mercury in the picture as it was at this gathering. The car definitely has some history!

    Mercs at Lake Nacimiento 1980 b.jpg

    Here are a few pictures that I took of the Jack Peed Chevy at the Spectacular in 2019 when I met the Caudles. Can't wait to see these nice folks again! These customs are in good hands!
    Man, Jack's car is the cats ass! Another custom with lots of history. E





  20. I'd forgotten about that Starliner until you mentioned it. I remember now seeing it in AR way back when. Good dot connecting Jim...makes sense he's also the builder of that great '60 Chevy. The year after it won outstanding custom at Indy, he had it back with a similar styled yellow '62 Chevy. Both great cars.


    The Caudle's are great folks. They are generally at the Stray Kat and Lead Ain't Dead in Dewey each year. LAD is in just a few weeks.....y'all come on down!! :)
  21. stanlow69
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    Here is the frontal shot of the pic Ed posted. And a couple pic`s I took of the Merc. As you can see it has held up nicely. Always liked this Merc. IMG_20200826_0002.jpg IMG_20200826_0001.jpg
  22. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    Here’s a picture I have from the Holland Michigan show

  23. Austinrod
    Joined: Jun 14, 2012
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    from Austin

    Anybody recognize this 51 from the 80’s

    Sent from my iPad using H.A.M.B.
    OG lil E and chryslerfan55 like this.
  24. Rot 'n Kustom
    Joined: Sep 24, 2004
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    Rot 'n Kustom

    I used to see it regularly at Sled Scene East in Gettysburg and loved the stacked rectangular quad lights.
    I don't know the owner or builder, though. If I had to guess, maybe Cecil Proffit? He had a hand in lots of Virginia customs back then.
    OG lil E, loudbang and chryslerfan55 like this.
  25. John B
    Joined: Mar 9, 2001
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    John B

    Cecil Proffit did a 51 Merc but it didn't have the square quad headlights.
    OG lil E, loudbang and chryslerfan55 like this.
  26. stanlow69
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    It was mentioned earlier in this thread.
    drdave, Sancho, OG lil E and 2 others like this.
  27. Last edited: Aug 30, 2020
  28. Great pic, Mark. Thanks for sharing! E
  29. Fatkidscars
    Joined: Nov 27, 2011
    Posts: 561


    Well i have purchased the famous john schmidt 50 chopped merc, and am interested in know if John is still around, just like to keep the log book going on it.. heres a pic, and heres the previous color combo of the car,

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    Sancho, OG lil E, loudbang and 6 others like this.
  30. 54delray
    Joined: Dec 18, 2004
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    from Fremont NE

    Congrats on your new Merc. Hard to believe it is the same car. Glad you are interested in the history. Wish I could help you with your request.

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