OK I/m taking the plung. I just bought a 1968 Bookmobile. This is a one owner 1968 ford bookmobile, purchased new by the Colquitt county and used as the Moultrie library as there bookmobile. Unique paint sxheme to attrack young readers. The van has a 300 cubic inch Ford 6 clyinder engine with automatic trans, the van runs great but has VERY weak brakes, I think it needs a master cylinder or booster. It has ONLY 44,000 miles, air conditioning has been added, still has the book shelves in the back, dual rear wheels I bought it sight unseen and will pick it up this Wednesday.
excuse the french but F*CK YES. thats both awesome and hilarious. You need to get onto the main forum start a build thread and tell us your plans for it! Not sure if its gunna be HAMB friendly being a '68 but i'm interested to hear about a modified book mobile. Welcome.
Well my bookmobile will be here tomorrow. Getting excited. May even lose some sleep tonight. Plans so far is to just clean it up and see what we have. It will used for our antique store as well as our auction house in Lumpkin, GA. Need to see how the paint cleans up and then work on some graphics for our store. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. We were looking for a step van but could not pass this up. Just the advertising opportunities make it worth every penney.
Post a bigger pic on the Photoshop thread. Lotsa talent there, I'm sure someone can come up with something. By the way, welcome to the HAMB from Hawaii.
Welcome to the H.A.M.B. from Nor Cal and the Cam-Snappers Hot Rod Club! Check out the New club group! Love to have ya! http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/g...hp?groupid=619