Hi all, I've been asked if I can identify this car. After lots of research, I'm still not 90%. I want to say a 1928 Chevy 2 Door Touring, except there's no little headlight. And the running board has me a little stumped too. I've eliminated several brands, so I'm not reaching out to you. Any thoughts? Thanks!
I don't think so...compare visors and lower door bead moulding...side of Overland visor is longer and curved
No the belt lines are too wide on the overland. 28 chevy is probably correct because the 27 had a taller roof line. The splash aprons look correct also.
Many cars with the double belt lines, some have 3 hinges some 4. The visor is different than most, the closest I can find is a 1928 Chrysler, its the closest I can find, but doesn't look quite right. Whippet and Chandler were also similar.